NIcky Reid, Self-Described Marxist, Explains in Counterpunch Why She Joined the Libertarian Party

Counterpunch has this essay by Nicky Reid, self-described Marxist, explaining why she joined the Libertarian Party and will be voting for Jo Jorgensen. She writes, “There is no such thing as a benevolent state.”


NIcky Reid, Self-Described Marxist, Explains in Counterpunch Why She Joined the Libertarian Party — 33 Comments

  1. How many D-E-A-D / enslaved in RED commie regimes since 1917

    — USSR / China / Cuba / Vietnam / Cambodia / etc. ???

    One more Gang of KILLERS/enslavers since 6,000 BC.

  2. The Libertarian Party is neither left nor right. I remember when Carl Oglesby joined the party.

  3. They are now officially a left wing Marxist party. The top of the ticket are burn loot murder antifa commies who don’t say a word or move a muscle except as dictated by their master George Soros the son of Satan. All real libertarians are now GOP FOR TRUMP who is Lord and God Jesus himself and if any are not it is time to get on your knees, ask TRUMP for forgiveness and join and vote GOP. TOGETHER we can outlaw abortion, outlaw the transsexual and homosexual agenda, put all burn loot murder and antifa in prison or better yet string them up, drop commies out of copters, make gun ownership mandatory, create the racially homogenous theocratic patriarchy which libertarians such as Gary North, Hans Hoppe and Ron Paul have long advocated, raise high the Confederate flag and make our perfect immortal all knowing and all powerful God Emperor TRUMP the permanent official head of unified government, church, state and supercorporation merged into one like any real libertarian would.

  4. Confederate flag = symbol of slavery and death.

    When will RW PURGE the BAN resident troll of many fake names and its nonsense about 666 KILLER Trump ???

  5. The good news: people across the political Nolan chart are starting to realize that the state is the problem. How this all plays out, even for the Libertarian Party itself, is yet to be seen.

  6. Yeah, and “a vote for Dinsdale Piranha is a vote to screw your pelvis to a cake stand.” -Spiny Norman

  7. Dump Marxist jo is the only one who gets it here and Andy is a troll, and probably a paid Soros plant who is not a true champion of White America or real libertarians like he pretends to be. Do not trust him as every word he types is directed 100 percent from the bowels of hell through the computers at Soros globalist hq.

  8. Should read protocols of the learned elders of Zion.

  9. Well, Marx said:

    “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

    So, he was on the right track.

  10. Any relatives of olde 1930s Marx Brothers endorsing 2020 folks ???

    Mere 36 days to less troll torture/moronity ???

  11. Cody, it would not surprise me if at least some of the people trolling here are Jewish.

  12. The particular trolling on this thread is trying to lure people away from both the Libertarian Party, and Donald Trump. I would not be surprised if the troll or trolls here now are taking money from George Soros and/or Michael Bloomberg, and trying to drum up more votes for Joe Biden.

  13. All the chatter above in dissent and childish name-calling suggests a strong need for Ranked Choice voting. So we all have a chance to vote on and rank our choices to elect who we most trust and support. Our system is broken, with fixed elections for the two-party monopoly. They have failed to lead for decade upon decade. Take the Populist Pledge to replace them. . Maybe we can get to some good leadership in favor of the 99.999%.

  14. People are steering away from the LP because they don’t want a Marxist as their candidate.

  15. People are steering away from the Elephants because they don’t want a killer CV-19 super-spreader TYRANT as their candidate.

  16. You’re all dumb. Waste your time voting how you want. JUSTICE BARRETT WILL BE SEATED. The ballots WILL be thrown out. TRUMP WILL stay in office. The election is a distraction. Those of us with sense are target shooting at enemies of TRUMP, doing tactical battle exercise, keeping our dogs and weapons sharp and ready while you waste time voting. You know shooting is coming after voting. Guess who’s going to be more ready when that comes, libtards. WE are on the RIGHT side of history and WE will WIN. And all that will be LEFT for those of you on the LEFT will be torture, humiliation, death, and eternal suffering in hell. As you deserve. Praise TRUMP. Coming SOON.

  17. Donald TRUMP said he is KING of the Jews. Look it up libtards. You keep not taking him literally and seriously. And that’s why HE keeps WINNING and will ALWAYS keep winning.

  18. Who cares who is on which ballots when all of the ballots will be thrown out. You are like retarded children. Or maybe you actually are retarded children. Who else could possibly vote for Marxist jo or dementia Joe?

  19. Who may actually be the same person in two disguises as was revealed here recently . So you are literally voting for dementia Joe if you vote for commie jo and not just figuratively.

  20. The Confederate flag is the symbol of all that is right and holy, our Celtic and Germanic ancestors, the righteous cause for which they fought and died and the light of Christ. HE is risen and come back as Donald TRUMP and blessed the Confederate flag. Keep it flying high forever.

  21. All Marxist jo and dementia Joe supporters wait 36 days then vote.

  22. So you admit to being a Marxist. You will be boiled alive before you boil forever in hell.

  23. The Confederate flag is the symbol of the Devil, the 666 Trump and New Age USA nazis too afraid to use the Hitler flag.

  24. Confederate flag is symbol of 777 JESUS=TRUMP . DEMONCRATS are the new age 666 socialists including Nazis (national SOCIALISTS) and communists like Joe and Hunter Stalin-Biden, crooked Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein and Michael Osama, the unlikable monster commie la Harris, and many many others. And the socialists , child molesters , demoncrats and child killers will all be rounded up in the next few weeks, convicted and slaughtered.

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