Anti-Electoral College Bill Passes Louisiana Committee

On May 10, the Louisiana House Governmental Affairs Committee Passed HB 927, the bill to award the state’s electoral college votes to whomever gets the most popular votes nationwide. The vote was 6-4. Democrats have a majority in both houses of the Louisiana legislature, and a Democratic Governor.

A similar bill in Illinois failed to pass, and the legislature has now adjourned for the year. A similar bill in Missouri cannot pass this year (because it failed to move ahead in time), unless the substance of it gets amended into another bill that does pass.

Supporters of the idea say they will have bills in all states next year.


Anti-Electoral College Bill Passes Louisiana Committee — 7 Comments

  1. Excellent. This helps take the sting out of Colorado not passing the same type bill.

  2. this sounds like a horrible idea.

    but if you are a democrat, why not pass a law which awards Louisiana’s electoral votes to whichever candidate gets the most delegates at the democratic party national convention?

    When Cain killed Abel, it symbolized the resentment of country people being dominated by city people.

    This bill is the revenge of city people against country people, for the “sin” of supporting the Electoral College.

  3. Last time I checked Louisiana is moving to red status. Let’s change your quote to the RNC convention.

  4. I hope this bill passes, because the nationwide popular vote is a fairer basis for winning an election than the Winner-take-all Electoral System that 48 States have.

  5. The Electoral College keeps the power to elect the president with the States.

    That is what James Madison intended.

    Any attempt to end the Electoral College continues to take the States out of the loop of power in the federal government, and erodes separation of powers between the States and the feds.

    PS – I mentioned democrats in my earlier post because the democrats control both houses of the legislature and have a democrat governor.

  6. If Louisiana gives all of its Electoral votes to whomever wins the national vote this is still not representitive of the actual votes of people in louisiana. As long as Americans are stuck with this screwball Electoral System at least apportion the Electoral College votes by percentage of the vote.

  7. I would rather see each state pass Maine/Nebraska style apportionment with one slight change. Instead of voting for a “block” of three electors, the Two “At-Large & One “Congressional” Elector would be elected separately. Thereby allowing someone to “split” their vote between as many as 3 Presidential “Candidates”.

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