Huffington Post Interviews Libertarian Candidate from This Week’s Special Election in Pennsylvania

The Huffington Post has this interesting interview with Drew Miller, the Libertarian nominee for U.S. House, 18th district, in the special election of March 13. The main point is that none of the mainstream media, neither print nor television, would ever acknowledge that he was on the ballot, until election night. Only then, when it became apparent that he held the balance of power in the race, did CNN add his name to the televised election returns.

UPDATE: also see this story about Miller in The Pitt News, the student newspaper at the University of Pittsburgh. This article reveals that Miller has been deluged with hate e-mail from supporters of the Republican nominee.


Huffington Post Interviews Libertarian Candidate from This Week’s Special Election in Pennsylvania — 5 Comments

  1. Will Elephants start killing their opponents ???

    See Hitler nazis in 1929-1934 in Germany.

    Another time like 1775-1776 for FIRST PRINCIPLES ???

    See earlier – John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, 1690

    — just after the destruction of the tyrant King James II regime in England in 1688-1689 —

    — the model for all sorts of revolutions later — USA 1775-1776, France 1789, etc.

    PR and AppV

  2. It’s too bad that over 225,000 people in PA 18 wasted their votes

    — voters for the communist Donkey or fascist Elephant.

  3. I always wonder about the campaign finance strategies of minor party candidates. Having the money to get your message out there is as important as getting on the ballot. If $21,000,000 is spent on the several candidates running for office but only $2,000 goes to one of the candidates it’s almost not worth running. I also wonder about volunteer outreach. As the candidate of a minor party you really need to do a lot of door to door. And you need a message that resonates. I don’t see a campaign that doesn’t have at least $10 to spend per vote and about 1 volunteer for ever 100 voters as being worth while.


    One of a zillion gerrymander/predictions stories in 2018.

    MORONS in the media can NOT detect —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged districts = 1/4 or less CONTROL = OLIGARCHY

    — since 1964 SCOTUS gerrymander cases.

    Much worse before 1964.

    Much, much worse primary math which nominates the extremists who later get elected in the rigged districts.

    PR and AppV

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