On December 10, the Libertarian Party national committee met in New Orleans and decided that the party’s 2020 presidential convention will be in Austin, Texas, over Memorial Day weekend. As far as is known, no other political party, major or minor, has yet chosen a location for its 2020 presidential convention.
In 2016, the party held its presidential convention in Orlando, Florida, May 26-30. Thanks to Independent Political Report for the news about the 2020 convention.
Manchester in late 2019 would have been the better choice.
23 states have a post office named “Manchester”, but I am guessing you mean Manchester, New Hampshire. I doubt Manchester has a suitable venue.
Manchester’s (NH) Arena seats 12,000.
But I was wondering why he was suggesting a convention in England.
The Libertarian Party’s plurality-based culture and psychological nature will prevent their success for the short and long range future.
The pluralism nature will cement dysfunctional traits, such as self-destruction, arrogance, the dictatorial party bosses, the top down bullying and censorship which will drive non-Libertarians away and so they will never be able to escape the marginalization under pluality elections.
A few individual Libertarians may support the revolutionary unity psychology but experienced proportionalists are few and far between and nature of pluality elections in every level from county, state and national will prevent and progress towards the teamwork needed to win elections and attract voters.
The only way to build a team around the unifying voting system of pure proportional representation is to engage and build and the pluality psychology embedded in the LP sees no visible movement in that direction.
The non-aggression principle (NAP) is a good platform plank and the United Coalition has elected this item to the Unity Platform for the team but the Ls will not be able to capitalize on this item themselves with voters because of the separation nature of Libertarian pluralist candidates, party structure and highly combative position with regards to treatment of non-Libertarians and Libertarians who want to find ways to unite with others in a fair and civil manner.
The United Coalition has been using pure proportional representation for more than twenty-two consecutive years and it works fine.
Nobody has it as good as the United Coalition.
The nature of pluality elections in every level county, state and national, will prevent any progress towards the teamwork needed to win elections and attract voters.
In 1994 when I ran for Gov of Cali. as a Green, the Party bosses we’re for NOTA and not for my sole plank of pure proportional representation.
Their internet coordinator, friend of Richard Winger named Cameron Spitzer, created a huge fight, bullied me online in 1994 (before Windows of 95 and before bullying was a known characteristic of the time) and Spitzer, Swing, and many others targeted me in not just text but in many other ways.
So when I ran for POTUS in 2012, I experienced the same harassment by Libertarians.
So from my experiences, I know what pluralists in the Green, Libertarian and also Ds and Rs, I know their MO.
It is common and accepted in plurality elections to Target individuals.
But teamwork allows us to work together without such destructive actions by those bosses who got where they are by kicking everyone with new ideas in the balls.
I can name the names in the Libertarian Party, who bullied my candidacy at all levels within the Libertarian Party; county, state and even current national directors.
So I can name the names, I can prove that proportionalist candidates have been targeted by bullies in the Green and Libertarian Party, and likely targeted in the future, by the power grabbers and dictators, who occupy the LP pluralist voting and vote counting.
They said; “We don’t need no proportional representation. James Ogle is a fraud!”.
Then when Sergie Brin copied my logo he followed Spitzer’s guide, in eliminating my site from his search engine for ten years.
Are you sure “bullied” is the correct term and not “opposed”. Parties tend to do that when you try to hijack their name, ignore their core beliefs and issues, and run only on your pet issue.
Proportional representation is in the LP platform. I was at the convention that voted for it. I wrote the pulse piece in LP news the month before the convention arguing for it.
Voting is a peaceful decision-making alternative to force and violence so it fits with the non-aggression principle.
The lack of equal treatment and equal free speech, I did win the only state primary before the LP national convention with 52.7%, but I saw no interest in my campaign because the party bosses had already picked before free speech time for us.
The national chair Hinkle de-escalate our web pages from the LP site as soon as the candidates’ names were know. They shut down any longer links on the web.
Yes, local meetings I have been shouted down, I never got a chance to present my case. We candidates were fed lies about the convention by the organizes, we were slandered by them, and targeted because Waymire and I were on the same page with pure proportional representation and unity there.
I believe that the protection of equal time is a good thing. But the token system made things impossible to be treated equally. What was a 20-foot photo of Johnson’s face at the convention hall before any debate (which we were not invited)?
That was 52.7% of the votes in the Missouri primary … they aren’t interested in the sole winner of the sole primary?
In regards to being physically intimidated, yes certain national board members operate that way and they put the big guy on me because that’s their MO.
I had a PR coalition with Roseanne Barr and when I presented it to the national Director Carla Howell, her reaction was “You mean that fat bitch?”.
I think had I been able to explain the unity phenomena people may have liked it. We don’t target individuals (like Trump was targeted with smack) with smack, we are united with the whole.
This is a new collaboration in politics where one person isn’t more important than the team and where everyone must work together from all parties.
Not arrogance, where the LP tries to present itself (or one person) as better than all others, in the silly propaganda they present. Rather, the object is to be part of the government, to find solutions for the whole, inclusively with everyone under ranked choice voting and pure proportional representation.
The United Coalition can do that, so the Libertarian Party can be part of the team. Not exclusive of all non-Libertarians, but for all Americans together under pure proportional representation.
Brandon…good job.
The LP needs to realize not everyone lives in the South. That will be three conventions in a row.
Keith, Libertarians believe in the free market. Choosing Orlando, FL, New Orleans, LA, and now Austin, TX has nothing to do with where people live, it has a lot more to do with where people want to visit. Both the Orlando and New Orleans conventions were the best attended conventions in LP history for presidential and non-presidential conventions.
And Austin, TX is not only a strong LP city, it’s got a lot to offer entertainment wise. And it’s the first time since the 70’s that the National LP has held a convention in Texas. Not to mention that the Texas LP is likely the most active state affiliate in the nation.