New Arizona Registration Tally

On August 7, the Arizona Secretary of State compiled the July 1, 2015 registration tally. Arizona does this every three months. The new percentages are: Republican 34.04; Democratic 28.35; Libertarian .83; Green .145; Americans Elect .015; independents and unqualified parties 36.63%.

The April 1 2015 percentages were: Republican 34.21; Democratic 28.53; Libertarian .82; Green .147; Americans Elect .014; independents and unqualified parties 36.27.

Americans Elect will be removed from the ballot in a few months for failing to have .67%. The Greens are also below that standard but they won’t be removed because they petitioned for 2016 and parties that submit a petition get two elections. Therefore the Greens are also on for 2018.


New Arizona Registration Tally — 3 Comments

  1. The figures in this article are of no use because the political parties who are compiling the numbers have no plan in place for working with others.

    The Green and Libertarian Parties and others think that they will talk their way into a win, but they are trying to present themselves as the ones with the only correct answers instead of trying to attract team players who can vote as a diverse and inclusive entity.

    Year after year we see the same tired rhetoric by them, where their chairs will censor any fresh ideas from outsiders so they can dictate to others rather than welcome others by facilitating a voting system which factors in all the potential possibilities.

    Unfortunately, this pattern is set in cement for the near term, and I am making my deduction as one who did travel to both national conventions in 2012 as a POTUS candidate.

    Are you tired of seeing the same predictable mistakes year after year and election cycle after election cycle?

    Check out the new USA and International Parliaments, we’ve been using pure proportional representation successfully for twenty years and it works fine.

    We also have a company which is charged with counting the votes, it’s registered with the USA Securities and Exchange Commission and we’re selling our shares which increase in value by $0.25 cents a week until they are placed on the public market when the prices free float:

    We are planning to revolutionize corporate psychology in the future and our voting system allows both workers and investors to have balance of the board of directors, like no other USA company known before.

    We are a team of people interested in a unifying voting system and who have risen above the self-destructive psychology of plurality elections currently being used by almost 100% of the US political parties and corporations.

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