Steve Kubby Released from Jail

Steve Kubby, the 1998 Libertarian candidate for Governor of California, was released from the Placer County jail on April 5. He has a rare medical condition that is eased by marijuana, and he had been imprisoned solely because of his marijuana usage.


Steve Kubby Released from Jail — 7 Comments

  1. There are people in the United States of America who express outrage at, for example, Afghanistan for imposing the code of a particular religion on everyone.
    Yet so many of those same people join the mob that eagerly lynches a Steve Kubby or a Peter McWilliams for the use of a vegetable, an herb, a weed, a plant that grows wild.
    In Genesis, in the very first chapter, God tells Man to use all the plants that have seeds — which might, I guess, eliminate sensimilla.
    Steve Kubby is as much a martyr as are those thousands of Christians jailed in China, or those Christians right now being killed simply for believing differently from the power structure or the mob.
    Marijuana is like most other substances: It will affect some people mightily and some others not at all.
    In other words, just like with, say, vitamins, each individual will react or respond individually.
    Therefore, one Thou Shalt Not law to apply to everyone is stupid and immoral.
    In our church we pray for Steve Kubby, and I, as pastor, ask everyone reading this to join us. Pray for Steve and his family, and for those other victims of religious intolerance.
    Whatever part of the world they might be in.

  2. Marijuana is 20 X more likely to give cancer than tobacco. If Steve Kubby were in AA, would you take him to a cocktail party?

  3. Please show me that data. According to Dr. Dean Edell, marijuana has 4 times as much tar than tobacco. However, the tar has not been shown to be carcinogenic, which tobacco tar has. In addition, a recent study showed that marijuana smoke actually protects against some types of lung cancer. But I would be happy to examine your data, if you have some to supply.

    Eric Garris

  4. His web site is confusing. On the top, and undated update says that he is back in jail for 20 to 60 days. Then below on April 6th it says that he has been released after 20 days.

    Which is it?

    As for response #2: If given the choice of possibly dying of cancer in 20 years or dying of complications of very high blood presure in about a week, which would you choose?

    That is the point, the paitent and his doctor should choose, not the government. It is his life he is saving or risking.

  5. Say, Mr. Jacobs, I’m not sure I understand all that you’re saying, but I strongly believe that being put into jail would be a definite blood-pressure raiser.
    And I know I agree with your last paragraph.
    Bravo to you, Sir.

  6. Mr Kubby has a medical condition that causes high blood preasure that he says is only relived by medical marijuanna. If you look at, There is an entry for “Steve Kubby Describes His Involuntary Marinol Experiment”. When he entered jail, he no longer could smoke marijuana, but a doctor gave him Marinol, a pill form of THC.
    In it he describes that when he entered jail, his blood preasure spiked to sometimes 250 over 220. I’ll let you read the details on his web site.
    24 to 36 hours after being treated, his blood preasure was 120 over 80. It apears that Marinol takes a long time to work as compared to other medication.

    I have been following his case over the years, I knew his medical condition and was not overstating that he might die within the week if he couldn’t have Marinol or Marijuanna.

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