United Kingdom Parliament Will Debate Proportional Representation

The House of Commons of the United Kingdom will debate proportional representation on November 30, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. The House has set aside 90 minutes. Thanks to Thomas Jones for that news.


United Kingdom Parliament Will Debate Proportional Representation — 13 Comments

  1. The debate means nothing unless either Labour or Tories publicly, and ardently, back it for the referendum that is necessary, since neither did when Cameron put it to the public as part of the price of coalition with Clegg.

  2. https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2017-0207

    E-petition 168657 relating to proportional representation
    30 Nov 2017

    Background to Voting systems in the UK
    — has the PR systems in the UK.

    REAL minority rule in the UK House of Commons — about 20-25 percent of total votes for the 326 lowest elected Cons + allies of 650.

    UNEQUAL votes for each district winner.
    UNEQUAL total votes in each district.

    Result – OLIGARCHY — tending ALWAYS to monarch TYRANTS — aka *Prime Ministers*

    — See Prime Minister later *Leader* Hitler in the 1933-1945 Germany *parliamentary* regime.

    ZERO learned in 1914-1945 about FATAL defects in *parliamentary* regimes.

    BASIC P.R. —
    Party Members = Total members X Party Votes / Total Votes

    TOTAL separation of powers.

  3. The more interesting part is that it was triggered by an e-petition to Parliament.


    If you follow the link to the Petitions Committee, you will find a list of current petitions. A petition that draws 10,000 signatures will get a government response. One with 100,000 signatures may trigger a debate, if the subject is considered topical, and Parliament has not recently debated the issue.

    The 1st Amendment provides protection for the right of petition, and in early congressional reports, petitions were regularly noted. Since the life barons have taken over the American House of Lords this no longer seems to be done.

  4. The USA gerrymander oligarchs in the 1776 era State legislatures and later 1789 USA regime merely replaced the Brit oligarchs in the Brit gerrymander House of Commons (with its 1776 gerrymander *rotten boroughs* from the DARK AGE) and the appointed/hereditary Brit oligarchs in the Brit House of Lords.

    !st Amdt petitions about slavery paralyzed the USA gerrymander Congress in 1789-1861

    — about 750,000 DEAD in 1861-1865 to get the 13-14-15 Amdts.

    PR and AppV

    PR since the 1820s-1840s — a mere about 180-200 years ago.

  5. The United Coalition has been using pure proportional representation for more than twenty-two consecutive years and it works fine.

    Several of our key team players are residents of United Kingdom including CEO and President of the USA company and President/founder of International Bureau.

    Our team has been collaborating with candidates for public office and every year we grow larger and better organized.

    The new World Women’s Rights, Humanitrian and Peace on Earth Parties are examples of the unity phenomena that’s sweeping the globe.


  6. Leonardo Quevedo I understand your feelings. Whenever I see a comment from either of those people I just skip it without reading. Just ignore them. There is too much good information on this site to let them be the focus of attention.

  7. DARK AGE gerrymander stuff in the UK regime goes back to the 1200s — see


    and later 1265 and 1295 Parliaments.

    Some early *modern* Democracy efforts vs the monarchs/oligarchs

    — which lead to the 1603-1689 power struggles in England
    — which lead to the American Revolution in 1775-1783 (and many later revolutions in many regimes)
    — which lead to PR in the 1840s
    — which lead to 2017 PR efforts.

    It is the *free* regimes NOW which do NOT have complete PR which are UNSTABLE —

    USA, UK, Canada, India, France, Japan, Italy, etc.

    PR and AppV

    Advanced math —


    One tiebreaker is Approval Voting.


  8. Robert…. I do the same… sometimes I’ll read for the amusement, or so I can respond to piss them off.

  9. How many MORONS on this list who LOVE in the USA —

    1. UNEQUAL ballot access stuff.
    2, Plurality/minority extremist winners in low turnout primary elections and worse caucuses and conventions.
    3. Minority rule gerrymander regimes — with resulting tyrant stuff in executive/judiicial officers.

    It shows with their juvenile MORON comments about folks posting info about such 3 items.

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