News Story on Democratic Party Efforts to Block Ballot Access for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

This story describes the many states in which the Democratic Party is trying to keep Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., off the ballot.


News Story on Democratic Party Efforts to Block Ballot Access for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — 70 Comments

  1. The brain worm spermperson committed treason against his family, his lifelong Party, and our Country when he withdrew from his longshot campaign to challenge our amazing President for the Democratic nomination in order to idiotically run in the general election, which he won’t win, but very well could throw to Donald Trump.

    Trump promises a bloodbath if he’s not elected, to be a dictator starting on day one if he is, and retribution against all of us who oppose him either way. This election is, like, way too important to let a brain worm screw it up!

  2. Kennedy might not be a problem if the Democrats had a better candidate. What can’t they wake up and realize that Biden is a big part of their problem?

  3. The brain worm irishman committed overdue treason against his corrupt family, his lifelong Party which has sold our Homeland out, and an act of heroic loyalty to our Country when he withdrew from his longshot campaign to challenge our amazing Beijing Red Chinese quisling senile dementia pedo puppet dictator for the Demon Rat nomination in order to idiotically run in the general election, which he won’t win, but very well could throw to our true legitimate President and Savior Donald Trump.

    Trump promises to save America and make us great again, and He will do exactly that. This election is, like, way too important to let a brain worm screw it up! Thank God this brain worm is guided by His divine Hand!

  4. Comrade Ziobro: I’m sorry, I meant to invite you. Wanna cum play?

  5. Comrade troll, do you have a small d, fat belly, yucky butt, and small d energy? Girls and wombpersons don’t want to play with you, so you troll online with angry backed up spermperson small d energy, and try to marginalize and shut up wombpersons by misgendering us?

    That’s sad, comrade troll. I’m super slutty, and super hot. I’d cum play with you if you come correct and ask super nicely.

  6. Comrade manager: why are you platforming these mean trolls who are misgendering me, suggesting I have some ulterior motives, have the unspeakable nerve to suggest I might be trolling when clearly it is they who are trolling, gaslighting me, targeting me through gang stalking, and trying to snuff out my voice because I’m a wombperson, a minority, polyqueer, and a DNC?

    I demand to know who these evil trolls are, get a public apology, have their triggering and extremely offensive comments removed, and have them deplatformed. Like, right now right now.

    I’m the world’s most precious snowflake and I’m already blue, but I’m going to jump up and down, scream reeeeeeeeeeee, pound my fists, hold my breath and turn an even deeper shade of blue until my completely legit concerns are made the top priority here and resolved to my satisfaction.

    Thank you so much in advance for your prompt attention and help in this matter!

  7. Richard,

    The article is not correct as to the status currently in California. I and Paul Rossi know that article is on error. My concern now is the Democrats might do discovery on me.

    I will let them pound sand. I will not help them on there current quests.

    I am twice former Chairman of the American Independent Party of California. The party formed in Bakersfield, CA in 1967.

  8. Comrade Seidenberg,

    The only mention of California in the fake news story is that Kennedy is on the ballot there. I take it you’re saying he’s not. I was given to understand your former party put him on the ballot there. This is not official discovery or anything, I like totally am not not NOT subpoenaing you right now right now. But just as a super friendly question, what do you know that contradicts everything that’s been reported?

    I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’ve given enough information here to subpoena you in Alaska, and Comrade ROSSI in Pennsylvania or New York or wherever. We’ll make it super friendly and cum play, but we do have ways of making you talk.

    But, don’t worry about that right yet. I’m just asking you super friendly like right now right now.

    We’re not worried about California, LOL, but just on general principles, the brain worm has to be contained anywhere and everywhere, although battlegrounds and potential battlegrounds take priority.

  9. KEREN,

    The F B I. Saved me with for discovery for the events in early January 2021
    In DC. The US Attorney in DC wanted me before the grand jury. Then it was dropped.

    If the Department of Justice did not get information from me at a grand jury hearing why would you think the
    Dems can get out off me in CA or AK or anywhere.

  10. Sweetie, I’m not revealing our secrets, and it’s not something I have to think about, but like I said, this is just a super friendly question right now. Why not just answer it?

  11. OMG, President Carter is so awesome! Him and Rosalynn (RIP), SO cute and adorable!

    President Biden will for sure go to 120 minimum! Super awesome!

  12. Karen.

    I see no point now or later. Bice can not even got his brief out off a jurisdictional problem in Carson City District Court. The lawsuit does not state if the lawyers represent either
    Uwe or Francisco, they are so sloppy it would never get to discovery.

  13. Comrade Seidenberg, I don’t understand how that answers my question. My question is how or why the AIP has botched getting comrade brainwormspermperson on the California ballot, as has been widely reported, including in this site, his site, Wikipedia, the linked article in question, and many others sources that they, had, like, totally, done did.

  14. KAREN,

    Just because something is reported does not make it true. Bice and his associate lawyer created a jurisdictional issue because they failed to state which of the two plaintiffs, viz., ROCKENFELLER OR MORELAS they represent.

    People are sloppy in work products.

    No point in answering the questions.
    The article is in error. I do not need to emendate that article.

  15. Dear comrade Seidenberg, sweetie pie, of course, I’m aware that just because something is reported doesn’t mean it’s true.

    This does not address my question, which as you can see, also being asked by comrade Z: “Bice and his associate lawyer created a jurisdictional issue because they failed to state which of the two plaintiffs, viz., ROCKENFELLER OR MORELAS they represent.”

    My question, in this case, was about California, not Nevada.

    Of course, I’m likewise aware that, as you succinctly point out,

    “People are sloppy in work products.”

    Examples of such people might include the many sources which claim the AIP has put comrade brainwormspermperson Kennedy Junior on the ballot, the AIP itself, or even, dare I say it – not to be mean in the least bit, sweetheart, I assure you – even your rosy cheeked darling self.

    I do not agree That there is “No point in answering the questions.” The point is that people are asking. Me, comrade Z, perhaps others reading.

    Your credibility is, like, um, totally on the line with this particular claim.

    That’s the point of asking.

    There are also other reasons, as well.

    Would you kindly, pretty please, with sugar and kisses on top and down below, answer the question, cutie pie? I’d be forever deeply in your debt if an honest and cogent, direct and sufficiently detailed answer, is, like, provided by you, like, right now right now, without dancing around it, darling.

    Don’t get me wrong – I’m all about dancing. I bet I can dance you under the table, if I really had to, LOL.

    It’s just that in this case, the prize isn’t worth a dance marathon, but I’ll dance longer, if I have to and you insist on being all cute-pouty and making me dance. Your credibility is at stake; mine is not.

    Thanks, doll.

    And thanks for that emendate word. Imma look it up. I love learning new words! I’m going to guess it means electronically dating more than one spermperson at the same time, but be a dear and don’t spoil the surprise, ok? Because I’mma for real actually gonna go look it up.

    You’re the best!

  16. Comrade Nuna, Comrade Seidenberg is claiming to have esoteric knowledge to the contrary. There are numerous sources which all say it’s truth, but he is insisting that he and Comrade Attorney Rossi know better. He’s being super coy as to exactly why.

    I’m trying to tease it out of him nicely, LOL, but like I said – my DNC / D&C peoples have many ways to make folks talk if and when we really need them to talk, some nice, and some not so nice, ROFLMAOTSETUNG!

    Comrade Seidenberg says:

    “The F B I. Saved me with for discovery for the events in early January 2021
    In DC. The US Attorney in DC wanted me before the grand jury. Then it was dropped.

    If the Department of Justice did not get information from me at a grand jury hearing why would you think the
    Dems can get out off me in CA or AK or anywhere.”

    I could easily explain why, but I don’t see why That would be to my advantage; I’d rather ask nicely, even if I have to keep asking bunches of times.

  17. Comrade Z; that is indeed the question. Is comrade Seidenberg right? Why should, or shouldn’t, we believe him?

    His credibility, not just on this question, but on all possible matters, rests on his answer, in my, like, totally, humble opinion, LOL.



  19. Comrade Z:

    No, sweetie pie, but your suggestion is totally adorable.

  20. I’m with my bottom bich Karen. Mark, if you have some reason to believe RFK Jr. appearing on the CA ballot as the AIP nominee isn’t a lock, please do share for the sake of the rest of the rest of us BAN trolls. Interested natural-born Californians would like to know.

  21. DFR, your point is well taken. I have often wondered when Richard or Bill would finally decide the constant racial invective, strawman play-acting and singling out of AZ for abuse would lead to the comments section finally being closed. I assume they don’t take that step both because of the occasional tips shared by the commentariat and out of a principled respect for free speech. But the day they decide it detracts value rather than adds it, I expect we’ll all feel that boot.

    I was a Unity08 registrant and BAN subscriber (before I went broke). I have the utmost respect for what Richard built here, and do wish we could all stay on topic a bit more.

  22. Comrade Unity16YearsAgo:

    Word up, pimp daddy! Respect! (She bows down and goes down) LOL

  23. That was at the comrade’s first post,not the second. I’ll address that sequentially, after my retort to Comrade Robinson.

  24. Comrade Robinson:

    By the standards of this site, at least in recent years and perhaps even further back, this discussion has been remarkably well focused on precisely the subject matter of the linked story and closely associated subjects which came up in the course of discussion. Their precise relevance is, like, totally in the eye of the beholder, LOL.

    Is there any reason why you singled out THIS post to make that comment, or is that a general gripe?

    Like, is there maybe a reason for you making that particular comment at this particular juncture in this discussion?

    Was it 100% small d, hater, backed up spermperson energy?

    Was it trying to save Comrade Seidenberg from his corner?

    Like, what gives, comrade?

    My first comment was relevant. Comrade Ziobro’s #2 was relevant as all get out. My frenemy hoe, the AntiKaren, parodied moi. I gave both the replies I thought their level of comment, like, totally, earned.

    There was, indeed, some irrelevant distraction from a troll and I, like, totally replied all appropriate like in the customery manner to a misgendering hypocritical troll Question.

    Comrade Seidenberg was on topic, if tangential. If you read the linked article in question, do a find in page for California. Thus, all resulting comments have been on topic.

    Comrade Z comments about the amazing President Carter and digs at my screen names and peoples are customary for him. I answered them super nicely.

    That’s the discussion to the point of your comment.

    Incidental like, long before there were keyboards, fools often told forbidden truths in Courts, but that’s way off topic, LOL. Or, is it?
    That’s, like,totally a Rohrshach test, LOL!

  25. DFR,

    You are correct most of these post are irrelevant. What is important is that Bice and his associate did not give who they represented so we have a jurisdiction issue. Sloppy work!

  26. Daddy Mack, in 2008, I was, like, 10 years old, LOL.

    Of course, I voted That year. I’ve filled out what would of been unused absentee ballots, donated after loving persuasion to the DNC/D&C cause, with the loving help of my original wombperson and caretaker spermperson. My biological spermperson being President Clinton, you can say it’s, like, in my blood, LOL.

    Like, I’ve been doing that since I was a tyke and could hold a crayon, LOL.

    I reckon the racy invective and straw man play acting are the price we pay for freedom. Shutting down or policing discussion backfires. The totalitarian communist in me totally disagrees, but the American in me is, like, totally bowdy bout it, LOL.

    Comrade Z, from where I sit, singles himself out for abuse by his abusive replies to other’s and his abusive, non-stop, off topic comments. I try to treat him super nice, though. I think I’ve been pretty successful so far. I’m super good at it, LOL!

    Shutting down comments would, like, for real drive away readership. I read many news sites on occasion, but I only obsessively read sites where a discussion community pulls me in. Those sites have little to no comment censorship.

    To be fair, most of the time I don’t read comments at most sites at all. Anyone who finds the signal to noise ratio in comments intolerable always, like, totally has that option here or anywhere else.

    What’s signal and what’s noise is, like, for real for real, in the eye of the bee holder.

    Learning to navigate it?


  27. Daddy Mack,

    “I have the utmost respect for what Richard built here, ”

    Me too, daddy! He’s the shiznit! So cute and adorable!

    “and do wish we could all stay on topic a bit more.”

    I’m, like, so totally torn about that, LOL!

    “I was a Unity08 registrant and BAN subscriber (before I went broke)”

    I was always a DNC, ever since I was conceived in an Oval Office visit on the Resolute desk. I will always be a D&C.

    I totally subscribe to banning, for real for real! Here a BAN, there a BAN, everywhere a BAN BAN BAN!! LOL.

    You went broke, daddy? Hey, Unity, baby I got your money, don’t you worry…

  28. Comrade Seidenberg,

    “You are correct most of these post are irrelevant. What is important is that Bice and his associate did not give who they represented so we have a jurisdiction issue. Sloppy work!”

    Nice try, comrade, LOL, but you won’t get off the hook that easy. Not on my watch, no siree Mark! Uh uh!

    You started the California tangent. You ain’t about to get out of it. Your credibility is 100% at stake.

    No hate – this is 100% in love!

    You’re so cute and cuddly!

  29. 22 NUNE 1941




  30. 22 NUNE 1941 >>> 22 JUNE 1941



  31. D & C People’s Republic,

    Have no idea what your point is. My
    point is the DNC will no get information from me to assist them with litigation. They will not get discovery from me. Bice and his associate lawyer are so sloppy they created a jurisdictional issue.

  32. Comrade Seidenberg, LOL, how could you miss it? I’m addition to asking several times, several ways,and spelling it out explicitly, several other people have now asked you as well. You’re cuter than a June bug, sweetie, but nobody is THAT cute, LOL.

    You said:

    “The article is not correct as to the status currently in California. I and Paul Rossi know that article is on error. My concern now is the Democrats might do discovery on me.

    I will let them pound sand. I will not help them on there current quests.

    I am twice former Chairman of the American Independent Party of California. The party formed in Bakersfield, CA in 1967.”

    My point is to find out why you believe this article, like every article I can find anywhere, is incorrect as to the status currently in California.

    My further point is that you will lack any and all credibility in any and all issues after this if you evade answering truthfully, honestly, promptly, unambiguously, in sufficient detail, plausibly, why and how that status is incorrect – ie why you are contending Kennedy is not set to be on the ballot as the AIP nominee in California.

    You will furthermore lack credibility if your reply turns out to be dishonest, evasive, etc.

    You’re a dancing machine, babe, but I’ll keep on dancing, dancing, dancing – you can’t dance your way out of this one.

    Playing dumb is a cute move, but I can dance circles around it.

    Your move, dreamboat!

  33. Seidenberg is about as cute as Charles Lee “Chucky” Ray. This is child’s play, so let’s get to it:

    The real question is Nevada. Nevada is a purple mountain majestic battleground and the political and moral death valley that is California is bluer than an incel troll’s balls.

    Seidenberg wants to create the impression that he’s important and knows something other people don’t know, but want to know. Maybe he does. Probably not.

    Even if he turns out to be correct – it could be all sorts of technicalities that accidentally got overlooked – it matters little in the bigger scheme. If California is somehow in play, the national winner is not. If the national winner will be, California won’t. Kennedy does not change this fundamental fact of early 21st century US POTUS politics.

    About Nevada, Seidenberg keeps talking about some jurisdiction issue about where in Nevada the demon rats filed, and which of the two plaintiffs the two attorneys represent. How about both of the plaintiffs? Duh. Who do lawyers represent in a class action? The jurisdiction issue is probably, but not necessarily, nonsense, just like whatever Seidenberg is evading putting his cards on the table about in California. He’s probably bluffing about both states, but we’ll see.

  34. Seidenberg typically wants to talk out of both sides of his trap and have it both ways. If he was really worried about being deposed, he wouldn’t keep dropping hints and practically begging on all fours like a dog, tongue out and panting, begging to be deposed.

    It sounds like he really wants to dramatically take the fifth – readers can decide 5th ammendment, fifth of liquor, 5th edition of the DSM, etc – probably for no greater reason than to try to milk 15 nanoseconds of nanofame for all he can wring from them, even in the highly likely event he knows nothing even remotely worth concealing.

    Seidenberg is a narcissistic loser. He always makes every possible effort to misdirect and to promote himself as much more important than he is. Why should this be any different?

    Why did the OverFedGov drop plans to depose him about J6? Because they cast a very wide net in threatening to do so in the first place. A lot more people were threatened with having to testify than actually had to testify. Afterwards, the list was narrowed down.

    That’s pretty typical, especially in big, complicated, conspiracy fishing expeditions, and J6 had to be the biggest fishing expedition of all time, netting more fresh fish who hadn’t done anything wrong than any other illegal legal fishing expedition ever, at least in this country.

    Seidenberg wants to paint the picture that it was because he was so wiley and unbreakable to evade the target on him, but that ain’t what happened.

  35. Comrade Z,

    Have you ever thought?

    what if Herr Adolf and Frau Eva actually survived Der Bunker, and had children?

    And what if some of those children were passed off as the children of likeminded couples in the nation’s which conquered the Reich, and were groomed to, and grew up to become, those country’s leaders?

    Adolf Hitler was born 1889.4.20
    Eva Anna Paul Hitler, nee Braun, was born 1912.2.6
    Donald John Trump Sr. was born 1946.6.14
    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born 1952.10.7

    Frau Hitler would of been, like, 34 and 40 when they were born. Coincidentally(?), their official original wombpersons were close contemporaries:

    Maria Ivanovna Putina (née Shelomova; 1911–1998); and meanwhile, back in the States, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump was just, like, three months younger than Frau Hitler.

    Herr Hitler would have been, like, 57 and 63. Totally possible for a spermperson, and he was a late bloomer, LOL!

    Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, who later played a Hitleresque Great Dictator, was born 1889.4.16 – only FOUR DAYS older than Herr Hitler! He was original spermperson to eleven known children, the youngest (I think he was the youngest) born in 1962, almost 10 years after Comrade Putin.

    That would, like, totally explain so much, LOL!

    Don’t you think ???

  36. Comrade A. Man,

    Boo, hiss, meany pants!

    Can we all just pretty pretty please let Comrade Seidenberg answer for himself, instead of putting words in his cute little mouth and speculating as to his answers and motives?


  37. AZ–unfortunately it’s all true. I don’t know how or why they did it. The AIP, which for many years was a considered a refuge for conservatives who didn’t like the possibility of voting for a RINO, voted to put RFK,Jr. on the ballot as their candidate for president. The sounds you are hearing would be Governor George Wallace and party founder William Shearer spinning in their graves.

  38. If Comrade Seidenberg is gonna keep playing hard to get, LOL, does ANYONE else besides him here have ANY reason to think it’s NOT true ??

  39. Michael Skaggs,

    Gov. Wallace wasn’t his public persona circa 1968. That was a performance artist, conceived after John Patterson beat him for governor in 1958 with the help of the Ku Klux Klan, and ended when an unsuccessful assassin put him in a wheelchair in 1972. Before and after, Wallace was a liberal. Governor Maddox was the real deal.

    What led to the Wallace best remembered by most folks? After his first unsuccessful gov run,

    After the election, aide Seymore Trammell recalled Wallace saying, “Seymore, you know why I lost that governor’s race? … I was outniggered by John Patterson. And I’ll tell you here and now, I will never be outniggered again.”

    In 1962, Wallace made good on that promise, at least for the following decade…

    Wallace replied, “You know, I tried to talk about good roads and good schools and all these things that have been part of my career, and nobody listened. And then I began talking about niggers, and they stomped the floor.”

  40. I ought to mention I knew both of them. Governor Maddox of Georgia, RIP, where I lived at the time, was my good, older and wiser friend and political mentor. Governor Wallace…I didn’t know as well, and didn’t realize he wasn’t who he played in public until he was in a wheelchair and showed his true colors, as it were.

  41. For those that read the flawed case of ROCKENFELLER & MARGOLAS v. KENNEDY
    filed in Carson City, NV.

    The should read INDEPENDENT AMERICAN PARTY of STATE v. LAU, 110 Nev. 1151,
    880 P.2d 1391

    The complaint was so poorly drafted that Bice and associate lawyer created
    a jurisdictional problem.

  42. RICHARD,

    view article “Nevada Democratic Party spearheads challenge to RFK Jr. eligibility” by Matthew W. Seeman (21 June 2024, KSNV)

    The case was drafted by lawyer Bice and associated so sloppy that it created a jurisdictional problem.

  43. MarXeidenberg refuses to answer what multiple people have asked him. Shame!





  45. @Mark Seidenberg
    Are you saying that either the AIP or the Kennedy campaign has not filed the necessary qualifying paperwork to appear on the ballot in California?
    Or are you saying that the people running the state convention in Sacramento this past April and in control of the website are not the legitimate AIP, or at any rate not the ones recognized by the California SoS to have control of the AIP’s ballot line?
    Or what are you saying?

  46. And is there any chance of James Bradley or Randall Terry appearing on the ballot instead as the AIP’s presidential candidate?

  47. Nuna,

    You asked four questions. My concern there is litigation. Uwe the Rino and Francisco the VP are suing in Carson City on a flawed lawsuit that have a lack of jurisdiction jssue.

    The lawsuit needs to be demured. I
    do not want to go through discovery in
    Thus case.

    I believe they can pound sand, because
    I will not assist them in their lawsuit.

    I under stand in detail what is going on. I have been on the national committee of the AIP between 2004 – 2020 (31 December 2020).

    I will never answer questions for either Francisco or Uwe.

  48. Comrade Seidenberg, you’re a dancing fool.

    Sweetie poo, you’re among friends here.

    Look around you. Do you see attorneys in suits with briefcases? A judge in a black robe? Armed and uniformed court officers? Court reporters typing away?

    Did you go through a metal detector to get in the building? Put your hand on an ancient middle eastern book of fables and promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Are you looking at a panel of jurors or grand jurors who are taken away from their normal lives, sworn in, instructed, and paid peanuts for the purpose of hearing testimony from you and other, like, witnesses?

    I don’t see any of that.

    Do you?

    Bae. Listen up. Come here. Closer. Closer. Closer.

    If you want to avoid going through all that, just tell us here, while you’re among friends, what you know or think you know.

    I promise I’ll give you, like, at the very least, an awesome sponge bath when its over. You’ll relax and breathe and feel better. If you’re down, we might cum play. There will be soft relaxing music and aromatherapy.

    Did I mention how soft, sexy, and fun I am? You’ll feel so much better getting it off…your chest, ahem. Get your mind out of the gutter, LOL!

    WHERE were we? Oh yeah. Just tell us. Then there won’t be any depositions, truth serum injections, lights shined in your face, angry spermpersons slamming things and yelling and asking the same questions over and over for hours.

    Or, even, for that matter, all that unpleasant court stuff we were talking about earlier.

    You’ll, like, feel so much better, LOL!

    LIKE, OMG.

    If you got something, you’re going to talk. Now, or later. Later will be, like, way less fun!

    Don’t you think there’s folks who know how to figure out how to get it out of you? Stroking your ego? Finding out what your needs and wants and fears and desires are? Flashing the moolah? Buying you drinks? Flirting/ more than flirting? Going out to fun events? Introducing you to cool people? Figuring out who you care about, and getting to them? Getting you all kinds of hard to get tickets, and, um, other stuff? Getting you caught on camera doing something naughty?

    Use your imagination, honey bunch.

    I’m not saying I know people like that. I’m just saying I, um, know people like that exist, LOL!

    Make it easier on yourself. Make it easier on every one here, and everyone who is not here.

    Just talk now, while it’s easier.

    Because you’re going to talk sooner or later if you got something. And you’ll break down and admit you got nothing if you got nothing.

    Sooner or later.

    Sooner will be better for everyone.

    Including you, LOL!

    I PROMISE I’ll do something super nice for you if you’ll be a good little spermperson and give us what we want, k babe?

  49. Just Dance Lyrics
    [Intro: Lady Gaga & Akon]
    Gaga (Oh-oh, eh)

    [Verse 1: Lady Gaga & Akon]
    I’ve had a little bit too much, much (Oh, oh, oh-oh)
    All of the people start to rush (Start to rush by)
    A dizzy twister dance, can’t find my drink or man
    Where are my keys? I lost my phone, phone (Oh, oh, oh-oh)
    [Pre-Chorus: Lady Gaga]
    What’s goin’ on, on the floor?
    I love this record, baby, but I can’t see straight anymore
    Keep it cool, what’s the name of this club?
    I can’t remember, but it’s alright, a-alright

    [Chorus: Lady Gaga]
    Just dance
    Gonna be okay, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance
    Spin that record, babe, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance
    Gonna be okay
    Da-da-da-dance, dance, dance
    Just, j-j-just dance

    [Verse 2: Lady Gaga & Akon]
    Wish I could shut my playboy mouth (Oh, oh, oh-oh)
    How’d I turn my shirt inside out? (Inside out, right)
    Control your poison, babe, roses have thorns, they say
    And they’re all gettin’ hosed tonight (Oh, oh, oh-oh)

    [Pre-Chorus: Lady Gaga]
    What’s goin’ on, on the floor?
    I love this record, baby, but I can’t see straight anymore
    Keep it cool, what’s the name of this club?
    I can’t remember, but it’s alright, a-alright
    [Chorus: Lady Gaga]
    Just dance
    Gonna be okay, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance
    Spin that record, babe, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance
    Gonna be okay
    Da-da-da-dance, dance, dance
    Just, j-j-just

    [Verse 3: Colby O’Donis]
    When I come through on the dance floor, checking out that catalogue (Hey)
    Can’t believe my eyes, so many women without a flaw (Hey)
    And I ain’t gon’ give it up, steady, tryna pick it up like a call (Hey)
    I’ma hit it, I’ma beat it up, latch onto it until tomorrow, yeah
    Shorty, I can see that you got so much energy
    The way you twirlin’ up them hips ’round and ’round
    And there is no reason at all why you can’t leave here with me
    In the meantime, stay, let me watch you break it down and

    [Chorus: Lady Gaga & Akon]
    Gonna be okay, da-da-doo-doot-n (Oh)
    Just dance (Ooh, yeah)
    Spin that record, babe, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance (Ooh, yeah)
    Gonna be okay, da-da-doo-doot-n (Ooh, yeah)
    Just dance (Ooh, yeah)
    Spin that record, babe, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance (Oh)
    Gonna be okay, da-da-da-dance (Gonna be okay)
    Dance, dance (Yeah)
    Just, j-j-just dance (Oh)
    [Interlude: Akon]
    Let’s go!

    [Breakdown: Lady Gaga]
    Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic, got my blueprint, it’s symphonic
    Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic, got my blueprint, electronic
    Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic, got my blueprint, it’s symphonic
    Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic, got my blueprint, electronic

    [Bridge: Lady Gaga & Akon]
    Go, use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle
    (I got it, just stay close enough to get it on)
    Don’t slow, drive it, clean it, Lysol, bleed it
    Spend the last dough (I got it) in your pock-o (I got it)

    [Chorus: Lady Gaga]
    Just dance
    Gonna be okay, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance
    Spin that record, babe, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance (Baby)
    Gonna be okay, da-da-doo-doot-n
    Just dance
    Spin that record, babe, da-da-doo-doot-n (Oh, baby, yeah)
    Just dance
    Gonna be okay (Spin that record, baby, yeah)
    Da-da-da-dance, dance, dance
    Just, j-j-just dance

  50. KEREN,

    The way I have suggest for Bobby Jr. to proceed against either Uwe or Francisco or both if the jurisdictional issue get fixed is foow the procedure under NRS 41.193
    & NRS 41.195. It became effective on 1 October 1979 in Nevada District Courts.

  51. KEREN,

    The article states Uwe and/or Francisco stated the American Independent Party “has a sordid history of supporting former segregationist candidates for president, such as former Alabama Governor George Wallace”. That is one of many false statements in that article.

    The lawsuit is jurisdictional flawed because the 2 lawyer do not state which of the plaintiff they represent in this Carson City case.

  52. Marky Mark: like Mark, Karen has an A in me. Unlike Seidenberg, I only have one E up my A.

    I’m not asking you about Nevada, Uwe, Francisco, Nevada court jurisdictions, or your opinion of whether or how many false statements there are in the article.

    That one happens to be 100% verifiable and true, but it’s, like, waaaaaay besides the point, LOL.

    Several people have asked you the same question, several times, several ways.

    You’re a pretty dope dancer, Marquis Marc, but I’ve danced with the devil, again and again and again, and lived to tell the tale. Ain’t no body fenna beat me in no dance marathon contest. I got immortal techniques for days, weeks, months, years, decades, and, um, maybe even longer, LOL!

  53. I’m asking you about Cali, Mister Mark. Remember, you used to live there?

    California love!

    California…knows how to party
    California…knows how to party
    In the citaaay of L.A.
    In the citaaay of good ol’ Watts
    In the citaaay, the city of Compton
    We keep it rockin! We keep it rockin!

    Verse One: Dr. Dre

    Now let me welcome everybody to the wild, wild west
    A state that’s untouchable like Elliot Ness


    Not Nevada. I love Nevada. Vegas is the shit. Pahrump is where I makes fat sacks of cash. Reno is dope as a mama. Carson City got that law law. There’s places out by the tumbleweeds and ghost towns where the silver is spectacular. I’m always laughing when I’m in Laughlin.

    But I’m not asking about Nevada.

    Plain and simple, is Robert F. Kennedy Jr, in your learned opinion, the ballot qualified nominee of the American Independent Party of California, if which you were twice in the past chair?

    Yes or no?

    If not, why not?

    Daddy O, I can dance like in pulp fiction. I’m not gonna lose. I’m not gonna give up.

    I’m not the only one asking. I can count how many other people asked you that above. But so can you, LOL.

    You are not under oath. Answering the question is not going to get you deposed.

    But, your credibility is 100% at stake.

    You understand the question. Do not pretend you don’t.

    Please answer.

    If you don’t, you will regret it. This is not a threat, but it is, like,100% a promise, LOL.

  54. Plain and simple, is Robert F. Kennedy Jr, in your learned opinion, the ballot qualified nominee of the American Independent Party of California, of which you were twice in the past chair?

    Yes or no?

    If not, why not?

  55. D&C People’s Republic,

    You are wrong the article is just false. First it does not state who the two attorneys represent. That makes it jurisdictional. Uwe is a RINO
    & Francisco is the VP of the Nevada Democratic Party.

  56. Comrade Seidenberg: why do you insist on not answering what I ask, and answering what I don’t ask? It’s not like I haven’t made clear what I’m asking and what I’m not asking.

    I’m very patient, in case you have not yet noticed. Some people say mental patient, but, like, whatever, LOL.

    I’m not saying the article is wrong or not wrong. I’m not asking about Francisco or Uwe or Nevada. At 10:48 I asked you the only things I want you to answer at the moment.

    In case you missed it yet again (yeah, right. LOL):

    Plain and simple, is Robert F. Kennedy Jr, in your learned opinion, the ballot qualified nominee of the American Independent Party of California, of which you were twice in the past chair?

    Yes or no?

    If not, why not?

    If you keep dancing around these questions, boo boo, you’re only hurting your own credibility moving forward.

  57. Rose – I see no reason not to use your real given name when you gave away mine, and basically yours too by capitalizing it on another post. And it’s not like either of us is going to be dumb enough to give away our family name. So, eat it.

    But, what I meant to say: your credibility is at stake as well. It’s pretty obvious Mr. Seidenberg will dance as long as you will, and vice versa.

    Nobody wins when you wrestle with a pig, especially if you’re both piggy, even though you’re a pseudonym without balls like me, and he’s a real man, presumably with actual testicles, and the metaphorical testes to use his actual IRL name (I presume).

    And you’re both acting like pigs here, amirite? Getting the last word is not winning a dance contest. Nobody wins anything except loss of face by being the last loser standing. It was abundantly clear quite a few rounds ago that Mr. Mark won’t reveal what he knows or thinks he knows here.

    He’s a teaser and an attention whore. And yes, you know it. Don’t even pretend, bitch.

    So, just tuck your rainbow fuzzy fake donkey tail strap on (donkey tail in back, vibrator in front) and acknowledge you lost or played to a draw.

    Or keep embarrassing crap up. There’s no win to be had here.

  58. Karen/Rose:

    Bitch, you’re working way too hard to get a very small nut from some very dry, very old, very shriveled old balls.

    In fact, I think you already got all the nut there is to get there, and it was so puny, you didn’t even notice.

    Which is to say:

    I’m pretty sure SideOBeef has now answered the question.

    As I understand his wacky answer, we all, thanks to you, misunderstood his claim about what the article got wrong about California.

    Not that the AIP somehow screwed up putting Kennedy on the ballot or misled him that they will do so.

    Just some wacky doo doo that would make the one statement he took issue with at 7:11 am this morning somehow untrue, unless it’s the characterization “sordid,” which I happen to also disagree with – fight me on that, or don’t.

    Or maybe he’s saying … The real Karen is right. Maybe I’ll finish this later, but if I’m half as smart as I think I am, I won’t.

  59. Yesterday morning, not this morning . I fell asleep and didn’t finish. LOL

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