Workers World Party Activist Gains Green Party US Senate Nomination in Michigan

David Sole was nominated by the Michigan Green Party to be its U.S. Senate candidate, on August 6. Sole is also a long-time member of the Workers World Party, and is president of United Auto Workers Local 2334. Sole received the vote of 39 of the 50 delegates to the Green Party nominating convention.

The Workers World Party sometimes run candidates under its own label, but has not done so in any state this year. In California, Workers World members have sometime run in the Peace & Freedom Party’s primary, and have sometimes won PFP nominations. The Workers World Party ran a presidential candidate in 2004 under its own name, and also persuaded the Liberty Union Party of Vermont to nominate that presidential candidate.


Workers World Party Activist Gains Green Party US Senate Nomination in Michigan — 9 Comments

  1. In California and New York, Marxists won the Green nominations for US Senate. Tod Chretien (Calif) is a member of the ISO, which appears to be the strongest Marxist group in the Green Party.

    ISO backed Ralph Nader in 2004, and it appears that an alliance of Marxists and Nader supporters is picking up the pieces of the Green Party after the poor results of the David Cobb campaign.

  2. Concerning the New York nominee, I’ve known Howie Hawkins for years, and I don’t remember ever hearing the word “Marxist” from him. I don’t know if he may identify as Marxist , but I do know well that he’s extremely dedicated to true community democracy — from neighborhood associations to peaceful global decision-making. He’s the furthest thing from an old-style Soviet centralist.

    There are honest viewpoints in which democracy and socialism are not contradictory — anyone in Europe can tell you that, as can Bernie Sanders.

    That being said, I’m not disagreeing that the International Socialist Organization (ISO), Workers World, and other sect leaders are trying to get a foothold in the Greens here and there. I don’t know much about Chretien. I just don’t see any national effect that’s having on the Greens. And one candidate here or there doesn’t prove it at all, especially when the candidates, like Peter Camejo (California Green gov candidate) and especially Howie Hawkins, have been in the Greens for many years and are clearly not “outsiders” trying to change the Green Party.

  3. Gene Berkman is probably on the correct track; however, things are a bit more complicated than the way that he described it.

    The Green Party of California (as well as its national affiliate, the Green Party of the United States) is attracting all kinds of people. I am a member of the Socialist Party USA and, on this past June 7th, I changed my voter registration from the Peace and Freedom Party to the Green Party of California.

    Let those organizations like DSA and CPUSA play their liberal games with the Democratic Party; and, let those radical ultra-left groups like the Peace and Freedom Party play their games with themselves. This is political warfare! The Green Party is riding the wave of the future. It is time for all serious peace and reform movement people to get on board!

  4. ISO stands for “International Socialist Organization” a successor to the Independent Socialist Clubs of the 1960’s. ISO is “left-Schachtmanite” critical of bureaucratic collectivism but favoring anti-capitalist revolution in the USA.

  5. It should be noted that Socialist Party member Jacob Woods also received the Green Party of Michigan nomination at the same convention for State Board of Education. Woods will be campaigning as a dual Socialist/Green candidate.

  6. Kyle…ISO stands for International Socialist Organization.

    I would point out that, in my opinion, while the Green Party is welcoming to members of left organizations, the GP is not itself a left party in many minds, mine included.

    Remember, socialists often support blooated militaries, environmental degradation and political opportunism.

    To me, the Green Party is best described as Petra Kelly described us.

    We are not left. We are not right.

    We are out in front.

    Look to the Ten Key Values of ther Green Party to determine if you fit in. Ignore the old timey left-right concepts, open your mind, and decide on the basis of the party’s expressed values if you are Green or not. If you want to know more, visit

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