Ballot Access News is selling an 8.5 inch by eleven inch map of the United States, showing all the counties, in 5 colors, illustrating the strong and weak areas for each of these 2004 presidential candidates: Ralph Nader, Michael Badnarik, Michael Peroutka, and David Cobb. The maps are $1.50 each, or $5 for all four maps. They do not include Alaska and Hawaii.
Send a check to Ballot Access News, PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147, or else use Paypal. If you use Paypal in connection with a credit card, use If you don’t use a credit card in connection with paypal, use
I wish they would show something like that on corporate-owned media.
Do U.S. citizens who call themselves Republican or Democrate even bother to read their own party’s preamble or platform. If they did they would soon find out that what they affiliate themselves with is a party that doesen’t even stick to it’s own platform. Since when is the last time we ever heard a Republican talk about limiting government involvement in anything period? That’s just it! The two major parties don’t even stick to their own set of principles even when the people want them to. Do all of yourselves a favor and find yourselves a nice third party before you have to suffer a big letdown. Einstein once said that you cannot do the samething more than once and expect to get different results.