Illinois “Sham Candidacy” Case Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court

On September 2, Jason Gonzales, an Illinois candidate for the legislature in 2016, asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his case. Gonzales v Madigan, 21-352. Here is the cert petition. The case began when incumbent Illinois representative Michael Madigan recruited two candidates to run in the Democratic primary. Both candidates had Hispanic surnames. Madigan was already facing Jason Gonzales and the district was majority-Hispanic. Gonzales sued, presenting evidence that the two candidates recruited by Madigan were not bona fide candidates, but were merely brought into the primary to split the Hispanic vote. The Seventh Circuit in 1974 had ruled that bringing sham candidates into an election can violate the U.S. Constitution.

Gonazles lost in the U.S. District Court and the Seventh Circuit, despite the 1974 precedent. Illinois is in the Seventh Circuit.


Illinois “Sham Candidacy” Case Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court — 46 Comments

  1. LOL! When I worked a term limits petition in Illinois several years ago I encountered a lot of people who hated Mike Madigan and wanted him out. He’d been in office since like 1980. Obviously, term limits never passed in Illinois, at least not for the legislature.

  2. I’ve heard of this tactic of running shall candidates other places. I recall a controversy in Maine over it awhile back.

  3. Illinois doesn’t have term limits because it doesn’t really have the initiative process. It only has a phony procedure that is so limited in what subjects can be dealt with, only one initiative in the entire history of the process has ever appeared on the ballot.

  4. That’s because Illinois and especially Chicago has been run by communists for decades. The non commie portions should secede and form their own state or join Missouri or Iowa.

  5. Stock lives in El Reno, Oklahoma. Rolling Stone recently did a story about people in Oklahoma supposedly overdosing on the horse de-wormer ivermectin. The story was fake news, completely fabricated. Ivermectin helps to clear up COVID-19. Joe Rogan used it last week and tested negative for the virus within three days. The fake news media wants to cover up the effectiveness of ivermectin because it is cheap. The corporate interests behind the fake news media is the same corporate interests behind the pharmaceutical corporations, pushing their expensive vaccine the government pays them in full to produce.

  6. Illinois Democrats are many things, but communists they are not. Some are even as economically right-wing as the Republicans they claim to oppose. I wish some folks would take time to learn a little more about ideology before calling everyone left of Ayn Rand a communist. Here’s a good place to start:

  7. All 50 States have ANTI-democracy minority rule gerrymander legislatures —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged packed/cracked gerrymander dists = 1/4 or less CONTROL = oligarchy with monarch gang bosses.

    Super-worse extremist primaries.

    NO primaries.

  8. Disco Stick: Ayn Rand was born into a secular Jewish family. They did not practice the religion. Rand was an Atheist. She was very outspoken denouncing as nonsense any belief in the supernatural.

    I was born into a family of fundamentalist Protestants. But I am now a Satanist.

    Blood means nothing. Ideas are all that matter.

  9. Stock’s hate for his parents led him to the mockery of their religion. Imagine being part of an organization based completely on the mockery of one of the world’s largest religions and being proud of it. Imagine taking pleasure in the torture and dismemberment of human fetuses and celebrating the taking of human life. That is what Stock is all about.

  10. Demo Rep: Satan is just a symbol. Not an entity.

    As High Priest of the Church of Satan has said, “Satanism is a subset of Atheism”

    The Theistic Satanists mentioned in the article you linked are not Satanists. They are Christian heretics. They accept the Christian world view and have chosen the Devil instead of God.

    The Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey in 1966 has always rejected the supernatural. Before Anton LaVey no one called themselves Satanists.

    There were groups like the Order of the Golden Dawn, Thelema (the religion founded by Aleister Crowley), the Rosicrusians, and a few others. But they referred to themselves as Occultists or Spiritualists. They never called themselves Satanists.

    The article you linked is mistaken.

    All the killing and raping is done because of human desire not a supposed supernatural influence. The Devil made me do it is not a valid defense.

  11. I accidentally left out the name of the present High Priest that I quoted above. Peter H. Gilmore.

  12. Fact Checker: I loved my family. I don’t take pleasure in the idea of abortion, but it is a necessity for countless women.

    Read The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey and you may be pleasantly surprised with what you find.

  13. There are no “subsets” of atheism. Atheism is the belief/faith that there is no God. There’s nothing more to it. Stock’s religion is a mockery of Christianity. It is exactly what it is called: it is Satanism, the worship of Satan. Stock can lie on here about it all he wants because lying is part of the religion itself.

  14. Fact Checker:

    The Church of Satan does not believe that God, Satan, Angels, Demons, or anything supernatural exists. That is Atheism.

    Not all Atheists are Satanists, but every Satanist is an Atheist. That is a subset.

  15. Soooooo —

    what do 100 percent pure Satanists do when they get together regarding Satan ???

    Various cops want to know for sure.

    Sorry – 1st Amdt religion part ONLY about *ideas* —

    N-O-T physical action — sorry

    — NOOO human sacrifices based on religion or non-religion allowed in any USA regime.

    See SCOTUS – animal sacrifices case.
    Statists = cultists loving statism and the state — esp commie and fascist versions.

  16. Demo Rep: Sacrifices of humans or animals are not part of Satanism. Blood, semen, or any bodily fluid is not part of Satanic Ritual.

    When Satanists get together they play music, talk, dance, and interact with each other just as anyone else would. There are members of law enforcement who are also members of the Church of Satan.

    For a couple of years there was a member of the Church of Satan who had been elected to the New Hampshire State Legislature. He was elected as a Republican but switched to the Libertarian.

    I suggest you read the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. At least read the FAQ at the Church of Satan website.

  17. Demo Rep: Anton LaVey said that Satanism demands study not worship. Most of us spend a lot of our time reading. Satanism is first and foremost a philosophy.

  18. I just remembered the name of the former New Hampshire State Legislator who is a member of the Church of Satan. Brandon Phinney.

    Elected as a Republican he made news by announcing himself as an Atheist. Phinney then ran for re-election as a Libertarian and unfortunately came in 3rd with 10% of the vote.

  19. This took place many years ago In Los Angeles County
    Election for its one State Senate District. There were two
    Republicans named Younger is the Republican primary.

    I recall talking about that issue with retired Judge Younger who wrote “Younger on California Motions” about his mother lawsuit over the other Younger against
    ROV of Los Angeles County and the use of numbers place before names on the ballot.

  20. While it’s definitely a shady underhanded practice, if the “sham” candidate followed all the requirements to get on the ballot, what’s the crime here? How is it unconstitutional? Guys were on the ballot and then never did anything? There are tons of candidates every election that do this, including a lot of candidates for third parties and independents.

    The key to stopping this is investigation into the sham candidates and then education of the electorate during the election campaign.

  21. The government deciding who is and who is not a sham candidate is a very slippery slope that could lead to stricter enforcement to stop “sham” third party candidates from appearing on general election ballots, where the interested government here is the one who decides who is and is not a sham. Democrats already try to kick Greens off for any reason and Republicans in some jurisdictions attempt to do the same to Libertarians, why would you give them another bullet to use?

  22. Sham candidates? Isn’t that what the AIP did with Rocky De La Fuente? Tricking Hispanics into voting for someone with a Hispanic name?

  23. Running those candidates didn’t violate the law in my opinion. They got on the ballot legally. It isn’t up to the legal system to dictate tactics employed by other candidates unless they violate the Constitution and a losing candidate sniffling and boo-hooing and getting their your feelings hurt isn’t unconstitutional.

  24. Andy posted:

    “I’ve heard of this tactic of running shall candidates other places. I recall a controversy in Maine over it awhile back”

    This is one of the reasons that Maine adopted ranked choice voting.

  25. Say what you will about Stock.

    At least he uses a real name when he posts.

    The real devil is much craftier.

  26. Where is the satan/satanist Party ???

    or are donkey/commie statist partys good enough for them ???

  27. LOL! I bet it would be really hard to gather petition signatures to place the Satanist Party on the ballot.

  28. The Church of Satan as an organization is apolitical. You can find individual Satanists in all parties from Libertarian to Authoritarian. And some Satanists think that any involvement in politics is a waste of time so they never vote at all.

  29. Andy and all the troll characters who “just happen” to make all the same exact propaganda talking points he does 99.9% of the time (completely coincidence, im sure) and have the same boogeymen they blame (naturally another, coincidence?) . What is your religion? Do you believe satan is real? Well? Don’t be shy, tell the truth, if you even remember how to do that all. What is your religion praytail?
    Does it commend you to always lie at all times?

  30. The only thing Andy disagrees with the multinamed fascist troll is whether Andy’s last names Gonzalez or not. It probably is, but maybe not. I’m thinking it may be Andy Jones. Alex Jones retarded hate child or dumber brother maybe?

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