Various political parties polled the following number of votes for their US House of Representatives nominees (these numbers include affiliate parties with different names):
Republican |
Democratic |
Libertarian |
Green |
Constitution |
Reform |
other parties |
indep. candidates |
The Louisiana election returns from November were used above. No Louisiana run-off returns from December are included.
In cases in which two parties jointly nominated the same person, and voters could cast a vote under either party label, the figures above give credit to each party. For example, if a candidate was nominated jointly by the New York Republican Party and the New York Conservative Party, votes cast under each party label are kept separate. By contrast, most other sources that calculate the total vote for U.S. House of Representatives by party give all such votes to the Republican column.
Does the Constitution Party total include affiliates of different names, i.e. Independent American and the Nebraska Party?
There is about 25 percent indirect minority rule in the U.S.A. House of Reps and EVERY house of EVERY State legislature — roughly half the votes in half the gerrymander districts.
Remedy – Proportional Representation
Party Seats = (Party Votes x Total Seats) / Total Votes
Exact —- Party Voting Power (of Party Seat winners) = Party Votes
Result – Democracy (indirect) versus the current super-EVIL oligarchies.