Both U.S. Senators from New York Endorse Voting for Joe Biden on Working Families Party Line

On October 26, both U.S. Senators from New York, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, asked voters to vote for Joe Biden on the Working Families line, not the Democratic line. See this story.

In related news, on October 27, U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders both criticized the New York Democratic Party for putting out a campaign brochure that shows pictures of them. The brochure asks voters to vote for Democrats on the Democratic line. Senators Warren and Sanders say they did not give permission to have their pictures on that brochure, and repeated that they want voters to vote for Joe Biden on the WFP line. See this story.


Both U.S. Senators from New York Endorse Voting for Joe Biden on Working Families Party Line — 19 Comments

  1. If Democrats want to keep the WFP on the ballot, why did they chance the law to create this 2% requirement? Lower the requirements.

  2. Andrew Cuomo forced the change by putting it in his budget with a non-severability clause during the peak of the NYC COVID-19 outbreak. If the assembly struck the budget down, the health department would collapse due to a lack of funding during the crisis. He also didn’t tell anyone he had put it in the budget, so they only found out during the reading of the budget, and at that point it was too late to drop it from the budget. The WFP aligned Democrats didn’t actually want to pass the thresholds, but Cuomo forced them to because he hates the WFP and is willing to resort to extremely underhanded tactics to get his way.

  3. To many RED commie bolsheviks to count in NY —

    lurking as *mainstream* RED Donkeys ???

  4. Cuomo is a COMMIE turd and should be among the very first to be personally executed live on national tv by TRUMP HIMSELF after a quick and fair military trial the guilty verdict being a surprise to absolutely no one.

  5. It seems to me that the Conservative Party will have no problem meeting the 2% threshold, they got nearly 4% in the last presidential election. Its also conceivable that Jorgensen gets 2% and saves the Libertarian Party line. The Independence and SAM parties are toast under the new law though.

  6. (Warning: speculative thoughts) Let’s say Biden wins, and lasts 4 years. Chances are, he won’t run in 2024, opening up a primary fight (I’ll guess) between Harris, Cuomo and Warren. Would the WFP back Cuomo, if he got the nomination?

  7. All parties will be gone except GOP because only TRUMP votes will be counted.

  8. This just goes to show you that fusion voting is no good.

    The United Coalition USA rules limit each name to a living Elector, 18 yrs old, living in USA.

    No duplicates of names on any ballot is acceptable to atrain democratically legit results.

  9. LOL!!!! Libertarians for Tom Cotton. That’s a good one. LOL! I have not heard anything that absurd since Libertarians for Rudy Guiliani, or Libertarians for George W. Bush.

  10. Andrew Cuomo is one of the electors for both the Democrats and Working Families.

    Schumer and Gillibrand are likely trying to reduce the Green vote.

  11. Jim,

    There is some precedent for a partial fusion ticket, where two parties will nominate some of the same electoral candidates but not all of them. The only time anything like it has happened is in 1860 in New Jersey, where three electors from the winning candidate won election out of seven electors for the state due to two different slates of electors being on the ballot with those three electors, while they split the vote enough that none of the electors they disagreed on all lost to the second place candidate.

    Theoretically, if the WFP refused to nominate Cuomo as an elector and somehow managed to win 25.7 % and close the gap between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, the 28 fusion electors would be appointed, while Cuomo would lose to all of the republican electors (who then all tie in an election for a single spot, which would be absolutely chaotic), although the Legislature might overrule the popular vote when appointing the electors (and that would be the only way to solve the 29-way tie between the Republican electors).

    This would be such a confusing ordeal however that almost no party would ever attempt it, and that is the only reason that Cuomo is an elector for both, as the WFP absolutely hates Cuomo. (the Independence and the Libertarian party had entirely separate slates for Johnson in 2016, which might have been slightly controversial, but that is a notably different situation than this)

  12. Super-easy to be a NY RED commie bolshevik with the income and assets of OTHER folks.

    Watch for the instant collapse of the NY stock market on 3-4 Nov 2020 when senile Biden wins Prez

    — massive bankruptcies of banks, pension funds, etc.

    Will be excuse for TOTAL RED communist takeover of ALL capital — See Russia 1917-1918.

  13. IMO, if there are two separate elector slates for the same Presidential candidate, then, the votes for their candidate should be combined to determine the winner, THEN, the line with the most votes between them should be awarded the electors.

  14. ABOLISH the deadly timebomb EC — and ALL the rot machinations with it.

    750,000 D-E-A-D in 1861-1866 due to IT.

    PR and AppV

  15. @ Demo Rep:

    I’m not sure that even WITHOUT the electoral college that civil war could have been avoided.

  16. WZ –

    IF 1860 donkeys had been less divided– another Donkey Prez in 1861-1865 ???

    Lincoln — 39.5 pct of popular votes.

    Earlier- Slave State secession noises in 1832-1833 — ended with 1833 Jackson *Force Act*.

    Later telegraph, steel, oil — North sure to win in 1861-1866.

  17. @Demo Rep: You know that, for the 1860 election, even if you counted only the states where Lincoln won an outright majority of the popular vote, he would still have had enough electoral votes to win the Presidency, right?

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