Alabama Secretary of State Says Write-in Votes Will be Counted if the Number of Write-ins Exceeds the Margin Between the First and Second-Place Finishers

According to this story, the Alabama Secretary of State published guidelines for write-in votes recently. The guidelines surprisingly say that if the total number of write-ins is greater than the margin between the candidates who place first and second, they will all be counted.

Alabama doesn’t have any procedure for write-in candidates to file to have their write-ins counted. In the past the counties have mostly counted all write-ins, but the state has not tallied them, so there is never an official statewide total for a write-in candidate running for an office that is statewide or which extends beyond one county.


Alabama Secretary of State Says Write-in Votes Will be Counted if the Number of Write-ins Exceeds the Margin Between the First and Second-Place Finishers — 4 Comments

  1. I have never once understood the allowance of write-in votes without the mandatory counting of said write-in votes. Depending on how easy it is to qualify, I have no issue with only counting qualified wrote-ins, but here in Indiana, it seems it’s the counties decision on if they will or won’t count them in the first place, which is patently absurd and asinine. What’s the point of even qualifying as a write-in when, in certain counties, they won’t count you whether or not you’re qualified? It needs to be law that counties and election officials in said counties will count write-in votes, and report them to the Secretary of State, or else what’s the point?

  2. Again — where is that MODEL ELECTION L-A-W — to deal with ALL possibilities ALL the time ???

    See also 14 Amdt, Sec, 2.

    How many write-in votes since 1868 NOT counted – before or after *official* ballots happened in each State ???

    How many States are de facto still in the DARK AGE – esp. 1861-1865 ex-rebel States ???

    How many Grand Juries are needed to indict lots of election law FELONS in some/many States ???

  3. Is there a plurality winner or NOT ???

    If NOT, then is there a runoff election ???

    One more MORON mess by the MORONS in control — taking the USA to Civil War II ???

  4. The Alabama Secretary of State is doing a good job to be fair be looking at the details in a potential tie-breaker.

    The San Francisco Democratic and Republican Parties are also working together to make elections more fair and thereby unite San Francisco at-large as one, to be replicated elsewhere.

    The United Coalition has been using pure proportional representation for more than twenty-two consecutive years and it works fine.

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