For the First Time Since 1990, Arizona Has a Democratic-Republican Monopoly for all Congressional Races

This year, the only candidates on the ballot in Arizona for either House of Congress are Democrats and Republicans. This is the first time since 1990 that this has been true.

The reason there are no Libertarians is the fault of the 2015 bill passed by the legislature, making it virtually impossible for anyone to get on the Libertarian primary ballot. In 2019 the Ninth Circuit upheld the constitutionality of that law, HB 2608.

The reason there are no Greens is that the party is no longer ballot-qualified, due to the 2019 bill moving the deadline for a new party petition to November of the year before the election. That bill, SB 1154, has not yet been tested in court. But according to an unbroken, unanimous string of precedents, petition deadlines for new parties or independent candidates that are in the year before the election are always unconstitutional.

Even before the 2015 and 2019 changes, Arizona ballot access law was severe. The Constitution Party, in its entire history, has never been on the ballot in Arizona.

No independent candidate petitions for president or either house of Congress succeeded in 2020. For 2020 legislative races, there are no minor party candidates, and there is one independent for State House, 6th district.


For the First Time Since 1990, Arizona Has a Democratic-Republican Monopoly for all Congressional Races — 2 Comments

  1. What about the state legislative races? I’m sure that in this circumstance, real change would be needed to be brought about by electing favorable candidates in those races.

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