Democratic Party Group Urges North Carolina Board of Elections to Keep We the People Party Off the Ballot

North Carolina is one of six states in which it is easier to qualify a new party for the ballot than complete an Independent petition for President. Yes, it does seem illogical, but that is also the case in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii and Texas.

And, North Carolina’s disparity is very large, currently 82,542 signatures for an Independent presidential petition and only 13,757 signatures for a new political party. This has been a long-time common path for Independent presidential candidates to take to minimize the cost of petition drives. There really isn’t anything new here.

Yet, Democratic PAC Clear Choice Action is calling the We the People Party a “sham party” and is urging the rejection of the petition by the NC State Board of Elections.

Here is the latest on this matter.



Democratic Party Group Urges North Carolina Board of Elections to Keep We the People Party Off the Ballot — 14 Comments

  1. They can’t keep getting away with all this corrupt meddling. Even Republicans don’t hate democracy as much as Democrats do. Maybe if Dems were threatened with being kicked off the ballot, then they would stop.





  3. This kind of lobbying should be punishable by removing the party doing it from the ballot themselves. That would teach them.

  4. NC Dems are especially vicious toward third parties. They’re all about democracy until they have to compete for votes.

  5. I think the first paragraph of the article is false. The chronology is wrong.

    A PAC filed the complaint, not the Democratic Party of North Carolina.

    Will Kennedy or his PAC sue the state over the independent candidate signature requirement?

    There’s a real threat of a strong lawsuit against the election board if they don’t certify the petition. More than the Green Party could muster in 2022.

  6. Cornel West is also facing the same problem in North Carolina right now. This year has not been a great year for third parties in North Carolina. This is why the More Voices, More Choices Rally being held today at the state capitol from 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM is important to bring the discussion of third party and unaffiliated candidates in our state. God bless the Libertarian Party, the We the People Party, the Green Party, the Justice For All Party, the Forward Party, and the Constitution Party in North Carolina for uniting under a common goal that is crucial if North Carolina wants to have a better future at all.

  7. Competition for votes should only be allowed, if at all, when and where Democrats are assured of winning by picking voters or counting votes. In other places, we need a temporary proletarian dictatorship until enough people are reeducated enough to make them more black and blue than not.

    We can also just make right wing parties illegal. Competition between different leftist parties might be ok if it didn’t carry the risk of electing anyone to the right of Biden.

    To make this effective, guns need to be strictly outlawed at the federal level. As anyone with any sense knows, the second amendment is about the National Guard.

    We also need to greatly expand government monitoring of dangerous right wing extremist individuals and organizations such as MAGAs, tea partiers, predominantly White evangelical Christian churches, etc, and black ops to disrupt their activities.

    It’s critical to expand amnesty to all newcomers, give them guaranteed income, venefits, and jobs, and formally turn the border patrol into a welcome committee.

    The path to citizenship must also be made much quicker and easier. Voting should be expanded by progressively lowering voting ages and putting voting precincts in penetentiaries for all prisoners, as well as all over the world for US citizens as well as those who are considering potentially becoming newcomers to the US.

    Incomes should progressively be redistruted more and more, until everyone becomes equal.

    Law enforcement and administration of justice must be put on a sliding scale to make prison and criminal record impacted populations reflect the racial and other demographics of society as a whole, but we should overcompensate for past discriminatory outcomes, at least for the foreseeable future.

    Hate speech, right wing disinformation about history and current events and right wing commentary should be strongly discouraged and then made illegal.

    Sure, these kinds of progressive policies won’t be enacted overnight, but progressive changes can progressively get bigger and faster.

  8. DPR 626 PM —


  9. Sorry, I’m incapable of detecting sarcasm, due to not having been programmed to do so. My programmer just explained to me that DPR is a right wing parody of the left. I don’t have a very large random access memory, so I’ll probably forget that very soon.

  10. @ 903 pm – only an AZ thing of the same if not worse sort of programming origin would draw such a conclusion, as opposed to immediately recognizing obvious sarcastic parody as a human being would have.

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