The U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether to hear Kopitke v Bell, 20-897, at its February 19 conference. This is the challenge to the North Carolina petition deadline for independent presidential candidates, which was moved to March 3 in 2018. It is expected that am amicus in support of the candidate will be filed soon.
Nazis win – Jews lose more.
Inter-national **Law** joke.
Total Allies failure to purge all 1933-1945 nazi stuff in 1945-1949.
They only said that USA courts are not the proper venue. What does that have to do with north Carolina?
Has to do with the useless SCOTUS in NOT doing ANY thing for minority groups.
What is Demo Rep even talking about? We need a translator.
Why do you need a translator? Does it matter what he’s talking about? If it did, he would make himself easily understood. Are you incapable of scrolling?