Nebraska Secretary of State Rejects Legal Marijuana Now Party Petition

On January 7, the Nebraska Secretary of State determined that the Legal Marijuana Now Party did not have enough valid signatures. Although it had enough statewide, Nebraska requires a certain number in each of the three U.S. House districts, and the determination was that the party lacked enough signatures in U.S. House district 2, the Omaha district.

The Nebraska Secretary of State does not permit any more signatures to be filed for a petition that is short, even if there is a long time until the deadline. The deadline for this petition was not until August 1, 2022. The petition was only 28 signatures short.


Nebraska Secretary of State Rejects Legal Marijuana Now Party Petition — 14 Comments

  1. Abolish all ballot access laws as unconstitutional censorship of the ballot to channel voters between only Democrats and Republicans.

  2. States could make it easier for everyone, including themselves, if they accepted fees in lieu of petition signatures.

  3. Nebraska is actually three ballot drives. If you miss one you blow the whole thing.



    A-N-Y lawyer with A-N-Y ballot access brain cells ???

  5. I have done a lot of petition signature gathering in Nebraska, and I never had a problem with validity there. It was really foolish of them to turn in their signatures this early when they had until August of 2022 to finish. They ought to file a lawsuit over not being able to submit more signatures. Really no legitimate reason why they should not be able to do that.


    See Lenin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Mao, Castro, Saddam, etc. and their cults of MORONS.

  7. Duterte is not a tyrant. He’s a highly popular and freely chosen leader. Drugs are the real tyranny which enslaves people and he is liberating his nation from that tyranny. Even having grown up as a teenager in the drug riddled 1970s I’ve never once tried illegal drugs of any kind. But I’ve seen what they have done to a lot of people. We need to fight the war on drugs like a real war and fight to win.

  8. Demo Rep just admitted he loves Lenin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Mao, Castro, Saddam! He has zero IQ!

  9. Jeremy needs to read the US Constitution sometime. If he had, he would know that going after drug users as if they were enemy soldiers violates all sorts of Constitutional rights. And even IF one did treat drug users like enemy soldiers, there’s still international laws that our country is a party to which governs the treatment of enemy combatants. Then again, he probably doesn’t care about what’s legal and humane if he’s idolizing totalitarians like Duterte. Even Hitler was technically popular and democratically elected to office initially before he dropped all pretense and tyrannically seized total power, so Jeremy’s excuse that Duterte is a highly popular and freely chosen leader doesn’t hold water.

    Regardless, our country’s onerous and rigged ballot access laws have once again deprived numerous voters of a chance to *democratically* decide our country’s direction on a contentious issue. #FreeTheVote

  10. War on drugs = one more moron WAR.

    Treat adults as adults — Pay for any crimes/torts resulting from taking drugs.

    Separate crimes/torts for getting drugs to children- NOT adults.

    MJ- now legal in how many States ??? – one time deemed major drug.

    movie — Reefer Madness 1936 — now a classic comedy.

  11. Drug users are not enemy soldiers. They are not even human. They are exactly like zombies in night of the living dead. Drug pushers are terrorists waging biochemical warfare and should be treated as such. The best solution to pow rules is to take no prisoners and execute them on site.

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