U.S. House Extends Voting Rights Act

On July 13, the U.S. House of Representatives defeated various amendments to alter the Voting Rights Act, which was passed in 1965 and must be renewed every 15 years or so (it expires in 2007). Then, the House re-enacted the law without any significant changes. The bill is HR 9.

The Voting Rights Act has been very useful for protecting the voting rights of ethnic and foreign language minorities, but it has been of almost no use in protecting voters who desire to vote for minor parties and independent candidates.


U.S. House Extends Voting Rights Act — 3 Comments

  1. Georgia is still a conquered province.
    The mis-called “Voting Rights” act is worse than a farce and a sham: It is a hoax.
    It was passed by demogogues for demogogues.
    As you said, it doesn’t help independents, people who desire a genuinely free election, who prefer other parties or independent candidates.
    It doesn’t help overcome the highly discriminatory laws the state passed for the purpose of repressing competitive elections.
    Even more ironically: Some years ago, when I tried to register to vote in South Georgia, I was not allowed to do so … because I wouldn’t state my race.
    Yes, believe it or not, Georgia still asked a registrant’s race!
    The irony? Such a question was mandated by … FEDERAL law!
    Yes, that very “Voting Rights” law requires, or at least required then, Georgia to list a person’s race.

  2. the “reason” for asking the person’s race is so that districts can be manipulated to include a majority of this group, and theis other district is majority that group.
    You are correct in saying that it is worse than a sham.

  3. The alleged basis for the entire act is supposedly to protect black voters.
    Black voters already control a huge portion of Georgia — control based solely on skin color.
    No candidate dares even seek, for example, city-wide office in Atlanta unless he’s black.
    The Fourth Congressional District seat is also race-based.
    Two other Georgia members of Congress are black.
    The problem is that the “news” media and other racial and pro-Democrat demagogues would lynch any person opposing the act, calling that opponent “racist.”
    In fact, though, the bill itself is now the work of racists and other demagogues.
    Just not white racists.

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