The Natural Law Party of Michigan, the only state affiliate of the Natural Law Party that is still on the ballot anywhere, announced on June 23 that it has nominated Rocky De La Fuente for president and Darcy Richardson for vice-president.
The Natural Law Party of Michigan, the only state affiliate of the Natural Law Party that is still on the ballot anywhere, announced on June 23 that it has nominated Rocky De La Fuente for president and Darcy Richardson for vice-president.
Is the NLP no longer qualified in Mississippi?
Where is Rocky on the ballot now? Delaware, Florida, Michigan, Mississippi, South Carolina. Anywhere else?
He’ll be on in CA if the large sums of money he is giving Mark Seidenberg pay off.
Are you sure about Mississippi?
I see on the Alliance Party’s website they list Mississippi as a state they have ballot access on, but I am also confused on what ballot access line it would be.
Isn’t the ADP still on in MS? Regardless, it’s pretty frustrating seeing the lack of progress the Alliance has made on ballot access so far.
NLP and AP = more under 1.00 pct for USA Prez footnotes in 2020 ???
— IE EGO trips for their invisable candidates.
More likely under 0.01%, and without any doubt under 0.1%.
Pic of Rocky
zombie dead since early 2000s ???
Yes. The maharaji crashed the party back then. It lives on in Michigan because of its unique laws as a ballot access vehicle only.
Reform & Alliance parties would have a tough time getting ballot access to more states as Both Republicans and Democrats would try and stop that from happening in the name of social distancing due to Covid. The Greens and Libertarians are also struggling to have ballot access to all U.S. states.
By the way Mississippi chapter of reform party disbanded probably because they felt that Florida chapter was too powerful and did not accept their choice of De la Fuente and Florida native and VP Darcy Richardson to represent the Reform Party. So Rocky currently has ballot access to 4 states which is currently one less then in 2016. In any case, the Veterans Party of America has ballot access in Mississippi and they apparently want to merge with Reform Party who say that any talks of merger should happen after 2020 Presidential election. Wise choice after we see how reform party in Mississippi got disbanded. They would not want to see same thing happen if merger happens. Anyway Veterans Party of America may still back up Rocky de la Fuente. If that is the case would be interesting to see so many parties back up Rocky including his own party American Delta in Delaware. Maybe he will be in Guinness book of records in terms of number of political parties that back up a Presidential candidate in election.
I agree it’s not quite clear what the Mississippi ballot access for the Alliance Party/De La Fuente is. Looking at the Mississippi Secretary of State site the only presidential candidate listed is Phil Collins of the Prohibition Party. That said, Mississippi is a low bar, it’s only 500 signatures for a party, 1000 signatures for an independent. De La Fuente’s American Delta party vehicle qualified last time.
“So Rocky currently has ballot access to 4 states which is currently one less then in 2016.”
He had 20 by election time in 2016.
I think also Conn, the independent party there?
IPCT isn’t on the ballot for President.
Isn’t there a lawsuit over that?
Conrad: “Maybe he will be in Guinness book of records in terms of number of political parties that back up a Presidential candidate in election”.
I think Ralph Nader holds that distinction. Or maybe Eugene McCarthy.
Is Rocky actively working to get on the ballot anywhere? What about other third parties, which states have active ballot drives? The grapevine has been quiet.