Maine Green Party Showing for U.S. Senate Was the Best in Maine History for Any Third Party

Last month, the Maine Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, Lisa Savage, polled 4.95%.  That was the highest showing for U.S. Senate in Maine for any party, other than the Republican and Democratic Parties, in history.  U.S. Senate elections have only existed in the U.S. starting in 1914.

The showing for Lisa Savage shows the power of having ranked choice voting, for boosting minor party vote showings.


Maine Green Party Showing for U.S. Senate Was the Best in Maine History for Any Third Party — 27 Comments

  1. Condorcet = RCV done right.

    ABOLISH the ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander USA Senate.

    Borders of each State = 100 pct arbitrary.

  2. Aren’t you the same guy who says every state is its own nation state? That can’t be true at the same time that states have arbitrary boundaries and the Senate is a “gerrymandering” which should be abolished. The senate is supposed to be like the U.N. General assembly, representing member states, not individual people or voters. Like the general assembly the Senate gives each member state an equal vote regardless of population or size. Instead of abolishing the Senate wouldn’t it make more sense to abolish direct popular election of senators and go back to having legislators elect senators? That would help clear up the present confusion that senators are supposed to represent individual voters or constituents, which is the job of the house.

  3. IF and WHEN each State provides EQUAL $$$ to the USA regime, THEN each State can have EQUAL representation in the USA Congress.
    USA Senate – vestige of Second Continental Congress in 1775-1781 —

    —– during which time the USA military BARELY held off the Brits.

    Many States in 1775-1781 failed to provide troops / supplies / cash and even 2CC members at 2CC meetings.

    Only MAJOR French help – REAL silver French coins / French Army/Navy forces got the USA to beat the Brits at Yorktown, VA on 19 Oct 1781 and get the 1783 USA-Brit Peace Treaty.

    More chaos with 1781-1789 Art Confed Congress.

    In the top secret 1787 Fed Convention the small States combined with the slave States to produce the EVIL THREE ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander parts of the revised USA regime —-

    H. Reps, Senate and Electoral College [Prez/VP].

    NONSTOP brainwashing of the population since 1776/1787/1789 by the monarchs/oligarchs elites.

    The pre-17 Amdt USA Senate was esp rotted — being chosen by the gerrymander hacks in the gerrymander State legis – ie ONE or a SMALL number of top hacks in each State.

    A MIRACLE that the 17th Amdt happened.
    2020- yet another set of ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander elections – 435 Reps / 33-34 Senators / Prez-VP / State legis / local bodies — the EVIL ROT continues — to the econ breaking point of national bankruptcy and Revolution 2.
    PR and APPV

  4. ALL sorts of occult stuff about each invisable *state* —

    arbitrary area, fictional person as property owner, contractor and employer — and now esp a DEBTOR

    — with the about $$$ 25 TRILLION USA debt and about $$$ 15 TRILLION States/locals debt in the USA.

    $$$ more debt in foreign state regimes.

    MORON Media LOVES the Winner/Loser stuff in statist schemes/plots.

  5. MORON demo rep once again contradicts himself but what else is new. As the founders realized and was commonly understood before the last century, unchecked democracy is communist mob rule. That is why a constitutional republic has limits on democracy through the separation of powers, which demorep incoherently also claims to support through the ultra obscure abbreviation “totsop” of which the sop part is supposed to be separation of powers. However there is effectively zero separation of powers in an unchecked democracy. Here, MORON troll demorep reveals that he is actually a RED COMMUNIST who wants the federal government with zero effective separation of powers, controlled by unchecked democratic commie mob rule, to trample every vestige of federalism and a constitutional republic.

  6. Right now –

    an UN-checked EVIL and VICIOUS USA regime filled with minority rule KILLER tyrants —

    esp with LOTS of UN-declared W-A-R-S and domestic oppressions.

    States de facto DEAD due to SCOTUS perversions of 1-8-1 general welfare clause and 1-8-3 inter-state commerce cl.

    Too many brainwashed math MORONS/trolls to count.

    Each new Prez orders DEATH for various foreign folks in un-declared acts of WAR [in violation of 1-8-8]

    — to show that that the MONSTER in the Oval Office [MOO] is a power.

    See the spineless gerrymander hacks in the minority rule gerrymander Congress — caring only about ONE thing — staying in power — to benefit the left/right special interest gangs — to MAX LOOT the USA treasury.
    PR and APPV

  7. I don’t think it’s possible to truly change such a TOTAL M-O-R-O-N as demo rep. If you think we have too many wars, domestic oppressions and looting of the treasury now, just wait til we get total absolute communist democracy mob rule through an unchecked massive centralized bureaucracy. Welcome to the hunger games.

  8. MORON Demo Rep Thomas Jones is a waste of bandwidth on this site. If he knows so much why doesn’t HE run for office?

  9. The resident BAN trolls/morons have ZERO IQ about differences between —

    Democracy- majority rule
    Oligarchy – minority rule – 2 but less than a majority
    Monarchy – minority rule – ONE

    Such polisci trolls/morons LOVE the 1607 [VA] – 2020 oligarch/monarch regimes in the USA

    — and ALL the EVIL deaths / injuries / destructions / oppressions produced by them

    — esp the genocides of the olde American Indian tribes, having slavery, and various minority group oppressions at various times and places.
    PR and APPV

  10. It’s worth mentioning that Lisa Savage appeared on the ballot as “independent” (not Green).

  11. Resident ban troll/moron demo rep is projecting his BELOW ZERO iq unto other people who are not troll MORONS like him. While those of us who are not troll MORONS don’t by any means love everything that has happened in recent centuries or is happening now, unlike at least one resident troll MORON we realize that even more COMMUNIST absolute democracy mob rule would make things even worse, not better.

    Commie mob rule produced wars, death, slavery and genocide in a much larger scale in a much shorter period of time than a limited federal constitutional republic. See French reign of terror, 20th and 21st century global communist reign of terror etc. Lynch mobs are another example of pure democracy, as are two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Minority group oppression is a feature, not a bug, of unchecked democracy.

  12. Trolls/Morons too EVIL stupid and UNABLE to detect the commie / fascist gerrymander mobs in legislative bodies with their minority rule gangster ***laws***.

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged packed/cracked gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less control = oligarchy

    — with monarch gang bosses — speakers / leaders — as puppets of the outside REAL EVIL special interest monarchs/oligarchs — DEEP State killers/LOOTERS.

  13. Troll/moron demo rep too EVIL STUPID AND UNABLE to detect that commie/fascist mobs are even worse when their LOOTING is unimpeded by legislative bodies, REAL separation of powers, levels of government including states, bicameral legislators etc.

  14. Did the BAN resident MORON/TROLL grad-you-8 from pre-skoool or even flunk that ??? —

    as shown by its now hundreds of MORON/TROLL posts — with hundreds of fake names

    — many filled with pre-junior high parrot words/phrases – to be even more stupid evil and obnoxious ???

    Such morons/trolls are what REAL reformers will have to endure —

    to get REAL reforms — PR and APPV and TOTSOP.

  15. Demo Rep gets so triggered when you point out his MORONIC posts. He still hasn’t answered why he is a communist or loves to eat pets. Do they have mental hospitals in Detroit?

  16. NO respect and NO responses required for MORONS/TROLLS —

    esp those using nonstop fake names in hundreds of pre-skoool JUNK posts –

    fit only for the retards who use Twitter [TRUMP – Twitter in Chief super-MORON] and Facebook.

    PR and APPV

  17. I knew it. Demo Rep is so predictable. He is the real MORON loser and RETARD. If he knows it all why isn’t he running for office?

  18. Lisa Savage was listed as an independent candidate for US Senate on Maine’s ballot, not as an alternative party candidate. So, she did not set a record for the highest showing by an alternative party candidate for US Senate in Maine.

    Angus King is currently an independent US Senator in Maine.

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