Green Party Almost Elected a State Legislator in Maine in November 2020

At the November 2020 election, Green Party nominee K. Frederick Horch polled 48.06% of the vote for Maine State House, 49th district. He was in a two-person race against a Democrat. This is the closest the Green Party has come to electing a state legislator since 2012, when it elected Fred Smith in Arkansas. However, Smith was the only candidate whose name was on the ballot. Setting that 2012 Arkansas race aside, the most recent instance when a Green Party legislative nominee came close to winning was in 2010, when Massachusetts Green Party nominee Mark C. Miller polled 45.02% in a two-person race.

Maine does not use ranked choice voting for state office in general elections.


Green Party Almost Elected a State Legislator in Maine in November 2020 — 12 Comments

  1. Next cycle the Ds will have the one-party voting system sewn up.

    The Libertarian Party bosses are already at it.

    By James Ogle [One]

    The California State Libertarian Party (LP) is doubling down on cementing the insider bosses’ one-party voting system.

    The California LP only knows about the one-party voting system where insiders block new people and new ideas.

    The one-party system bosses want to prove over and over how blocking Electors from hearing from the competition in 2020 was in your best interest and about how they want to extend their reign without interruption.

    The California State LP convention on May 14th to 16th will feature more one-party insider boss election control, four days of grueling single-winner election districts, with guests Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen and everyone is expected to admire the incredible LNC one-party voting system.

    Their work of snuffing out female voices’, and any interest group’s voting power, so the majority vote of 50% plus one vote of Electors will carry on unerupted by the approval voting (AppV) male-dominated one-party voting systems. Three-party systems prohibit single-winner election districts.

    The effort by the Espinosa/Ogle [Libertarian/One] to eliminate single-winner election districts goes on despite the party bosses who continue to “circle the wagons” around the annointed insiders.

    When others reach out to evolve to the next level then we can start bringing alternatives to the dictatorship psychology.

    We understand the need for those under the one-party dictatorship to continue their patterns of one-party voting systems as sort of validation and stability of their one-party voting system

    Unfortunately the one-party voting system is no good and unacceptable.

    The PPR Caucus seeks others to collaborate with so to bring the correct math for pure proportional representation to the California State LP Judicial Committee.

    All single-winner election districts and all plurality voting must be eliminated.

    Voting in all elections must use the strict math of ranked choice voting (RCV).

    For names both the single transferable vote (STV) and limited voting must be used correctly and no other way is acceptable.

    Voting going on now;
    * * *

    By CEO Buck Rogers [Conservative]

    Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
    * * *

  2. PR in all legislative body elections.

    TOTAL Votes / TOTAL Members = EQUAL votes to elect each member.

    Difficult only for zero IQ troll morons.

  3. Yes!

    Dem Rep, your math is Hare Quota.

    Total votes / Total members = Hare Quota

    Also, my preference is Droop Quota.

    Total votes / (Total members + 1) = Droop Quota

    Both quotas must also be broken by one additional vote to break the equal tie across the board, round by round.

    In the last round, if any seats remain open because last name didn’t attain threshold, round downwards or upwards with both Droop or Hare Quota, until all open seats are elected and filled.

    Future vacancies too, as everyone can count the paper ballots cast as proof, during the entire assembly session.

  4. TV/TM — IF each Member is having ONE vote in Legis body.

    Member can have Actual Votes Received AVR for exact math —

    would require simple spreadsheet for vote sums — BUT a bit more confusing for public and DUMB media.

    Condorcet with Approval Voting tiebreaker for total exact math.
    Meantime — political W-A-R to end minority rule gerrymander regimes — with resulting monarchs/oligarchs and their EVIL machinations.

  5. I almost won a million dollars, except I didn’t. Whether it’s 48%, 4.8%, or 0.48%, a loss is still a loss. There’s no participation trophy here.

  6. Steve – a loss is a loss only if you are narrowly considering the election results. There might be implications behind a loss this close. Look at other elections – is this election part of a trend, or is it a one-off from special circumstances? If it is part of a trend, is it regional or nationwide? There might be some indication of whether or not to make an extra push in some races in 2022.

  7. Jeremy is right. The democrats are way too far out wacko extreme as it is. We don’t need them being allowed legally much less anyone even further out in communist fruit loop land.

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