Prohibition Party Presidential Nominee Resigns from Ticket for Health Reasons

C. L. “Connie” Gannon, Prohibition Party presidential nominee for 2020, has recently discovered a serious health problem that has led him to withdraw his candidacy. The party will choose a new nominee sometime soon.


Prohibition Party Presidential Nominee Resigns from Ticket for Health Reasons — 17 Comments

  1. What about the independent presidential candidate petition the Prohibition Party recently completed in Arkansas? They did the petition which requires the names of the candidates to be on the petition, which does not have a party label. Does Arkansas allow candidate substitution?

  2. A second Prohibition nominee withdraws? This seems to be a downside of nominating their ticket so early.

  3. Andy, unfortunately the Arkansas petition was the independent presidential candidate petition, not the petition for minor party presidential status. So the signatures are wasted.

  4. In four months, two of their nominees have withdrawn, and the party chairman has passed away. They’re having a heck of a time. Has this ever happened before?

  5. Wow the Prohibitionists just can’t catch a break this election, especially with whatever time/money went into Arkansas. I know their current VP nominee went for the Presidential spot a few months back, so he’s probably next man up for them. Hopefully they’ll be able to get a new AR petition done & keep on their ballot access goals for the year

  6. Sad to hear the news. I just wrote an article that included their plans to get on the ballot in eleven states, the most since 1952 when they were on the ballot in twenty states.

  7. He can stay on the ballot in Arkansas and if he wins, the Prohibition electors can vote for the new nominee. 🙂

    I have a funny story. I interviewed Gene Amondson (the 2004 nominee) in 2007 for a podcast. I asked him if there were any young people in the Prohibition Party and he said there was one member who was 37.

    On a serious note, I did like their nominee last year better than any they had on the ballot previously. If I was in a “protest vote” mood, I may have even considered him. However, I do love beer.

  8. The Prohibitionist Party clearly needs a do-over. Maybe they should think positive, get hip, and renamed themselves the “Woke Party” or something, and promote clarity, sobriety, and public consciousness.

  9. They have tried to reinvent themselves before. Name changes; adopting progressive reforms and then adopting constitutional conservative positions and even blending all three. So far… nada!

  10. How much of the current ROT is due to 1919-1933 Prohibition LUNACY ??? –

    organized crime – wrecking larger cities
    corrupt, spy, no privacy govts

  11. @Consti Lib
    The interesting thing is that Mr. Gannon wasn’t even that old, especially compared to Hedges.

  12. “He can stay on the ballot in Arkansas and if he wins, the Prohibition electors can vote for the new nominee. 🙂

    Good point, Michigan Voter.

    Of course they will still have to find electors. The contractor who got them signatures was instructed not to look for electors, since there was an Arkansas affiliate which would take care of that. Subsequently their national chairman passed away and no one else seems to know who this Arkansas affiliate or any of their electors are.

    And subsequent to that their presidential candidate resigned for the second time this cycle, so unless Mr. Gammon and his former running mate sign the paperwork saying they do in fact wish to be on the Arkansas ballot, and unless someone can find electors and complete other required paperwork, they will in fact have to petition over again or just not be on the Arkansas ballot at all.

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