New California Registration Tally Shows Substantial Growth for Common Sense Party

On September 10, the California Secretary of State released new voter registration data. All of the six qualified parties except the Republican Party gained, compared to the last tally. The number of independent voters declined. However, all those changes were small. The most interesting result was the increase in Common Sense Party registration. The Common Sense Party is not ballot-qualified but is working hard to reach enough registrations to qualify. The requirement is constantly changing, but currently is 72,403 registrants.

The Common Sense Party has 17,322 registrants, as of the tally date of August 30. In the last tally, as of July 16, it had 11,965.

For the qualified parties, the percentages are: Democratic 46.54%; Republican 24.02%; American Independent 3.24%; Libertarian .97%; Peace & Freedom .501%; Green .401%; independent, miscellaneous and unknown 24.31%.

At the July 16, 202l tally, the percentages were: Democratic 46.49%; Republican 24.05%; American Independent 3.22%; Libertarian .96%; Peace & Freedom .498%; Green .399%; independent, miscellaneous and unknown 24.38%.

Here is a link to the Secretary of State’s new tally.


New California Registration Tally Shows Substantial Growth for Common Sense Party — 54 Comments

  1. How soon before CA is ONE party state ???

    See olde nazi and USSR commie regimes.

    Perhaps as soon as the RED commie Guv is N-O-T recalled ???

  2. Glad to see the “NPP” registrants still surpass “Republican” registrants! CA already IS a “one-party state” as evidenced with Democrats controlling each legislative house with a 75% majority in each! For whatever it is worth though, AB 846 passed that will LOWER the new political party signature qualification threshold from 10% to 3%! If Newsom signs it, it kicks in on 01/01/2022. Let’s hope some of these “alternative parties” can finally get ballot status. It’s not like the current crop of third parties have ever made a dent in CA politics!

  3. Larry Elder has about as much chance of being CA’s governor, as I or you do! It’s NOT gonna happen! “YES” on Recall, and “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on any of the yo-yo’s running to replace Newsom!

  4. CORRECTION: That is AB 446, NOT “846”-Being “enrolled” by the CA “Engrossing and Enrollment” office. Probably going to be presented to Newsom next week (once the Recall Election is over!).

  5. “SUDCCICV on September 12, 2021 at 9:15 am said:
    Larry Elder has about as much chance of being CA’s governor, as I or you do! It’s NOT gonna happen! “YES” on Recall, and “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on any of the yo-yo’s running to replace Newsom!”

    Voting for None Of The Above is just symbolic. If there were no decent candidates on the ballot, I could understand voting for None Of The Above, but there are at least 3 candidates for whom I believe it is worth it to cast a vote for. They are, in no particular order:

    1) Jeff Hewitt

    2) Nickolas Wilderstar

    3) Larry Elder

    Only one of these 3 stands a realistic chance to win, but any of the 3 would be good, and certainly much better than Gavin Newsom.

  6. It’s Nickolas Wildstar, not “Wilderstar”. I agree those three (Wildstar, Hewitt, and Elder) are probably the most pro-freedom and deserving of votes. But only one (Hewitt) is representing an alternative (non-cartel) political party.

    It doesn’t matter how much of a chance to win a candidate has, because your vote is never going to change the outcome in an election with as many people voting as in a statewide race in California. All you are doing is adding to someone’s total and registering your preference.

    Think of it as taking an opinion poll. If you think “C” is the best response, you would choose response “A” or response “B” just because you think that’s how most people would respond. But many people approach their election choices with that kind of insincerity, not understanding the odds that their vote will change the outcome are lower than their chances of winning the lottery or getting hit by lightening.

    Unfortunately when people do this, it means democracy is effectively broken, because election outcomes won’t reflect the true preferences of the electorate.

  7. Oops, meant to write “…you WOULDN’T choose response ‘A’ or response ‘B’ just because you think that’s how most people would respond.”

  8. That mistake on the name Nickolas Wildstar was due to autocorrect. Autocorrect sometimes screws things up.

  9. FATAL HIGH mania for powerMAD monarchs in burned / quaked CA —

    esp in LA media — esp since 1960 Kennedy v Nixon election.

  10. I think “Ranked Choice Voting” may catch on-eventually. It is used in San Francisco elections in CA, that is all. Jerry Brown VETOED a bill for RCV for “non-partisan” local offices (e.g, school boards and city councils) in his last year as governor. What might work here in CA is the “Top 4-RCV” option. Expand partisan primary elections to the “Top 4” (vs. the “Top 2” that exists now!), and then let RCV occur in General Elections. On the other hand, this may be too much for voters to do. It’s not like they are willing to deviate outside of the “cartel/monoploistic” party candidates! The lack of 3rd party candidates winning ANYTHING in CA proves that.

  11. No Top 4, just Ranked Choice Voting. If you add Top 2 or Top 5 or Top whatever to it, it will hurt minor parties and independents.

  12. Why would minor party candidate think that RCV will “work for them” if there are an unlimited number of candidates on the ballot vs. just 4 or 5? When there “primary-nominated” candidates in CA prior to 2010, the minor party candidates barely got 1-2%. HOW is them being on an RCV ballot with 10 candidates going to improve their odds?

  13. Prior to Top 2 primary in California and Washington, the minor parties were at least able to regularly get their candidates on the ballot in general elections, which is the time during which the highest percent of the public pays attention to politics, which at least gave them a chance to get their message out to more people.

  14. The demonrats are stealing another election now, this time in California, the land of Reagan and Nixon.

  15. The Presidential election was not stolen and neither was the California recall election.

    Trump supporters are worse than sore losers. They are authoritarian hooligans who don’t give a damn about Democracy, the Rule of Law, or Constitutional government.

    The only thing that matters to Trump supporters is blind loyalty to every whim of their Dear Leader.

  16. California recall was stolen and the presidential probably was too. Do some research.

    Biden is the real dictator here. Look at all of his executive orders, or are you just too much of a racist communist to see that?

  17. Every President issues executive orders. Obama, Trump, Bush. Nothing new about that.

    What makes President Trump different is he asked his people to ignore the law and implement his whims.

  18. You mean like when Biden ignored the Supreme Court on evictions?

    Racist Stock hates the Constitution and loves commie dictators like Biden.

  19. Ralph: President Biden said that the Supreme Court would probably strike it down. And it did. Biden isn’t perfect and will make mistakes.

    The difference is that President Biden admits when he is wrong instead of pressuring other elected officials to break the law regardless of the Courts.

  20. “asked his people to ignore the law and implement his whims.”

    Do you have any evidence for this claim?

  21. Mr Libertarian: When Mike Pence was pressured to ignore the Electoral College and proclaim that Trump was re-elected. And pressuring the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” votes for Trump when recount after recount showed the same results.

  22. Racist Stock, Biden tried to impose it AFTER the Supreme Court struck it down. Obviously you don’t know history. Commies like you are bad about that.

  23. This is an example of how effective fake news is in spreading disinformation. The Washington Post falsely claimed in January that Trump asked the GA SOS to “find votes” when in fact the tape came out in May showing Trump asking to “find the dishonesty.”

  24. Mr Libertarian: Trump is on tape not only asking to find votes, but President Trump gave the Georgia Secretary of State the specific number of votes Trump wanted. That is the recording that I heard.

  25. To the guy who called me a racist:

    President Biden did not try to impose it after the Supreme Court struck it down. It was before not after.

  26. The left, deviants, physical and mental freaks, dopers, whores, criminals, feminazis, illegal invaders, criminals, and those who are genetically inferior need to be physically removed from our Homeland.

  27. That include liberals, rinos, wiggers, sand niggers, anarchists, atheists, radical mau mau negroes, commies, antifa, deep state, witches, vampires, lawyers, jews, welfare leeches, democrats, homos, chomos, hippies, bums, and all the rest of the disgusting rodents infecting America.

  28. It’s time for vigilante justice to cleanse the Homeland of all the filth and disease and ensure the supremacy of the physically and mentally pure and superior European-American patriarchy.

  29. Captain America: Vigilante justice is anti Democratic, anti Rule of Law, and anti American. It is the way of the people we defeated in World War II.

  30. I’m anti democracy. I support a Christian Republic. We need nationalism, but without the socialism. Martial law and theocratic patriarchy would be ideal. Brunettes, dwarves, and left handed freaks will also have no place in the new order. We must have law and order and blood and honor. We must support our troops and our local police and clean up the streets and the border. We must drain the swamp and finish the wall. We need chain gangs and military parades and military tribunals and public executions. We need to put God and Jesus back in public schools. Russia is our friend.

    This is the real rule of law. The real America. We defeated socialism in World War II and the cold war. Now we must cleanse our Homeland of criminals and genetic filth, make Trump Emperor, deport all the deportables, bring back manufacturing and coal mining jobs, defeats our foreign enemies, torture all who stand in our way, and restore morality as we mow down retards and deviants like the lice and roaches they are.

  31. Captain America: If you get your wish then the United States would be ruled by a Christian Taliban.

    During World War II the Communists and Socialists were our allies. Germany, Italy, and Japan were ruled by Right Wing extremists.

  32. Retard, they were ruled by left wing extremists. First of all orientals are left wing by definition. If you keep going left from the left coast you end up in Japan. That means they are ultra left wing. Besides which, they attacked us at pearl harbor, just like the Jews and sand negroes did on 9/11. So they had to be detested and defeated, just like those other slant eyed orientals in China need to be now.

    Germany and Italy were ruled by left wing socialists. Even though they were national socialists, they were still socialists, so we were right to defeat them and get them out of the way so we could face and defeat the real enemies, the commies. We defeated them commies on Eastern Europe and Russia.

    Now we must defeat the commies in China, our domestic fifth column and cultural Marxism, socialism, liberalism, secularism, tolerance, permisiveness, globalists, jews, spics, Islam, mud people, tranny freaks, gypsies, space aliens, talking monkeys, and all the rest of our enemies, foreign and domestic.

    We need to make every day January 6. Which I think is also the Eastern Orthodox Christmas. We need to light crosses all over the land and bring the light of Christ to every last bit of darkness across the Homeland and beyond. The day of the rope is coming soon. Repent!

  33. We must have national capitalism. Not national socialism. Not international socialism. Not globalist capitalism. Not Jews, secularism or Jihadis. Only CHRISTian theocratic patriarchy and martial law.

  34. Rubber Stick mentioned the Taliban. I have a big problem with the Taliban: they refuse to acknowledge the divinity of Jesus Christ, and pray to an Arabian moon rock instead.

    But. You have to give credit where credit is due. They do not tolerate Buddhism, secularism, or beatniks. They don’t allow Jews and global elites to take over their country. They know how to keep women in their place. They have awesome beards. They wipe out corruption, crime, narcomania, deviance, pedos, and chomos. They believe in corporal punishment and the death penalty, and they do it right . Not that there is no room for improvement. But. In many ways, they could be a role model for us. That’s a fact, Jack.

  35. The restoration of Taliban rule to all of Afghanistan gives me even more hope that we can restore Trump and make America great again again. If they can do it, so can er4

  36. The restoration of Taliban rule to all of Afghanistan gives me even more hope that we can restore Trump and make America great again again. If they can do it, so can we!

  37. He is dropping a lot of truth bombs, but he’s at 110% truth. Once you go above exactly 100%, you are part of the globalist Zionist conspiracy with leftists, Soros, Satan, Zuckerberg, Google, Amazon, Netflix, pedowood, global elitists, China, Mexico, Iran, Talmudic filth, kosher conservatives, cultural Marxists, ferengi, Christ Killers, and the rest of the evildoers. I wonder how much Israel, ADL and THE ASPCA are paying him.

  38. Racist Stock lives in Retardville. He has no clue what is going on. Dementia Biden did try to push it through even after the Supreme Court ruling.

  39. I worship Soros and the devil and I’m a total leftard imbecile moron. Also I lie all the time. Even right now.

  40. I’m pretty much all the trolls and fake names here too. I get paid by the NAACP and the AARP to troll.

  41. I am glad all the elections are rigged. You’ll deserve it because you are paranoid schizophrenic psychos.

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