Willis Carto, Founder of Populist Party, Dies

On October 26, Willis Carto, founder of the Populist Party, died in Virginia. He was 89. The Populist Party existed 1984-1994. It ran Bob Richards for President in 1984 (former Olympic champion); David Duke in 1988; and Bo Gritz in 1992. The New York Times has a lengthy obituary for him. Thanks to Jack Ross for the link.


Willis Carto, Founder of Populist Party, Dies — 5 Comments

  1. Is the Liberty Lobby or The Spotlight newspaper still around? I believe he was involved with both of those.

  2. Based on the NY Times article it seems apparent that this guy was certainly a colossal piece of shit.

  3. Willis A. Carto was a towering luminary in the alternative right-as the founder of Liberty Lobby, the publishing powerhouse behind the famed Spotlight newspaper; that unlike other mainstream publications in America boasted the distinction of being a publication so effective in its zealous devotion to telling the whole truth that the government sued it out of existence in a sham court proceeding, to the comparably formidable American Free Press which it reformed as literally a week later; and The Barnes Review the historical revisionist magazine that dutifully ferrets out suppressed and forgotten history quintessential to understanding our present dilemmas in direct defiance of prevailing platitudes and political correctness right on up to this present moment.

    Simply put, to the cause of truth, Mr. Carto was a William Randolph Hurst–and an infinitely more noble and decent man.

    Though I can only hope his legacy will inspire greater deeds of valor and deeper levels of devotion to that sacred cause of truth, few if any can say that they have accomplished so much and left a legacy so great as our fallen brother, who died peacefully at his home but a few nights age, being full of years at the age of 89.

    Let us honor his memory and his life’s work by renewing and redoubling our own efforts in the trenches in the war being waged against every bastion of Western Christian civilization–and remember that the battle is not to the strong alone, but to the vigilant the active and the brave.

    While as a Christian, this writer does not know whether or not Mr. Carto ever came to a full and saving knowledge of the author of the truth and liberty he so valiantly and effectively championed, I pray the blessing of the God of our fathers on all those who survive him and carry on the fight which he stood shoulder to shoulder with in, and that He would rest his soul.

    The work of a noble life well-lived is passed to us my friends. Let us have our grief turned to resolve that we may by the grace of the God of truth and justice vindicate it and see it through to completion.

    Deo VIndice.

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