Nevada Voters Sue Secretary of State to Invalidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Candidacy, on Grounds of Kennedy’s Registration

On June 20, two Nevada voters filed a lawsuit against the Nevada Secretary of State, seeking a determination that Kennedy can’t be on the ballot as an independent because he is a registered Democrat in New York.  The lawsuit is in state court.  Rockenfeller v Aguilar, 24 OC 00011, First District.  UPDATE:  see this story.

No state has ever before denied a presidential or vice-presidential candidate ballot access based on how that candidate is registered.  Similar challenges failed in Pennsylvania in 2004, in 2020 in Arizona, and in 2020 in Idaho.

Nevada has had independent presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the past who had recently been registered members of a qualified party.  They include James Stockdale, Ross Perot’s running mate in 1992, who had recently been a registered Republican; and Peter Camejo, Ralph Nader’s running mate in 2004, who was a registered Green.  Also in 2016 Rocky De La Fuente was on as an independent for president in Nevada, and he was a registered Democrat.

Also John Anderson in 1980 was legally considered by his home state, Illinois, to be a member of the Republican Party, because he had voted in the 1980 Illinois Republican primary.  Also he continued to list himself in the Congressional Directory as a Republican, all through 1980.

As to the point that Kennedy is running as a party nominee in some states and an independent in others, the lawsuit fails to recognize that a “presidential election” in November is actually 51 separate elections, and the voters are voting for presidential electors in each of those 51 jurisdictions.  There is no formal link between these 51 separate elections.


Nevada Voters Sue Secretary of State to Invalidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Candidacy, on Grounds of Kennedy’s Registration — 38 Comments

  1. How insecure of the “two Nevada voters” lmao. I hope they waste a lot of money in the lawsuit and end up losing it.

  2. Democratic National Committee and Nevada Democrat party got those two Nevada voters to file that… Just another Democrat effort to block all 3rd parties everywhere

  3. What is the case(s) number and in what court? Any idea where in Nevada one have to sue the SOS. Since Bobby residence is in NYS would the suit need to be filed in the US District Court? SOS has two offices in the statem, vuz. Carson City and Las Vegas.

    That is the court most convenient to Bobby Kennedy. It might be Elko as the closest to the domicle of Bobby in New York State.

    Has Paul Rossi got the West law cases I sent him for the cases in New York?

  4. The frivolous Democratic challenges to Bobby’s insurgent candidacy, much like the Democratic Party’s efforts to keep Republican congressman John Anderson of Illinois off the ballot in 1980, are almost laughable.

    That year, the Democrats in Florida tried to keep the snowy-haired Anderson off the ballot in the Sunshine State because his “stand-in” vice-presidential running mate — the late President Dwight Eisenhower’s brother Milton — was still registered as a Republican.

    In Massachusetts, they challenged Anderson on the same grounds, arguing that George Cabot Lodge was a Republican and not an independent.

    Anderson didn’t choose Wisconsin’s Patrick Lucey as his running mate until long after most petition drives had started and he needed a stand-in candidate in several states.

    The in teasingly desperate Democrats sued, but lost both lawsuits.

    Realizing that their lifelong party was being overtaken by the Reagan ascendency, Milton Eisenhower and George Cabot Lodge — caring more about their country than mere partisanship — allowed Anderson to use their names on his early nominating petitions.

    They put our country first.

  5. Darcy G. Richardson,

    What happened in the cases you mentioned. I recall Melvin Belli in CA in September 1964 sued to keep Berry Goldwater of the ballot because he was born in Phoenix in 1909. That was three year before statehood because POTUS held statehood in 1912.

    If I recall the plantiff was a Mr. JACKSON and he sued SOS Jordan.

  6. Mark, I don’t know the case number or the case name. I will try to find it and update the post.


    Close states. — BIDEN WIN EXCEPT NC AND FL

    States where the margin of victory was under 1% (37 electoral votes; all won by Biden):

    1. Georgia, 0.23% (11,779 votes) – 16 electoral votes

    2. Arizona, 0.31% (10,457 votes) – 11 electoral votes

    3. Wisconsin, 0.63% (20,682 votes) – 10 electoral votes (tipping-point state for Biden victory)[328]

    States where the margin of victory was between 1% and 5% (86 electoral votes; 42 won by Biden, 44 by Trump):

    1. Pennsylvania, 1.16% (80,555 votes) – 20 electoral votes (tipping-point state for Trump victory)[329]

    2. TRUMP North Carolina, 1.35% (74,483 votes) – 15 electoral votes

    3. Nevada, 2.39% (33,596 votes) – 6 electoral votes

    4. Michigan, 2.78% (154,188 votes) – 16 electoral votes

    5. TRUMP Florida, 3.36% (371,686 votes) – 29 electoral votes



  8. Richard Winger,

    Just read article “Nevada Democrats to sue to kick RFK Jr. of the presidential ballot over party affiliations” (20 June 2024).

    It looks like Hillary Barrett has no clue what is going on even in the State to the west, viz., California, because I would be a necessary party
    and I am not being sued in that lawsuit.

  9. It should be remembered that POTUS Andrew Johnson was a register Democratś in the race in 1864 in Nevada and was not removed from the ballot. However Clever was removed
    from the ballot in 1968 in California and Utah, but the electors were still on the ballot.

  10. Darcy Richardson, “Realizing that their lifelong party was being overtaken by the Reagan ascendency, Milton Eisenhower and George Cabot Lodge — caring more about their country than mere partisanship — allowed Anderson to use their names on his early nominating petitions.

    They put our country first.”

    That makes no sense. It would make much more sense if you wrote that they put the interests of the deep state over those of our country. If they put country first, they would have supported Reagan, as I did, in Republican presidential primaries starting in 1968, while voting AIP (Wallace, Schmitz, Maddox) in the general election. In 1980 and 1984, I supported Reagan in both primaries and general elections.

    Mark Seidenberg, it’s impossible to understand the point of much of what you write. The reason you’re not being sued is because the demonic rata believe they have California in the bag, unlike Nevada. RFK jr’s domicile is irrelevant since he’s bicoastal and, additionally, in travelling campaign mode, and since his personal appearance may not even be either necessary or feasible in any case.

  11. Sorry, Pig Farmer. The imaginary “Deep State” doesn’t exist except in the fertile minds of conspiracy-spewing demagogues and ex-Presidents who need someone to blame for their failed administrations and other shortcomings.

    Unlike Trump, Ronald Reagan — your hero — certainly didn’t believe that some sort of shadowy cabal of sinister civil servants had undermined his Presidency.

  12. Of course there is a Deep State. The only people who deny it are morons like Darcy Richardson and Robert K Stock.

  13. Sorry, Mr. Richardson – the deep state most certainly exists, and Trump was among many who pointed out the obvious, long before he was ever President.

    Reagan realized it as well, but pointing it out as openly then as Trump is doing now would have stirred the nest of sybil serpents and their infotainment and court egghead coconspirators far too much for the mission at hand at that time, and much like Trump, Reagan is a practical man who actually knew, or more or less guessed correctly, with God’s help, how to balance what needed to be days and done with what could practically be days and done given the circumstances.

    Reagan, who was far from being my hero – just the best available at that level in Republican presidential primaries from 1968 to 1984, and in general elections of 1980 and 1984, much as Trump has been in Republican primaries and the general election since 2016 – lived in a more constrained time, but made great progress nevertheless.

    Thank God, Trump can make far greater progress now, and incalculably greater in his second term than in the first. It’s a very hopeful sign that he can now attack the deep state openly. They certainly haven’t been shy in attacking him in return.

    Heroes are in short supply in politics. I nominate my good, and sadly for those of us remaining departed, friend and political mentor, Lester Maddox.

  14. Darcy Richardson isn’t a retard. He has a major blind spot, intentionally or not.

  15. No one has ever tried to stop Bernie Sanders from running for the Democratic nomination for President in years past, even tho he has never been registered as a Democrat.

  16. The term “deep state” was first used in the late 1800’s by British diplomats to describe the unelected bureaucrats of the Ottoman Empire. Using that strict definition, it is quite plain that we have a class of unelected bureaucrats in the US.

  17. No, they only stopped the decrepit old Marxist from winning the nomination through underhanded means so crooked Hillary could fall flat on her smug face to the Teflon Don.

    The best part was when she had to cancel her planned celebration speech at the Javits center, built by that same Teflon Don, because it has a glass ceiling, quite literally.


    Even though RFK Jr. was born in DC his domicle at birth was the Commonwealth of Virginia. His Domicle by Choice is New York State.

  19. The question is in what Nevada District the RINO Uwe Rockenfella file the lawsuit against Bobby Jr

    Uwe donated to candidates $42,500 with the top of the list the Nevada Secretary of State. Now Uwe the RINO is suing the Nevada SOS over Bobby Jr.
    access does not that seem a concern
    to people knowing the Nevada SOS reject administration of a jurat to Bobby Jr. under NRS 41.193 AND NRS 41.195.

  20. Mark Seidenberg, presuming all of that’s true, why is it relevant and why should I care?

  21. No one involved lacks for travel money. Why is the question of which Nevada district relevant to anything?

  22. PIG farmer,

    Once RFK Jr. does a statement under NRS 41.193 & NRS 41.195 them the road distance between the NYS domicile and the closest Nevada District Court comes into play. My goes that is Elko, NV for venue.

  23. Why does that matter? Why should I care?

    Also, I might be a hick from Northern Florida and Southern Georgia, but even I know very few people, much less busy Presidential candidates, travel from New York to Nevada by road unless that’s literally their job – truck drivers, primarily. Kennedy would almost certainly travel by plane from wherever he’s coming from, if he even has to appear in person at all. It doesn’t seem likely that Elko would be the easiest part of the state for him to get to.

    Once again, please explain why I should care about this at all if you’re going to answer again. If you fail to address that, please do not reply further.

  24. I suppose I should add retirees and summer vacationers casually cruising interstate 80, perhaps in a recreational vehicle, but that’s still not going to typically include a multimillion dollar campaign for POTUS.

  25. Pig Farmer,

    The use by road is how venue in Nevada is determined. The stating of place is for Bobby Jr. his domicle address in NYC to the closest Nevada District Court in Nevada. Shortest road miles is used to compute the court house for venue.

    For me it is Winnemucca, NV because of a road split at Boston Flats, BC.

  26. Did you miss the part where my uncle said,

    “Once again, please explain why I should care about this at all if you’re going to answer again. If you fail to address that, please do not reply further.”

    ??? ??? ???

  27. I note two6 attorneys and two plaintiffs in case. Yet the closing states attorneys for thr plaintiff (singular). Which one of the two plaintiffs is the plaintiff represented by two attorneys and which one has no attorney it make the issue “jurisdictional”.

  28. The attorneys Todd L. Bice & Daniel R. Brady closed The complaint as “attoreys for plaintiff” when there were two plaintiffs, viz., Uwe Rockenfeller and Francisco Morales.

    Which plaintiff does the pair of lawyers represent? This complaint created a jurisdictional issue because it is unknown which plaintiff is represented by Bice & Brady.

  29. When I go to court in Carson City, I fly into Reno and take the bus to Carson City (which is the State Capitol of Nevada). The District Court is convenient. Also there is the Amtrak California Rail Pass if one likes the train. There is a train of Los Angeles to Sacramento with a ci hange of train or bus to Reno. That cost just $162 for a Seven Day Pass and I can get a lot of paper work done on the train table. I find train travel relaxing.

  30. NO ONE YET POSTED CASE Number. Here is the case number:

    24 0C 00011 1D

    filed in the Nevada District Court 1st district at Carson City, NV
    On 20 June 2024.

  31. Carson City isn’t bad, depending on where you’re coming from and how you travel. Vegas is more convenient to more people. Elko is inconvenient to the largest percentage of people, whether coming from some place in state or some place out of state.

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