Illinois and Pennsylvania Green Petition Progress

The most difficult statewide petition drives now underway that are likely to succeed this summer are the Green Party petitions in Illinois and Pennsylvania. In Illinois, the Greens have 30,000 signatures. 25,000 signatures are due on June 26. The Constitution Party also may qualify in Illinois, but so far only has about 15,000.

In Pennsylvania, the Greens have hired paid petitioners and now have 35,000 signatures. The deadline is August 1; 67,070 signatures are needed, unless the ballot access lawsuit wins in the 3rd circuit, or unless the legislature lowers the requirement.

John Dashler, independent candidate for Georgia Governor, needs 42,676 signatures by July 11, but he has concluded that he cannot comply. Russ Diamond, independent candidate for Pennsylvania Governor, has not made much headway with his petition. State Senator Best Westlund, independent candidate for Oregon governor, has also not made much headway, but he will hire paid circulators next month; he needs 18,356 signatures by August 29. Alaska Representative Andrew Halcro, independent candidate for Governor, expects to have no trouble collecting 3,128 signatures by August 22. Christy Mihos, independent gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts, is expected to have no trouble collecting 10,000 signatures by August 1.

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