Parties Certified for the Ballot in Several States

The Connecticut Green Party statewide petition, the Missouri Green Party statewide petition, and the Delaware Working Families Party registration drive, have all been acknowledged by those states to be legally sufficient. The name of the Missouri Green Party is “Progressive Party.” Also, in Iowa, the Green, Libertarian, and Socialist Workers Parties are also now on the statewide ballot.

In New York, the petition deadline was August 22. The requirement is 15,000. The Green Party turned in 30,000 signatures; the Socialist Workers Party turned in 30,000; the Socialist Equality Party turned in 24,200 signatures; and the Libertarian Party turned in 21,300 signatures. These parties will be on the ballot unless someone successfully challenges their signatures. The two socialist parties are not competing against each other, since the Socialist Equality only has a candidate for U.S. Senate, whereas the Socialist Workers Party only has candidates for the statewide state offices.


Parties Certified for the Ballot in Several States — 1 Comment

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