Arkansas State Senator Breanne Davis (R-Russellville) has introduced SB 614. It makes it illegal for out-of-state circulators to work on Arkansas initiatives.
Arkansas is in the Eighth Circuit. The Eighth Circuit is the only circuit that has ever upheld a ban on out-of-state circulators. It did so in a North Dakota case in 1999. However, so many other courts have ruled the other way, the Eighth Circuit opinion, Initiative & Referendum Institute v Jaeger, is widely regarded as having been wrongly decided. A U.S. District Court in Nebraska even struck down Nebraska’s ban a few years ago, and Nebraska is in the Eighth Circuit.
Circuits have ruled against out-of-state bans are the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, and Tenth. A similar case is pending in the First District, from Maine.
I thought they already tried this in Arkansas several years ago and it got shot down.
What little is left of each State in the USA continues to be a Nation-State.
1-10 esp para 1, Art VII, 10 Amdt.
1 Amdt perverted by SCOTUS in election stuff.
See book –
Sources of Our Liberties ed by Richard L. Perry (Am Bar Assn, 1959) — before SCOTUS went commie NUTS in 1960s.