Lyndon LaRouche Doesn’t Approve of Donald Trump, but LaRouche Set Precedents that Would Help Trump if Trump Were To Make an Independent Run

If Donald Trump were to leave the race for the Republican nomination and run as an independent or minor party candidate in November 2016, he would be aided by many precedents set in the past by previous presidential candidates who ran in major party presidential primaries and then ran in the general election outside the major parties. These precedents show that sore loser laws don’t apply to presidential primaries, because no one is defeated for a presidential nomination in any single state’s presidential primary.

John Anderson ran in 22 Republican presidential primaries in 1980 and still got on the ballot in all states in November as an independent or minor party candidate. After Anderson, the individual who set the most precedents is Lyndon LaRouche, who sought the Democratic nomination in 1984, 1988, and 1992, and then ran as an independent in all three elections.

In 1992 alone, LaRouche set precedents in states in which Anderson had not set such a precedent. LaRouche ran in Democratic presidential primaries, and then got on the ballot as an independent the same year, in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin. In nine of those eleven states, that set a new precedent that Anderson had not set. Anderson had not run in presidential primaries in any of those LaRouche 1992 states except Louisiana and Massachusetts.

Notwithstanding that LaRouche’s past activity now helps Trump maintain flexibility, LaRouche does not approve of Donald Trump. See this August 14, 2016 article about Trump in the LaRouche organization’s publication Executive Intelligence Review.


Lyndon LaRouche Doesn’t Approve of Donald Trump, but LaRouche Set Precedents that Would Help Trump if Trump Were To Make an Independent Run — 7 Comments

  1. How about a 30-35 percent Prez winner ???

    INSTANT Civil WAR II ??? Duh.

    See lunatic extremist regimes such as France and the U.K.

    See the final ROT of the Roman Republic in 120 B.C. – 27 B.C. — KILLER Augustus Caesar takeover.

    Abolish the SUPER timebomb Electoral College.
    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Natural Born Citizen Party National Committee
    candidate-elector-voter 2016 CINC POTUS NBCP-NC

  3. I’ve read Larouche since Larouche’s run in 2000. I would say Trump is the new Larouche. Several reasons. Tariffs. Nationalism. Social Security. Don’t let anybody die in the streets. Make friends with Russia. The Chinese are much smarter than our leaders– be sure to make good deals. Currency exchange rates should be dealt with. Should I go on?

  4. Oh I’ve been reading about La Rouch since 2009. I would not surprise me if Trump hasn’t been inspired by La Rouch. Both are anti Trade pro Russia and anti NATO. It was La Rouch who opposed Obama care and in Tea Party rallies posted Obama as Adolf Hitler. This is how the right got the concept that Democatic Party is fascistic.

  5. I strange as Mr. Lyndon La Rouche, have very unqualified comments about President Obama, I have many more than 20 follower years of Lyndon because I am an economist and admired for their politicians analysis for years not only in the United States, also the rest of the world, but lately comments about Obama I think is exaggerated, knowing Lyndon written in their publications about the mismanagement that was to Bush in his time and that Obama has not been easy to solve these problems inherited and not denying that the economy in these last 8 years has improved and rather attracted more foreign investors especially market Real Estate and alternative Energy, and recalls Mr. Lyndon that this government had to give money to the auto companies and banks to prevent further unemployment and a fall even more of the domestic economy and remind you also that as part of these loans by the banks and some of them have been reimbursed to the American State through interest, we are not unjust and rather make critical more constructive and not destructive

  6. About Donald Trump in my opinion this is a big mistake that many Americans will pay for the lack of education of our citizens to have the ability to analyze and investigate the potential leaders of an important nation as the United States! for the first time I feel the great shame of belonging to a nation that was much admired by the rest of the world for being multicultural and respect deserved the Americans, I think Donal have custom in these short time divide, which is not what It represents the United States of North America

  7. To Rosemary who wrote
    Rosemary Osnato on August 17, 2016 at 10:52 pm said:
    Oh I’ve been reading about La Rouch since 2009. I would not surprise me if Trump hasn’t been inspired by La Rouch. Both are anti Trade pro Russia and anti NATO. It was La Rouch who opposed Obama care and in Tea Party rallies posted Obama as Adolf Hitler. This is how the right got the concept that Democatic Party is fascistic.

    My answer
    It’s not honest to say both are “anti-trade”. The truth is found in the finer distinction of “free trade” vs. “fair trade” or Trump’s “trade that makes sense”. The inverse of “trade” is “self sufficiency”– and to call “self sufficiency” by that label “anti trade” is to deny that “self sufficiency” is a plus. Economies should be a healthy combination of self sufficiency and trade. There is currently an imbalance with respect to trade between the USA and China called “trade deficit”. What Trump and Larouche argue for is “balance of trade”. To deny the good effect of balance of trade is not a fair thing to do. Thanks for reading.

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