Deseret News, One of Salt Lake City’s Daily Newspapers, Carries Op-Ed by Darrell Castle

The Deseret News, one of the daily newspapers in Salt Lake City, has this op-ed by Darrell Castle, Constitution Party nominee for President. The Church of Latter Day Saints owns the newspaper.


Deseret News, One of Salt Lake City’s Daily Newspapers, Carries Op-Ed by Darrell Castle — 17 Comments

  1. He needs to go on talk shows now to appeal to socially conservative Republican voters who are out raged by Donald Trump and his comments .By the way the person who did the interview was George W Bush Jr’s first cousin Billy Bush .Now Today show dropped him .Now it’s time to drop Howard Stern.This is not Eisenhower America .This is Sodom and Gomorrah .The Roman empire.

  2. Trump getting WHIPPED.

    Castle’s best state will be Utah, as usual. But, it’s going to be the lowest CP vote total since 1992.

  3. I absolutely agree, William (with the first sentence). Castle would be the best candidate for conservative Christians; they would probably start flocking to him in droves if they knew about his party, what it stood for. In many states, they just have to learn to spell his mame correctly.

  4. He’s on the ballot in 23 states, I believe. And he’s a write-in candidate in 20 states. It’s amazing that he remains so far under the radar that not too many are familiar with his party or platform.

  5. He is on in 24 states. He won his ballot access lawsuit in West Virginia last month, which moved him from 23 to 24.

  6. Commenters here and on other third party forums always ignore the elephant in the room – the USA’s single vote, single winner election system which guarantees that Castle, GJ, Stein, et al are irrelevant in all respects. I guess you think that if you ignore it, the issue will eventually disappear. That’s simply fantastical thinking, worthy of a 6 year old.

  7. I was an independent candidate in 2014. Between my time in the LP, in a one-off third party, and as an independent candidate, I have proven to my own satisfaction that there is no chance for anyone without an R or D after their name, and that the reason is very simple: our electoral system all but guarantees that there will be exactly two parties that matter. If the GOP blows up, then it might be a different two parties, but it will be two parties… unless we change to IRV/RCV or approval voting (as readers here know I strongly prefer IRV).

  8. Ok. So you are over here calling people 6 year olds with fantastical thinking and insulting them….for something you VERY recently believed in. Less than 2 years ago, tops.


  9. It’s not like he’s wrong though.

    Third party supporters talk about throwing out the two parties in power. We had that this election. Donald Trump is not a Republican and Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat.

    True third party believers are so myopic to focus all their energy on the presidential race when if they want to actually do change and break up the two parties’ power structure they should focus on municipal and state legislative races. Running a guy for president and that’s it is a bit like me running against Usain Bolt in the 100.

  10. Yes conservative voters including non religious social conservatives should look at Darrell Castle .I am not going to make any guesses how high or low his percentages might be .I might be surprised on electrion day .There are those who dont do polls or surveys .

  11. Trent – I can’t say I believed in “it”. I knew that I was not going to become Governor of Wyoming running as an independent in 2014.

    I spent a bunch of time and money for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was to expose sitting Republican Governor Mead as a progressive liberal masquerading as a conservative, and to hopefully reduce his chances of becoming Senator Mead in 2020 when Senator Enzi retires.

    There was not a chance in hell that I would win. Quite frankly, it was mainly an experiment. I was trying to figure out why voters vote as they do. I knew that first past the post was an issue in any race with more than two names on the ballot. But I’ve now come to the conclusion that it is more than “an issue” – it is the penultimate obstacle that will continue to allow only and Rs or Ds to be elected.

    Libertarians – learn from my experience. Or keep doing what you’ve been doing for 45 years and remain lost in the wilderness for another 45 years.

  12. Libertarians do NOT vote for E-V-I-L —

    the nonstop EVIL control freak STATISM in USA politics since 1932 especially —

    UN-declared WARS, insane annual govt deficits and accumulated debts (which cut private capital investment and jobs, jobs, jobs), etc. etc. etc.

    Both the Donkeys and Elephants have become totally EVIL — cared only about putting cash into the pockets of their respective special interest gangs — communist poor vs fascist rich — with the armies of Tax SLAVES in the middle.

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