Filing Closes for New Hampshire Libertarian Party Presidential Primary

The New Hampshire Libertarian Party is administering its own presidential primary.  The filing was October 30, 2019 through November 15, 2019.  Ten candidates filed:

Ken Armstrong, Louisiana

Dan Taxation is Theft Behrman, Nevada

Keenan Wallace Dunham, South Carolina

Erik Gerhardt, Pennsylvania

Jo Jorgensen, South Carolina

Sam Robb, Pennsylvania

Kim Ruff, Arizona

Vermin Supreme, Massachusetts

Arviv Vohra, Maryland

Arlen Lawson Wright, Texas


Filing Closes for New Hampshire Libertarian Party Presidential Primary — 17 Comments

  1. Plurality ???
    Approval ???
    RCV ???

    ANY connection with NH delegates to 2020 LP Natl Conv ???

    Same ??? for all minor parties having any public/private primaries.

  2. How is the NHLP actually running their own primary? Do they have voting locations? Are they accepting mil-in or on-line votes?

  3. Darryl, does this primary actually assigned NH delegates based on percentages, or is it merely for show like Missouri and some other states?

  4. Primary will use mail-in ballots which will be sent to delegate-eligible members later this week. Results will be announced at State convention in January.

  5. IMO, if you have a non-bonding preferential primary, the best method would be range voting. Then the delegates would have a lot of information about how every voter judged all the candidates

  6. NO “NOTA”?

    I have to assume that this will be an option on the actual ballot, nonetheless (get it” “… NONE the less … ” ?)

    It is not showing here, because no one named “ABOVE, None O.T.” actually filed in time.

  7. NOTA will be in the ballot. The list of candidates are those who filed. NOTA is not required to file to be on the ballot.

  8. How does NOTA work with Bucklin voting? If there are 10 candidates, and I rank NOTA 5th, does that actually mean NOTB: None of those below 5?

  9. The Bucklin Method Ballot will be used. Delegates will choose their first and second choices, and use Approval Voting for subsequent candidates.

    NOTA will be counted as any other candidate. I guess it could also be listed at NOTC (none of these candidates) but people are familiar with the acronym NOTA.

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