Eleventh Circuit Grants a Stay to Florida in Ex-Felon Voting Case

On the evening of April 25, the Eleventh Circuit stayed the order of a U.S. District Court in Hand v Scott, the case over whether Florida must create objective standards for deciding whether to grant voting rights to ex-felons. This means the state is not now required to produce some objective standards. The vote was 2-1. Judges William Pryor (a Bush Jr. appointee) and Stanley Marcus (a Clinton appointee) voted for the stay; Judge Beverly Martin (an Obama appointee) dissented. Here is the order. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Eleventh Circuit Grants a Stay to Florida in Ex-Felon Voting Case — 2 Comments

  1. *SOME* sanity still magically exists

    — to STOP the ongoing communist perversion efforts claiming the 1st Amdt —

    (A) guarantees being an Elector-Voter and

    (B) guarantees that X percent of such Electors-Voters can/do elect legislators.

    Again – the 1st Amdt has ZERO to do with *election mechanics* — being an Elector, being a candidate — ballot access, and esp. getting elected.

    A to Z SPECIFIC ROT in the EVIL PAST by govts >>> A-L-L A to Z SPECIFIC restrictions on Govts

    PR and AppV

  2. Ongoing EVIL rotted failure to enforce 14 Amdt, Sec. 2 since 1868 — a mere 150 years of ROT

    — universal adult male citizen right to vote — for the specific officers in the section — with the FATAL crimes loophole.

    Could be litter on street with a gum wrapper and be convicted — lose right to vote.

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