Truthout Carries Article by Two Prominent Greens, Criticizing Democratic Party’s Voting Rights Bill for Eliminating Primary Season Matching Funds

Truthout has this article by Michael Feinstein and Howie Hawkins, criticizing the Democratic Party-backed election law bill in Congress for proposing to eliminate primary season matching funds. Thanks to Fairvote for the link.


Truthout Carries Article by Two Prominent Greens, Criticizing Democratic Party’s Voting Rights Bill for Eliminating Primary Season Matching Funds — 156 Comments

  1. As soon as I saw that Hawkins had co-authored with Feinstein, I saw further evidence that Hawkins is the ZOG Green candidate. Israel would not have let him get the nomination if he were not owned by them. Or at least their dupe. The socialist green ticket of 2020 of Hawkins/Walker was the guaranteed loser Kiss of Death ticket.
    The most important issue facing the GP and LP is that they are heavily infiltrated by spies and saboteurs-operatives-of the DP, RP and Israel. i.e. The ZOG.
    All the rest is lost because you will lose at the polls.
    Only PLAS/Top Six/Level the Playing Field can help you win.
    A favorable outcome in the Robert Bowers case would help also.
    Begin to get Israel off our backs.

  2. The best tickets in 2020 would have been Milnes/Jorgensen or Zeese/Jorgensen.
    Evidently the ZOG tried a twofer against me and Zeese on the same day.
    They succeeded with Zeese and failed with me. Again.
    Unfortunately Darcy Richardson is off on some centrist wild goose chase.

  3. I’m not a Green Party supporter; but, this is another attempt to slowly bleed a third political party and stack the deck ahead of time.

  4. Imagine thinking that you’re the only one here with a common name like Andy. How arrogant.

  5. Who the Fuck is Paulie and how does Rabbi Milnestein know who believes what or who? Rabbi Milnestein should take his own advice and go turn to shit in the Sinai since he spread his ass for the va666xxx , got screwed skewed, and tattooed and, became Rabbi Milnestein. I am Andy, one of millions. And one of at least two and, maybe more, here. Since the other Andy does not post his last name even when , asked, I think what is good for the goose. Is good for the gander.

  6. Rabbi Milnestein got screwed, jewed and, tattooed. Skewed was auto correct but, that works , too.

  7. 69. I will be 70 in July, which is three months longer than the quacks currently give me to live. Then again I beat their predictions a few times already. How about you and why do you care?

  8. Everybody,
    There is some news in the Bowers case.
    There was an October 1 deadline. I believe foe a decision on Bowers pleading insanity.
    A possible change of venue motion also.
    In my opinion the defense is way off. Judy Clark is colluding with the prosecution to get a plea bargain.
    In my letter to Bowers, which I have no information as to whether he received it or not, I recommended he not plea bargain. I offered to -pro bono- assist him in his defense. That he not plead guilty but rather present an affirmative defense to a jury. I offered to do that.
    I would present the case that the US government is in collusion with Israel. Aiding and abetting apartheid, terrorist state of Israel in its crimes against humanity. That a citizen has the right of self defense such that a preemptory attack against Israel is justified.
    I would compare Israel to ISIS to the jury.

  9. Why does what you claim you believe matter, Rabbi Milnestein? You spread your ass for the vax and turned into a jew. There’s really no evidence that your beliefs are shared by anyone else, or have anything to do with reality, or that anyone will ever help you with your schemes, or that you’ll help yourself.

  10. I’ve been following this as a neutral observer and I’m sad to say it appears Robert Milnes has been hit with a bullshit grenade and has become Rabbi Milnestein bleeding jew propaganda.

  11. Everybody,
    The Bowers case is presenting us with a clear opportunity to defeat Israel in a US Court.
    The US government has a LOT of jews in high places. Jews zealously support Israel.
    Merrick Garland, US Attorney General. The boss of the US attorney in Pittsburgh.
    Janet Yellin, US Secretary of the Treasury.
    Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State.
    Elena Kagan, US Supreme Court Associate Justice.
    Ruth Bader Ginsberg, US Supreme Court Associate Justice, recently deceased. If Merrick Garland had been confirmed, that would have made 3 US Supreme Court Justices out of 9=33%. Jews are about 2% of the US population.
    Richard Blumenthal, US Senator. D-Ct. Reportedly the richest US Senator at worth about $100 million.
    ETC. Let’s list them all, shall we?
    Bernie Sanders, US Senator. I-Vt.
    Chuck Schumer, US Senator. D-NY.
    Diane Feinstein, US Senator. D-CA.
    Jon Ossoff, US Senator. D-GA.
    5 US Senators out of 50= 10%. Jews are about 2% of US population.

  12. There should be no (0) jews on the Bowers jury.
    Because jews are about 2% of US population.
    There are 12 jurors. =8 1/3%.
    2%= about 1/4 of one juror.
    You cannot have 1/4 of a juror.
    1/4 = < 1/2. Therefore you cannot round up to 1 juror.

  13. Who said it was from you? Are you still going to pretend you are the only Andy, like the most arrogant asshole in the whole world?

  14. The Libertarian party should support this legislation, because they object to ‘welfare’ for parties, politicians or anyone else.

  15. Where is Tom Knapp in all this commenting in BAN?
    And Tom supposedly knows a lot about Darcy.
    And where is Darcy?
    And William Saturn?
    Let’s have others opinions about Israel and Bowers.
    Not just me. I’m sick and tired of being the only one
    speaking out favorably about Bowers.
    The only leftist/progressive or libertarian.
    You too New Federalist.

  16. Rabbi Milnestein is a purveyor of pro-va666xxx/pro-face diaper misinformation/disinformation. The asshole spread his asshole and got it screwed, jewed, and tattooed. Now the gates of hell nanotrackers monitor his every move, and the nanobots embedded in the jewmonic Satan sperm manipulate his brain into spreading that mis/disinformation.

  17. The trolls here are the other Andy and Rabbi Milnestein. I’m not posting under a fake name. I’m posting under my real name which I’ve had since 1952. Unlike the other Andy, I realize that I’m not the only Andy in the world.

  18. And before the other Andy asks me to prove who I am, he can go first. I’ve seen him claim other people here met him. I don’t know them either, and I have not seen THEM say it. Only him. If he can be Andy without a last name, so can I.

  19. I want to speak to Robert Bowers.
    Is he being held incommunicado?
    I say this trial is unreliable unless
    I and others are allowed to talk with him.
    As I recall when I was being held by the ZOG in 1985
    pretrial/plea bargain, I did not speak to anyone.
    Including the press, yet there was much press about me and my case.
    Is that part of the strategy to extract a plea bargain?
    Only the Court appointed lawyer can speak to the press?
    Right wing nuts-DEMAND TO SPEAK TO BOWERS!
    He is being held incommunicado by The ZOG!
    Just like I was in 1985.
    And they got me.
    They got me to plea guilty to something I felt I was not guilty
    but did not know what else to do.
    Right wing nuts, your opportunity to take down The ZOG is not in Washington,
    it is in Pittsburgh!

  20. Right wing nuts, forget Washington, DC.
    It is heavily fortified by The ZOG.
    Do you want to defest The ZOG?
    Go to Pittsburgh.
    Demand to speak to Robert Bowers.
    Before The ZOG squeezes a guilty plea out of him.
    Demand that I be allowed to talk with him.
    I will advise him about his possible affirmative defense.
    other than INSANITY!
    I offer to advise Bowers pro bono.
    I offer Bowers to Champion his Defense to a jury of his peers.
    Pro bono.
    He will have the benefit of my losing experience with The ZOG.
    Which I did not have in 1985. I had no Champion.
    Only a jewish Court-read ZOG-appointed lawyer.
    Judy Clarke is UNRELIABLE.
    If only I did! I would NEVER have plead guilty.

  21. Casey,
    How sis Bowers communicate this to you?
    By his ZOG appointed attorney Judy Clarke?

  22. Right wing nuts, go to Pittsburgh.
    Time is running out.
    Even Judge Donetta Ambrose has said paraphrasing that she thinks it is about time.
    For plea bargain or trial.
    Do you want Bowers to plead guilty by reason of insanity?
    The death penalty would be taken off the table, but Bowers will get shipped to a mental institution.
    Maybe even FCI Butner, North Carolina like I was.
    But he will get forcibly drugged.
    I was not forcibly drugged.
    I was lucky. I had a good conscientious doctor.
    Plus my charges were nowhere near as serious as Bowers’.

  23. No, we talked personally. And no one is going to go to Pittsburgh if you don’t lead the way. Which you won’t, and not that you should.

  24. Because it’s a trap you and your asshole buddies in the FBi are setting up and nobody is falling for it.

  25. Oh, you guys are good!
    This one must have come from your top think tank via the Mossad!
    Well, I guess we will see.
    Will the right wing nuts let Israel do Robert Bowers?

  26. And what will the left wing nuts do?
    Maybe a little BDS?
    No, not B & D!
    Boycott, Divest, Sanction.
    That was very effective against apartheid South Africa.

  27. And what will the US military do?
    After the Trump/Biden Afghanistan fiasco?
    Nothing with an Israel lackey President?
    A ZOG infiltrated Congress and Supreme Court?

  28. Rabbi Milnestein sounds unhinged. The va666xxx must be eating his brain from the inside like some hungry little worms.

  29. The comment from 10/6/21 at 12:44 pm is not from me. The one at 12:41 pm is from me. See, two can play that game.

    Using my actual name is not impersonating you. It’s been my name since 1952. If you don’t want readers to be confused, use your last name , or a number, or something. You’re the one worried about it, not me. I’m ok with just being Andy and I don’t care if anyone mixes me up with you or not.

  30. Ok. I have a possible solution.
    Ordinarily I would drive my rv to Pittsburgh. It is old 1991 nut roadworthy and livable-primatively.
    However my landlord, Steve, started charging me $10/day to park it near my house.
    So I had a friend drive it to his place in Arizona.
    However, if someone would start a GoFundMe to get another rv,
    I could drive that to Pittsburgh. Stay in it. Maybe also make it into a
    Presidential campaign vehicle.
    I doubt if anyone would have the bad taste to harass a presidential campaign vehicle.
    So start the GoFundMe. I will get another perhaps better rv and go to Pittsburgh.
    Something should happen soon in Bowers’ case.
    Meanwhile I have declared my candidacy for 2024. I need the usual campaign assistance.
    Accommodations would be available in the rv or entourage vehicles.

  31. The “Andy” who posted on 10/6/21 at 1:16 PM is trying to mislead people by making people think I am him. I am not. He is a fake.

  32. No, “Andy”, I am real. No one is trying to confuse you with me ,except you. I’ve made it clear that I am not you. The only thing we have in common is a first name.

  33. I remember an Andy who had to start calling himself The Original Andy because there were so many Andy’s.

  34. Rabbi Milnestein is pretending to be anti-Zionist and hoping to tar and feather all anti-Zionists as crazy people who want to shoot up old people at a church.

  35. Andy is a very common name. Pretty crazy for the unoriginal Andy to think each and every Andy who shows up is trying to impersonate him, as if he’s the only person named Andy.

  36. Rabbi Milnestein is now probably working for the JIDF in cahoots with Xaulie, Robert Stock, and Will Klatt.

  37. @Robert Milnes: I’m pretty sure that the Israelis are smart enough not to waste their time on influencing the presidential nomination of the Green Party, a party which has never won a single state in a U.S. presidential election, nor a single member of the House of Representatives or the Senate.

    You also forget that Cynthia McKinney, who hates Israel, was the Green Party presidential nominee in 2008.

  38. Yes, I remember 2008 very well.
    Israel had no problem letting McKinney win the election. They knew she had no chance of winning. An occasional token black would be ok. More than ok. To never have a black would be suspicious.
    Now, whether the Israelis-or the democrats or republicans- understand Duvergers Law, I suspect so.
    And they know Top Six/Level the Playing Field is the remedy. And they know PLAS would work.
    My mistake was to go directly to the money shot-PLAS. I yelled and screamed PLAS PLAS PLAS and people did not get it and got sick of me. So I got banned.
    But maybe after all this time people might figure it out.
    Like E=mc2. That is childsplay now. But in 1905 woo wee!

  39. Rabbi Milnestein got a jew money shot up the ass. TWICE. And about to snort another one or get it injected in his dickhole.

  40. Or maybe injected into his eye or ear?

    Two in the rear and one in the ear?

  41. Yes, McKinney was outspoken anti Israel.
    But it seems to me in 2008 not so much as later.
    But no matter.
    Israel knows it can allow some anti Israel sentiments among the inevitable losers.
    They lose so they get discredited upon losing. Which they will.
    It is Duvergers Law.

  42. You are very tuned in to what Israel thinks and does, Rabbi Milnestein. It’s like you’ve had a fuckin mind meld.

  43. Yes I will get the booster as soon as I am eligible.
    The solution is to manufacture and more evenly distribute the vaccine, not delay boosters.

  44. The issues are extremely complex.
    Homicide is clearly evil.
    Justifiable homicide? Evil but justified. Legal.
    Israelis claim to be justified in killing Palestinians.
    ABnd killing Palestinians who retaliate.
    Americans authorize their soldiers to kill ISIS in The Levant, everywhere/anywhere actually.
    American soldiers kill Taliban in Afghanistan.
    The Bowers case involves an American civilian killing jews in a Synagogue. In America.
    Will this be declared justified in an American Court by a jury?
    If it goes before a jury, possibly.
    But not if Bowers is manipulated into pleading guilty. A plea bargain. An “evil” plea bargain?
    Or if he is found not guilty by reason of insanity.
    Or simply pleads guilty. Not insane. Criminally liable.

  45. Rabbi Milnestein is bragging at 8:42 pm above, but not justifiably.

  46. There was nothing different that time that I know of in filling out the form.
    Reports are that a booster may not be needed at this time.
    And the World Health Organization preferred that we here in America delay booster and rather send that vaccine overseas to where there is not enough available vaccine.
    WHO has their problems and we have ours here in USA. Specifically people who obstinately refuse vaccination.
    It looks to me like Biden may have done the right thing. Perhaps at least some of these refusniks may get their first shot if they see many others eagerly getting their booster. And now children getting theirs.
    Meanwhile he ordered another 1/2 billion more to be distributed overseas.
    Also it should go without saying that Israel should take responsibility to vaccinate Palestinians in the Occupied territories.

  47. If the Palestinians-understandably refuse vaccination by Israelis, perhaps they would accept vaccination by Red Cross or Red Crescent or UN personnel. Or other recognized NGOs.

  48. I think may be Rabbi Milnestein wants to make sure Bowers gets the death penalty. There’s zero chance that a jury will fund Bowers innocent. If he pleads not guilty, the death penalty will be on the table. The government may offer him life without parole if he pleads guilty and take the death penalty off the table. Bowers only chance to be a free man ever again is if there’s an antizionist revolution and he is freed from prison. So, Rabbi Milnestein wants to make sure he is killed first by making a foolish argument in court which will just get him the death penalty.

  49. He also wants to poison, track and control American goyim and all goyim worldwide with the phony vaxxx. Evil, Rabbi, evil.

  50. Yes, my recommendation to Bowers, that he present an affirmative defense of not guilty by reason of self defense and the defense of others risks the death penalty.
    I believe this is the best defense, and that it is also the truth.
    I feel bad about risking the death penalty for Bowers. But it can’t be helped.
    Further, Bowers in effect went on a suicide mission that day. He had every expectation he could be killed and no guarantees he would not get killed by doing what he did, including surviving only to face a possible death penalty.

  51. It doesn’t matter whether you think that defense is justified, or even whether it’s actually justified. Juries are not an even playing field, which you ought to know as well as anyone. The defense and prosecutors question potential jurors to eliminate ones who they think will be a problem. Most people are not sophisticated enough to lie to survive through that process if they are independent or heterodox thinkers.

    You end up with twelve average sheeple and x backup average sheeple. They have been conditioned from birth to follow orders from those they think are in authority and to follow the herd. They then get shepherded by the judge, prosecutors, and expert witnesses, and eyewitness testimony etc. They will be especially responsive to police officers, doctors, and other people in “uniform,” literally or metaphorically.

    Let’s say one or two people capable of independent thought manage to masquerade among the sheeple and survive the process to jury deliberations. They will then face intense peer pressure from the sheeple majority to convict. If they withstand day after day of intense peer pressure, they will then have their own as well as other people’s growing pressure to give in. Everyone wants to get it over with and go home. They need to get back to work and make real money, take care of and be there for family, make bill payments, keep up their hobbies and other responsibilities, make medical appointments, and so on. If they don’t, other people on the jury do.

    Let’s say they keep holding out. They will be brought back and lectured by the judge, and reminded that their role is to be obedient little cogs. Remember, they have been preselected to be order followers and herd animals. Then go back into the jury room to face renewed and growing pressure. Minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day.

    You will not in a million lifetimes get a not guilty verdict for Bowers . It doesn’t even matter if you’re morally correct. It’s not going to happen. The best you will get, and this is unlikely, is a mistrial. Then ZOG gets another crack at it. The second or even less likely third time, they will get their conviction.

    Rabbi Milnestein is not dumb enough to not know this. So the only possible explanation is that he hopes Bowers, and people reading here, will be dumb enough to fall for this line of bullshit. It won’t happen, but it’s the best he can do now that the “suicide mission” ended with Bowers survived and having a chance to some day be liberated from prison, or to further the resistance from prison in whatever ways he can.

    Milnestein wants to shortcut those possibilities. He is doing the bidding of his zog masters like a good little meat puppet. They will let him suck zog cock as a reward. It’s the same thing he is doing when he is spreading zog pro va666xxx and pro face diaper propaganda.

    And anyone who is not too bored to read this will know that he is a transparent zog puppet because there is just no chance on earth, heaven or in hell that he does not know these simple basic facts about how the so called justice system actually operates in the real world.

  52. I beg your pardon. As the victim of an unjust conviction in US Court, I believe I have a pretty good idea “…about how the so called justice system actually operates in the real world.”
    It took me years to figure much of it out and I am still working on it.
    Recovery from it is difficult for one thing.
    Who said pro vax and masks is ZOG propaganda? It is science and medicine and consistent policy.
    OJ Simpson. American juries are capable of just about anything. I rest my case!

  53. Bowers a False Flag operation?
    No, Disco Stick. That is not how it works.
    Even if Israel was willing to sacrifice elderly jews in a synagogue,
    it can’t be a Zionist triggerman.
    That would make it very obvious that a Zionist is a terrorist.
    That is kept secret.

  54. C’mon Disco Stick. Milnes is just standing up for the basic human right of shooting up churches.

  55. The right of an American citizen to preemptively strike at Zionist terrorists despite the government’s secret aiding and abetting them.
    Well, it is actually not so secret. is it?

  56. Walrus, have you floated to Sinai and invested in real estate, solar panels and desalination plants and floated back already?
    And what were Hitler’s preemptive strikes against the jews?

  57. Yes. The Holocaust was Hitler’s preemptive strike against the Jews. That’s justifiable, right?

  58. Perhaps I used the wrong word. Preemptory strike.
    Retaliatory strike might be more accurate.
    This reflects the important differences between an Islamic terrorist and a Zionist terrorist.
    For example: Jacob Schmoyer, 27. Car bomb murder-suicide. Allentown, PA October 1, 2018. Also in car was his three year old son, Johnathan and David Hallman, 66.
    I believe this was an aborted car bombing by would be Zionist terrorist Schmoyer against an unknown target. Hallman was his handler.
    Notice that very few jews are involved in bombings as opposed to Islamists?
    Perhaps that is because they are bon vivants, living the good life. About 1/3 of billionaires in USA are jews! Whereas about 2% of Americans are jewish. Murder-suicide would be not only madness but out of the question. Whereas Palestinian suicide bombers are-or were- commonplace. Also in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  59. We are coming up on three years since Robert Bowers’ arrest. October 27, 2018.
    I believe he is being help incommunicado as part of a pressure campaign against him to plea bargain.
    He has the Constitutional right to a speedy trial.
    I demand to be put in contact with him such that I may communicate to him his possible affirmative defense of self defense and the defense of others. Further, I offer to assist him in his defense pro bono. He has the Constitutional right to “…the assistance of counsel…”.
    Everybody, contact the Court, US Attorney and Judy Clarke his Court appointed counsel.

  60. There is a difference between a white nationalist and white supremacist.
    Bowers may not be a white supremacist.
    If he is a white nationalist, that is his Constitutional right.

  61. Yes Rabbi, we know you are intimately familiar with the injustice system. But you have Stockholm Syndrome. You have been converted into a Zionist zog puppet. And now you are trying to pass that disease on and spread it around as much as you can.

    It’s because you are a victim of the system that it’s obvious you know your defense would just make sure Bowers gets the death penalty. The Simpson acquittal does not prove juries are capable of anything. It proves they are simple minded sheeple. The evidence in that case was strong, but it was all circumstantial. There was no absolute objective proof of guilt such as this objective proof of your zog puppet status.

    In theory the lab tests could have been manipulated, as the defense claimed . There was no eyewitness testifying to the murder, no confession, and obviously no victim testimony was possible. The simple minded jury sheeple were overwhelmed and confused by facts, manipulated by a skillful nigger liar lawyer who appealed to their racial solidarity, distrust of police officers, and low IQ with rhyming, gyrating, preaching and head nodding, emotional manipulation, negro church shit.

    There is no possible dispute of the facts in the Bowers case. They are not equivalent. Show me a case where a jury agreed that what someone like Bowers did was justified. You can’t. You know it. Everyone knows it. It’s blindingly obvious your mission here is to tie up lose ends and have him commit suicide by judge, jury, and executioner since he failed to suicide by arresting officers.

    These are simple objective facts. No alternative explanations fit. You want him dead with no sympathy. Simple as that. It does not even matter at this point if he was a patsy, idiot nutjob, or actually a genuine revolutionary doing the right thing. Whichever one of these he is, your defense would get him executed, and a loose end tied up. Which is exactly what zog always does. By their fruits you will know them. You are zog, puppet.

    By way of deception zog does war. You are spreading their deceptive lies. You are a puppet, pawn, pushing propaganda for zog. These are objective facts. They can’t be rationally denied.

  62. Who said pro vax and pro mask is zog propaganda? How about zog?! It is literally on all their official channels, pushed by their Zionist occupied government agencies and preferred fake news propaganda networks. If zog wanted you dead or ill from a virus they would ban masks and not approve vaccines. You are spreading their propaganda which makes you their stooge and puppet.

    And that’s objective proof, just like when you try to help them tie up a loose end by getting him to commit suicide by trial and execution. So how does that feel to have your cover blown, rabbi Milnestein? You have now been exposed with objective proof of zog agent status. You had a very minor role as a propaganda puppet for them, which is even more minor now with your cover completely blown.

  63. The holohoax is of course a lie, like the vaxxx666. Rabbi Milnestein is working hard, but at what? Spreading the latest zog big lie, trying to help them tie up loose ends, and spreading his ass for their poison, tracking, nanorobot medical experiments. Turning himself into a potential biochemical, nuclear or conventional weapon or medical lab rat ex-human waste at the time of their choice. Spreading their propaganda. Gross.

  64. It doesn’t really matter what rabbi Milnestein demands, his demands are impotent, much like he is after spreading his ass, getting screwd, jood and tattooed like their prison punk bitch, turned into their propaganda pushing pet puppet, and then having his cover blown . What could be more impotent than that?

    As long as you’re making impotent demands, rabbi Milnestein, why not go big? Ask for all the Jews from all over the world to be rounded up, put in Israel, and eliminated all at once with neutron bombs. That’s big. Demanding to communicate with an imprisoned killer awaiting trial? Small. Tiny. Pathetic. Weak. Vaxed and muzzled rabbi Milnestein.

  65. Zog puppet rabbi Milnestein wants you to think being a white supremacist is not your right. A white supremacist is simply someone who believes, accurately, that Whites are superior to other races and should rule the world. Rabbi Milnestein apparently believes, and wants you to believe, that zog is entitled to ban this belief system . Just like a zog agent would. Because. That. Is. What. He. Is.

  66. Would anyone other than Rabbi Milnestein care to argue that he is not a zog stooge now?

  67. D3afening sil3nce from anyon3 besid3s Rabbi Miln3stein who thinks Rabbi Miln3stein isn’t a z0g b1tch. Everyone knows, Rabbi. Everyone knows!

  68. There was an evidentiary hearing yesterday. It will continue today. Wednesday.
    According to Associated Press Bowers was not in Court. Court appointed defense attorney Judy Clarke was present.
    At issue is whether certain spontaneous utterances by Bowers before his being Mirandized will be admitted. These utterances have been described as anti Semitic and involve possible death penalty charges.
    I believe Bowers is being held incommunicado.
    I want to speak to Bowers and Judy Clarke. Clarke’s law firm is based in San Diego. So she in Pittsburgh is relatively close to me near Philadelphia.
    I presently have no problem with such utterances being admitted into evidence. My defense of Bowers is not that he did not do it but that it was justified consistent with an affirmative defense of not guilty by reason of self defense and the defense of others.
    Israel is an apartheid theocratic counterrevolutionary terrorist state. The jews zealously support Israel. Therefore the jews are international terrorists. Further US policies toward Israel aid and abet such international terrorism.

  69. Yesterday there was a large box truck Enterprise- in front of Ray’s trailer. It looked empty so I thought it was a moving truck.
    There was some activity. After a while it left.
    I do not know whether Ray moved or not. The Ring camera is still in his front window facing in my general direction.
    I wonder if someone in Israel could access it.

  70. The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh is sponsoring Eradicate the Hate Global
    October 18-20. Guest speakers former President Bush who I say knew about 9/11 in advance and was ok with it.
    Former PA Governor and DHS Secretary Tom Ridge. Present DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
    Interesting word Eradicate. Wouldn’t Israel like to eradicate its enemies, the Palestinian people and steal ALL their land.
    And its Arab neighbors. And all Islamists all over the world. And all rightists neonazis of course. And all leftists such as myself.
    So I think I am going to add genocidal to my description of Israel as an apartheid by definition, genocidal, theocratic, counterrevolutionary, terrorist state.

  71. Would you support a plan to relocate all potential Mossad agents into facilities in Arizona while the details of the mass deportation to Siani is worked out?

  72. What is needed is a US Peace Initiative to include Israel, Palestine (Palestinian Authority), Egypt and the United Nations.
    An orderly transition of Israel to an Israeli Authority and relocation of all jews to Sinai. Palestinian and Egyptian border guards. A UN Peacekeeping and Observer Mission.

  73. Second day of suppression hearing. Evidently Bowers was Mirandized promptly and invoked his Miranda rights.
    I do not know if there will be more testimony.

  74. Fact checker,
    Well there are political comments and there are garbage and gaslight comments.
    I guess they are both political if you understand dirty politics.

  75. I ask every one of you reading this to contact the Judge, US attorney, Federal defenders and defense counsel and all the media.
    DEMAND that I speak to Bowers.

  76. Oh, pretty much what I have been saying on this thread.
    Which I think he does not know about.
    Unless he received and read my letter.
    Or he has access to the interweb.
    Which I have my doubts.
    If he is being held incommunicado, then he is at the mercy of Judy Clarke.
    She seems to be proceeding with her usual tried and true plea bargain routine.
    But this case is different. I do not think she gets it.
    He did it. They got proof and evidence galore.
    But again I say OJ Simpson. If a jury has a reason, then it makes no difference if he did it.
    If the jury sees that Israel is a terrorist state and the jews zealously support Israel, then a not guilty is possible.
    Especially if the defense can exclude all jews from the jury. Which I have already explained how.
    You cannot have 1/4 of a juror or round up less than 1/2 juror to the next whole number-one juror.
    I think this could be done via video conference. I have the necessary minimum equipment.
    Surely he could be taken to a place where a video conference could be done. Or equipment brought to him.
    I want to hear him say, ok, I heard you. Thanks but no, thanks.
    If anybody says to me he said that I will say, sorry, I do not believe you.
    I cannot trust the circumstances.
    Even Judy Clarke herself.

  77. Jew Senators get a lesser charge of aiding and abetting, but random old fart kikes praying to Satan in a synagogue deserve the death penalty? Don’t get me wrong, ALL juden deserve the death penalty just for being the seed of Satan, for rejecting Jesus and Trump, for drinking the blood of Christian children, and for many other crimes. BUT WHY WOULD HE GIVE SENATORIAL HEBES A LESSER PENALTY??? THINK ABOUT IT!!!

    OK let me break it down for the stupidest of the stupid goyim (gentile cattle): zog stands for ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT. Jews are known for having nerve, which they call CHUTZPAH. The dirty RABBI Milnestein has the unmitigated nerve to try to get a much lesser penalty for the Zionist juden AT THE TOP OF THE OCCUPATION GOVERNMENT under the guise of punishment for all kikes, WHEN THEY WILL ALL GET THE DEATH PENALTY!!! HE WANTS EXEMPTIONS FOR THOSE AT THE TOP OF THE Z.O.G!!!

    Can you be any more brazen, RABBI Milnestein? More obvious? More nerve,more CHUTZPAH? C’mon, man!


  78. Hey, I can understand when you say Israel is a terrorist, genocidal, state, and all jews are terrorists. That would include you, rabbi Milnestein, but we all included you already know that.

    You say it’s apartheid. Are you trying to say apartheid is a bad thing? What exactly is or was bad about apartheid? Do you think South Africa is better off under the communist, terrorist niggers who took it over after apartheid who are committing genocide against Whites as well as killing each other left and right?

    As far as counterrevolutionary, you need to explain that, along with why you call your self a “progressive” and a leftist. I don’t think you are talking about the American Revolution. It sounds to me like you are talking about the international Marxist revolution. That’s also what progressive means. What are they progressing towards? Either the Marxist revolution, or the Marxist utopia. Leftist also means veering towards global communism, “progressively.”



    Let me say that again: Rabbi Milnestein has outed himself as a communist, much as Jewgle the Turd has. THEY ARE BOTH COMMUNIST TROLLS. They are both NOW JEW RUN, EFFECTIVELY JEWS.


    Notice how nobody has disputed that RABBI Milnestein is a Zionist puppet, propagandist, false flag operative? Now we also know that he is part of the global Judeo Communist plot too !! If you look at his picture he even looks like a Jew RABBI. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is actually born Jew, seed of Satan, despite his denials!!!

  79. The latest I have read in the Associated Press is that the Jdge ordered pretrial motions in the next month. With the idea of a trial date in January.
    No trial date has been set yet.
    I declare these proceedings unacceptable. Unreliable.
    Until we are assured Bowers has been briefed on the possibility of an affirmative defense. One of not guilty by reason of self defense and the defense of others. i.e. his fellow Americans who our government allows Israel to abuse with impunity.
    I believe Bowers is being held incommunicado against his Constitutional rights and the rights of a free press.
    One reason to be held incommunicado would be to manipulate and/or coerce a guilty plea/plea bargain.
    I allege that this was done to me in 1985 in US District Court for Eastern PA.
    Judy Clarke, et al, her law firm, is known for arranging plea bargains particularly if the death penalty is involved.
    How can we be assured Bowers has been advised about this possible defense?
    I do not know.
    However I do know that should Bowers tell me directly that he has been so advised or should I so advise him, I would publicly state so.
    Clearly a defense that I developed specifically for Mr. Bowers should be communicated to him directly by me.
    This should be ordered by the Court.

  80. Rabbii Milnestein, you are unacceptable and unreliable you know if I know it, we all know it. If does not matter what you declare and demand. You and we all know that too.

  81. Who but a zog puppet fool or zog agent would be lieve what they read in ass socialist press?

    Who let the dogs out?


  82. You also need to read the BOOK OF REVELATIONS for reference to understand Uncle Larry’s visions and flashbacks and flash forwards ect..

    But here’s the Craig Morgan video for more added clues …there are many in this video:

    Uncle LARRY is a genius and a PROPHET. A patriot and a Patriarch. A veteran who proudly served in Vietnam and Laos, straight out of high school, and all the way through the first Persian Gulf War , honorably retired with a full pension, and now a 30 Years and still on the job Veteran Officer with the Sheriff’s Department here in Florida near the Georgia Line, a farmer and a fisher of fugitive felons, a Christian, father, grandfather, and a true Prophet of JESUS and His second coming, DONALD TRUMP.

    Uncle Larry even looks like an Old Testament PROPHET and patriarch. You would shake in your boots and bow down if you ever came face to face with him, and you should do the same here, punk. You WILL RESPECT HIS AUTHORITY!!!


  83. You read the Jewdge ordered what, RABBI?

    Read WHERE???




  84. (((You))) read the (((Jewdge))) ordered what, (((RABBI?)))

    Read (((WHERE???)))


    (((YOU))) (((LYING))) (((SATANIC))) (((COMMUNIST))) (((RABBI)))!!!

    (((YOU))) SUCK (((ZOG COX)))!!!

  85. The democrats and republicans must cease and desist their support-aiding and abetting-apartheid, genocidal, theocratic, counterrevolutionary terrorist state of Israel.

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