Adlai E. Stevenson III Dies; Founded the Illinois Solidarity Party in 1986 Rather than Accept a LaRouche Supporter as His Running Mate

On September 6, Adlai E. Stevenson III died at the age of 90. See this lengthy New York Times obituary. He was a former Democratic U.S. Senator, and the Democratic nominee for Governor of Illinois in both 1982 and 1986. In the 1986 race, however, the Lieutenant Governor nominee who emerged from the Democratic primary was a supporter of Lyndon LaRouche. In Illinois, parties have separate primaries for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. But in the general election, they run as a team.

Stevenson resigned from the Democratic ticket rather than run in November in tandem with a LaRouche supporter. That left the Democratic Party with no nominee for Governor and Mark Fairchild for Lieutenant Governor. That ticket of no one plus Fairchild received 6% of the vote. If it had received less than 5%, the Democratic Party would have ceased to be a qualified party in Illinois.

Stevenson then formed a new party, the Illinois Solidarity Party, and ran as its gubernatorial nominee, polling 40.0%. That made the Illinois Solidarity Party the first fully ballot-qualified third party in Illinois since 1924. The legislature, which had a Democratic majority, passed a bill to let a qualified party cease to exist, because after the 1986 election was over Stevenson had no use for the Solidarity Party. But Republican Governor Jim Thompson vetoed the bill, so the Solidarity Party remained ballot-qualified for the 1988 and 1990 elections. Activists from the New Alliance Party captured it, so that it nominated Lenora Fulani for president in 1988.


Adlai E. Stevenson III Dies; Founded the Illinois Solidarity Party in 1986 Rather than Accept a LaRouche Supporter as His Running Mate — 84 Comments

  1. Thanks Richard. Regardless of Dumbo’s mumbo jumbo, your summary is well written and very informative.

  2. Mr Libertarian: Lyndon LaRouche was the leader of a political cult. He spread baseless conspiracy theories. He was to the Democratic Party what Alex Jones is to the Republican Party.

  3. I have always admired Lyndon LaRouche. He had great political ideas. Much better than all the corrupt assholes you admire.

  4. Kevin: Alex Jones has testified in Court that he is a performance artist who does not believe the the things he says on his show. Alex is not a Patriot, he is an opportunist making a living by scamming.

  5. Kevin: What is your definition of Communism? Anyone who disagrees with the whims of President Trump?

    I define Communism as abolishing private property and the workers owning the means of production. I don’t agree with either of those things. Therefore I am not a Communist.

  6. I met some of the LaRouche candidates in Baltimore during the mid-1980’s. They seemed pretty good people.

  7. What tax rate (as pct of GDP) makes a communist regime ???

    20 – 40 – 50 – 60 – 80 – 100 pct ???

  8. Richard, I was the Campaign Manager for the LaRouche Candidates in the 1986 elections and can offer some first hand reports or “testimony” as to what actually happened. If anyone wants documentation of what I am about to write, please send me an email at and I will be glad to supply it. So, here goes, the crux of the story that is hardly ever discussed. I will simplify for the sake of brevity. 1. Adlai Stevenson left the US Senate to run for Governor, because he wanted to RUN FOR PRESIDENT! 2. Governor was the path to White House, think Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush. 3. Adlai Stevenson probably won the 1982 Governor election but that was stolen by vote fraud. Stevenson NEVER conceeded the 1982 race till the day he died. 4. Adlai probably would have won the 1986 election for Governor, AND THEN USED THAT AS A PLATFORM TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT in 1988/1992. 5. BUT IF HE RESIGNED FROM OFFICE AT ANY POINT, Mark Fairchild, the LaRouche Candidate who would have been Lt. Governor would have ascended to Governor, when Stevenson would have opted to Run for President. 6. SO. the upshot is, Stevenson GAVE UP HIS LIFELONG AMBITION TO BE PRESIDENT, because the establishment bosses were SO SCARED THAT ONE LAROUCHE PERSON would be the Governor of Illinois. 7. If Stevenson had bucked the bosses, he arguably would have BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and all of history would have taken a totally different pathway. That is the short summary, I invite others to comment/disagree or agree, but that which I just wrote is from first hand knowledge. End of comment. Gerald

  9. Demo Rep: 100% makes a Communist regime. No private property at all. Less than 100% would not be Communist. It may be Socialist, but not Communist.

  10. I think that a mixed economy is best. Some Socialism and some Capitalism like we have had in the United States since the 1930s. I would increase the Socialism to be more like Canada or Western Europe but I would not do away with all Capitalism.

  11. Thanks for sharing, Gerald. Would be interesting to hear more background.
    The Democratic primary fields in 1988 and 1992 were quite crowded. What makes you think Stevenson would have made it through?

    What attracted you to the LaRouche movement? Was there more going on in Illinois politics than just the LaRouch movement which allowed your candidates to break through?

  12. Gerald wrote:

    “SO. the upshot is, Stevenson GAVE UP HIS LIFELONG AMBITION TO BE PRESIDENT, because the establishment bosses were SO SCARED THAT ONE LAROUCHE PERSON would be the Governor of Illinois”

    If he had run for President in 1992, Bill Clinton might never have made it.

  13. @ Robert Stock:

    We don’t need a mixed economy. We need private institutions to provide social services. When I was growing up, the Catholic Church ran many more schools, hospitals, and nursing homes than they do no. That all went into decline when fewer Catholics chose celibate vocations. But, it does show what is possible with freedom.

  14. Demo Rep may not be a laroushit but the racist bigot troll “Mr libertarian ” aka pyramid pile, hot Kareem, disco stick, Egyptian god, Nathan Norman, concerned citizen, dysfunctional filmore frugal, and too many others to name is a laroushit. The larouche and Scranton connections point at Darcy, but that could be a setup. It may also be Andy and or WSS who is also an admited pseudoname. Alex Jones and LAROUCHE be Nazi communist trash. Fuck you bitch.

  15. Wait I am confuseous. Momm or dads please to exxplane. Ape jooo sane at the piece of po0pp trolll is actually Darcy or that its Andy Jones or is it actually Will Satiren or is two or all 3 of then all the same slab of meat? If 2 whitch 2?

  16. Much as I disagree with Robert Stock, I’m so glad that he posts with a real name.

    So much space is wasted in these comments by people playing gusessing games.

  17. The guessing games are dumb but there half the fun. Id rather nobody plaid them but since the tr011/s doo , well , no unilateral disarmament. An eye for an eye may leave the hole world blind but fight fire with fire , fight fire with fire, fight fire with fire….

    BL0w that sh11t3 skyh1gh Yusef. 2o years tamorow.

  18. Workers only own the means of production in communist theory. In the real world, communist party bosses own the means of production, including human capital which is held in total chattel slavery. There is zero freedom of any kind under communist tyranny and workers are treated like shit and disposed of like trash, often wastefully.

    There’s also anarcho communism, another overblown theory which in reality just means most people starve to death and the few that survive end up living pretty much like prehistoric hunter gatherers but without the many generations of accumulated wisdom on how to try to survive under those circumstances. Under the far more common form of state socialism supposedly in the service of a theoretical communist utopia which never arrives many people also starve. Many due to regime incompetence and many more due to regime cruelty.

    Larouchism is a psycho totalitarian cult mixing regime socialism, fascism and mercantilism and is in no way, shape or form compatible with libertarianism despite what the fascist turd who misleadingly calls himself Mr libertarian here might want you , to believe. Fuck that noise.

  19. Actually they are not garbage comments. And they are not from whoever you calm the cyberpig who is probably just an imanuel Goldstein character you invented as a foil. If he isn’t you he is probably Andy, unless you are also Andy which you * the same troll identified in those comments * may very well also be.

  20. The above check mated multiple names larouch fascist troll is probably Darcy who may also be Andy aka cyberpig and or Saturn

  21. I recall some years ago that a reporter for Time magazine called LaRouche a libertarian. Altho many libertarians protested that designation, the reporter never apologized, and Time never retracted or corrected the story.

  22. That troll has several foil trolls who may or may not also be him. Robert Stock, Will Klatt and cyberpig Paul or Pauline Franklin. Robert Stock is the only one of these who is almost certainly a real person using there meat space name. And while yes has is a troll too, it’s not clear that he ever post under fake names.

    The real pig troll of many names (fap checker above) also Mr not so lubertarian
    Often blamed comments which he probably makes himself or anything that goes against his fascist agenda on Stock, Frankel or Klatt . If they are real people they may have pissed him off by beating him in arguments, shutting down his trolling or , maybe having sex with his slutty prostitute mother, wife or daughter, who may also all be the same person giving the obvious signs of inbreeding he constantly pits on display.

  23. Many establishment operated fake news outlets intentionally confused the larouche psycho authoritarian cult and libertarian party/movement and did not retract or correct. Iirc starting with a Detroit paper in the early 1980s.

  24. Walter Ziobro: I remember when Time magazine reported that Lyndon LaRouche was a, “wild eyed Libertarian”.

    In a later issue’s Letter to the Editor section they printed Harry Browne’s letter telling them they were wrong. Time replied, “Time regrets the error”.

    Those four words were easy to miss, but Time magazine did apologize for their mistake.

  25. The Detroit paper did not. I don’t know how many other news outlets repeated it.

  26. No, its just what I’m good at. But yes I do like the song. As well as drinking beer. But tonight I’m drinking straight up whiskey no mix no chaser. I started at 9 in the a.m. And no lie closing in on a gallon. Been sitting here watching barges float down the river and thinking about Andy and the rest of the trolls here swimming with the fishes.

  27. Is Andy a laroach supports? That may explain his constant confusion, far right fascism, and trying to bully opposing perspectives onto shutting up with his multiple personalities , non-stop name calling, bigotry, dumb identity games and, the rest of the commie?fascist totalitarian dirty debating handbook. Andy alt right personality admits to be a la roachie while false calling his self Mr libertarian which is , the furthest th I.g, from what he really is.

    So why school or be surprised, that Andy, as himself, does and says, a lit of the same shit. Well Fuck you bitch. Choke on your own cock and die. Punk bitch Andy Jones. Fuck YOU.

  28. On My Second Fifth Today: Why do you call me a troll? Trolls comment for the sole purpose of upsetting other posters. All of my comments are my honest opinion. Once in a while I will use hyperbole, but not often, but is still a true reflection of my thought.

  29. Maybe it is, and maybe not. You have however , admits recent thread that you do post intentionally to piss off and antagonize those you disagree with , such as conservatives, Christians. And right-libertarians. It was pretty obvious even before that. Your religion, and your views (present, and perhaps also past) are a reaction to your upbringing and surroundings. Your comments are a way of venting frustration. You have often admitted that you enjoy the strong, negative reactions you get. That’s a troll. Maybe you have a different definition?

  30. “Pretty good at drinking beer” says he is by a river. I heard from somebody that Paul was living in a house by a river. I heard it is a dumpy house, like a shack or something like that, near a river in Alabama. I do not know if he is still there or not, but maybe he is. Who knows?

  31. I’ve never been to Alabama. I heard it’s nice there but their is a lot of inbred rednecks kind of like in west Virginia so you need to watch out. Who is this Paul guy you keep bringing up? I don’t know who that is.

  32. Five Fifths Down: I have NEVER said that I intentionally post to antagonize or piss people off. Sometimes I use the same over the top language someone else has used in reaction to their comment but there is nothing wrong or trollish about that. I have NEVER said that I enjoyed the strong negative reactions of some people to my comments.

    My religion is not a reaction to my upbringing or surroundings. It is a logical choice based on years of study and observation.

    I posted my definition of trolling in my comment above. I do not and have not trolled.

  33. I am actually not that familiar with Lyndon LaRouche. I am aware of who he was, and I occasionally encountered his supporters, but I never really followed Lyndon LaRouche.

  34. Andy means he thinks you are me. It’s actually a really nice house, on the black warrior river in Jefferson county, Alabama, looking at Walker county across the river from my porch. I swim a few miles in the river every day.

    It’s hilarious occasionally lurking here and seeing how many people Andy and some other people who got kicked off independent party watch blog claim I am . Or that I need to be paid to comment here. They are stupid. I don’t actually care much about this shit now that I don’t need the money that I got when I had to do it for a living.

    Andy thinks he knows a lot more about me than he actually does. Just one of my crypto plays made me a million this year alone. 10k on doge early this year. Learned to buy the rumor, sell the news, so I cashed it to usdc and tether just before musk went on snl. Perfect timing. There have been lots of others.

    You idiots have fun with this stupid hobby and with fantasizing you make a difference, or will change anything, or powers that be give a shot, or that I’m here all the time like y’all, or that I need to be paid to be here, or whatever other idiocy you think is thinking , but isn’t.

  35. Five Fifths Down: I joined the Church of Satan in 2013 at the age of 54. That is definitely not rebelling against my parents.

    In 2010 I took an online poll to see which religion would reflect my beliefs the best. I thought it would result in Atheism. Imagine my surprise when the result said my best fit would be the Church of Satan!

    It went on to say, don’t freak out, Satanism isn’t what you think it is. I went to and ordered a copy of the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. I was expecting Devil Worshiping mumbo jumbo. I enjoy reading H.P. Lovecraft so I thought it might be something similar.

    When the book arrived I was amazed. No supernatural nonsense, no real Satan, or Demons. It was a book of philosophy very similar to Objectivism.

    Some critics have described the Church of Satan as Ayn Rand with theater. That is overly simplistic, but in the ballpark.

    So if Satan is not real then why the name and spooky elements? Because it’s fun. It is no different than watching a movie or a play where you suspend your disbelief for a couple of hours in order to achieve Catharsis.

    A lot of people will never understand, but that’s OK. They don’t have to. Satanism is not intended for everyone.

  36. I doubt the post above is really Paul. Paul is not a swimmer. There were times I staid at motels with Paul near the ocean. He never swam. Same thing with swimming pools at motel. I recall him getting in the water maybe once or twice, but he did not really swim. I find it hard to believe that he is swimming in rivers now, especially a few miles every day.

  37. The poster above claiming to be Paul called Independent Political Report Independent Party Watch. Paul posted at Independent Political Report for over 10 years. There’s no way he’d get the name wrong.

  38. Also, if Paul was going to “come out of the closet” in a post here, he would not put his real first name with a fake last name. I call BS on that post.

  39. Mr Libertarian: The poll didn’t covince me. Reading the Satanic Bible, the other books by Anton LaVey, and the essays at the Church of Satan website over the next couple of years convinced me to join the Church of Satan. More than two years of study, thinking and comparing that to what I had learned in the past 54 years.

  40. Andy,

    All the medications he takes for his various health problems due to his extreme obesity and elephantiasis, as well as all the illicit drugs and alcohol intake through the decades has probably polluted his mind and led to the deranged comments he now makes.

  41. It’s like if someone started a party called the Communist Party but then claimed it wasn’t really communist but actually favored capitalism.

  42. Maybe, but he could also be on the payroll of the Mossad or ADL or SPLC or George Soros’ (aka-Aaron Schwartzman’s) Open Society, or something like that.

  43. Mr Libertarian: Like the Chinese Communist Party calling their openess to limited Capitalism, “Socialism with Chinese characteristics”?

    Satanism is not intended for everyone and most people will never get over the hurdle of the word, Satanism. That’s OK. Part of that hurdle keeping many people from even beginning to look into Satanism is intentional, but not completely. The word Satan weeds out most of the disingenuous.

  44. Maybe a better way to weed out people would be to call themselves the Church of Pedophiles. Of course they don’t want to molest children. Children (pedo-) are simply something they love (-phile). That would surely get rid of the most nefarious people.

  45. Mr Libertarian: Don’t you see the difference? I am sorry that your intellect is so stunted. This is the last comment I will make in this thread. Speaking with you is a waste of time.

  46. No difference. Satan is the Christian personification of evil. The Church of Satan names itself based on the concept of Satan as a contrarian without regard for the perception of that term. Similarly, the Church of Pedophiles names itself based on the basic Greek definition of the word pedophile as one who loves children without any regard for the perception of the term with child molestation.

    But let’s be real. The people drawn to the Church of Pedophiles would obviously be child molesters just as the people drawn to the Church of Satan hold an affinity for the personification of evil in the Christian church.

  47. You think Marilyn Manson is drawn to the Church of Satan because of its value on rational thinking?

  48. Laughing at morons Andy Jones and Mr Not So Libertarian. It’s funny how similar their nonsense is, but I don’t think they are one and the same. I actually believe Andy when he says he doesn’t post under other names. But I could be wrong about that. Obviously he doesn’t know me as well as he thinks he does. Maybe I don’t know him as well as I think I do either.

    I think a lot of what these two idiot savants say about me, Stock, and others is projection. They ascribe their own negative traits to others. They also seem to have many other same or similar psychological issues such as bipolar disorder, OCD, monomania, tunnel vision, fixed ideas, narcissism, megalomania, zealotry, paranoia, etc. Obviously, this is a layman’s assessment based on long term close observation and a review of the literature as a generalist, not a medical diagnosis, but I think it is valid nevertheless.

    Andy doesn’t get my sense of humor. I intentionally mangled his name, my name, and the name of third party political report. That signifies how unimportant and utterly forgettable we are. And what an utter waste of time this is, and the decade plus Andy mentions that I spent at least free hammer of lies. Few people care, even fewer people care much, and nobody should care.

    My post as Paul Franco was truthful. It doesn’t matter if Andy or his mental doppleganger believe it or not, because there is literally nothing at stake. I’m only wasting my time now due to insomnia.I’ve tried a bunch of other stuff, and this is the most reliable way to bore myself to sleep.

    Apparently, Andy thinks I’m incapable of changing, perhaps because he is. But I’ve changed a lot since the time when I used to waste my time hanging around him. I’m not online much anymore. I don’t go to political events or meetings, and my only paid gig is trading crypto, which is very profitable the past year and enough to live on comfortably for the past 3 years with very little effort.

    So yeah I have different hobbies now. Yes I do swim a lot in the river. I also do a lot of camping, moving and hauling wood for campfires, cooking, gardening, fishing, home improvement projects, and hanging out in person with my friends, who are nonpolitical or have very different political views than I do. And my own views have evolved too. I’m veering more towards antipolitical these days.

    I’m still overweight, but no longer obese. I do still drink, but the troll exaggerates my history with alcohol and drugs greatly. I get plenty of exercise now, just going about my life and having fun, and eat out a lot less (other than women) , and cook healthy food for myself. I am a millionaire from crypto with enough cashed out and diversified to not have much worry about finances . I’m also a lot happier. The air is cleaner out here in the country too and everything is a lot less stressful. I have relationships with women now, not just occasional random hookups.

    It’s funny to me that these two wackos think I’m here all the time like they are . Or that I need to be paid to do it. Maybe they do? Idk. It’s just dumb.

    And sad to see their idiotic antisemitic selves think that I’m shilling for some ill defined Jewish conspiracy. Most of my ancestry is Jewish,but I’m not even Jewish according to Jewish religious law. I’ve never been of the Jewish religion. I grew up mostly secular. I did go to some Jewish schools growing up , mostly because we lived in some very rough neighborhoods and my parents didn’t want me going to government schools there. But I rarely attended other than 3rd and 6th grade and went to government high school and college. My parents also grew up mostly secular, and still are to this day.

    I’ve never been a big fan of Israel, and I’m not a fan of any government. I’m not very Jewish culturally either. If there are any Jews in my neighborhood, I don’t know about it. My girlfriend isn’t Jewish, and neither were my past girlfriends. My friends aren’t Jewish, I don’t attend any Jewish events , etc. So it’s pretty laughable that these lunatics keep babbling that I troll for Israeli or Jewish interests.

    Maybe they troll for Putin, but I doubt it. They seem like they’d be a waste of money to me. And why bother paying them when it’s so easy to manipulate them into repeating Kremlin propaganda talking point around the clock for free?

    Well, I think I’ve achieved my objective and bored myself to sleep. In the unlikely event that anyone besides the trolls reads this overly long babblefest, I’m sure I bored the shit out of you too. The trolls will say I’m lying again, but it does not matter, because I don’t care and neither should you. None of this matters. You are wasting your time, just like I am right now. Believe whatever you want.

  49. Andy Jacobs and Paul Frankel are not the trolls. Robert Stock is not a troll. The Darcy Richardson theory is intriguing. Jason Seagraves is also a suspect, as is Tom Knapp. It’s definitely someone who had a lot to do with IPR back in its first year. He now plays all the fascist, racist, bigot and far right characters other than Andy Jacobs/Gonzalez/Jones and other identifiable people, and tries to bully everyone who disagrees into shutting up with usually baseless accusations as to who they are and name calling e.g. retard, communist, ((())), etc. This person is also responsible for posting a lot of sexually explicit, harrassing and degrading material and paradoxically at the same time prudishness at other times. It appears he also has conflicted feelings about homo- and transexuality.

  50. Speaking of projection, this fascist tool’s moniker of cyberpig which he uses for Frankel is more appropriately applied to himself. The things he says about Stock, Seidenberg and others are probably more true of himself as well; I see he avoided the question about what his religion is, but it must direct him to lie, since he does it so much. He’s always saying that about Jews, Muslims, Satanists, etc. Come to think of it, so does Andy. But what is his or their religion(s)? And if the fashy troll isn’t Andy, who is he? He seems very focused on who all everyone else is, yet hides in the shadows himself . And Andy refuses assiduously to confirm if his last name is Gonzalez, Jacobs, Jones or what it is. Hmmmm.

  51. The fascist tool/troll is probably a self hating something. Jew, black, communist, homosexual, drug addict, Hispanic, some combination of these?

  52. Funny how Paul, or whoever is pretending to be Paul, claims he dropped out of politics, yet he keeps popping up here, or somebody pretending to be him keeps popping up here.

    This person posting as Paul mentioned cooking. The real Paul is way too lazy to cook. He explicitly never cooked or cleaned. He also was not that sociable a person. Oh, and he supposedly quit drinking alcohol after being hospitalized.

    This sounds like BS to me.

  53. “It’s like if someone started a party called the Communist Party but then claimed it wasn’t really communist but actually favored capitalism”

    There IS such a party: the Chinese Communist Party.

    “To get rich is glorious.”

    -Deng Xiaoping

  54. Unlike the Church of Satan whose adherents claim to not be worshippers of Satan, CCP members do claim to be communists.

  55. I did drop out of politics. I still keep up with it online some, sometimes, but nothing like I used to. Sometimes I read here and other times I stop for weeks or months at a time. It just depends. I rarely ever comment, but it’s funny how many people you and the other idiot claim or think are me. Every once in a great while I do comment, and then your mental twin thinks it’s Stock or someone named Klatt I never heard of.

    And yes, I did quit alcohol after the sepsis in 2019. I quit other times too. I currently do drink, but rarely get real drunk. I’m a lot more sociable now, actual real friends and girlfriend and not just talking to people for work or randomly in town. And I’m a lot less lazy now. I cook and sometimes clean.

    I also have a lesbian couple who shop and clean for me sometimes, but they also come out here to swim, fish, drink and hang out. My girlfriend doesn’t live with me, but sometimes she helps me shop and clean also. We cooked together the other day, one of her few days here without kids, and that was fun.

    I have another buddy who comes over a lot and crashes on my porch when he’s too tired or drunk to drive back to town. We grill out. Do fires, he helps me with home improvement, gardening and yard work projects, rides sometimes. We fish and swim and drink and listen to music and bullshit, like with my other friends. Him and his wife are also park hosts at a campground near here and I go camping there a lot. Sometimes she comes over here to hang out too.

    I’m finally starting to know my neighbors a little. There’s a couple that come over here once in a while, or I go to their house. So yeah I’ve changed a lot. But not completely. It sounds like Andy has not changed much and has a hard time understanding that I have. Too bad.

    Anyway, Andy, don’t bother having Lee Evans check up on me for you. I could block his number just as easily as I blocked yours and Trent’s. The same goes for anyone else who can feed you information. I screen my calls and texts and know how to block or filter both. Y’all can all Fuck right off.

    There is zero reason for me to keep up with the petition business or the fucked up people in it anymore, and I’m just not a political activist or operative of any kind anymore. And I am even more cynical about all of it, including the LP, now. I just don’t care much anymore. Life is good, and people are crazy. What are you gonna do? Forget about it.

    That’s five minutes I shouldn’t have wasted catching you up. It’s a nice day , I’m heading down to the water, and you try not to choke on your hatred, suspicion and bile. I’d say get mental help, but I know you won’t. You won’t realize how much of life you’re missing and how broken and damaged you are unless and until you start healing, like i’m doing.

  56. Why is the Paul, or Paul character, above continually posting under fake names? Something fishy is going on here.

  57. The cyberpig is a nickname Robert Milnes gave you. He is more successful and better than you. You are most likely delusional or lying about yourself.

  58. So this Paul, or person pretending to be Paul, says he does not care about politics anymore, yet he, or someone playing him, keeps popping up here.

  59. It’s also possible that the posts above are not him.

    Is Paul part of some coordinated political sabotage/propaganda effort? I don’t know, but we do know that he was trolling here and at other sites for years.

    Regardless of whether or not he was or is part of some coordinated effort, we do know that such efforts exist, and I think they have been on this site, as well as IPR, and other places. I have seen too much strange stuff happen over the years to believe otherwise. Look what just happened in the Libertarian Party with the coup attempt in New Hampshire. There was likely Deep State involvement in that.

  60. Why do you trolls always ruin the memorials on this page?

    RIP Lyndon LaRouche
    RIP Robert Louis Stevenson

  61. Funny how the person above claiming to be Paul keeps popping up here even though Paul allegedly dropped out of politics.

  62. If this was the real Paul above, how did he know to pop up on this thread if he was not already trolling here? I suspect he was trolling here due to the post from “Pretty good at drinkin beer,” as Paul identified with that line from this country music song. So did I out him here, or is the poster above an imposter?

  63. Troll morons have list of fake names ??? —

    like names given to New Age major storms.

    Any retirement of troll names — as being world class super stupid ???

  64. The article below really reminds me of Paul. I went out of my way to help the guy out on multiple occasions, only to have him basically stab me in the back. Even though I had not read the article below, I actually did notice some of these warning signs, but I kept giving him the benefit of the doubt. My mistake.

    14 Signs Of Fake Friends: How To Spot One A Mile Off

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