Democrats Sue to Keep Notices Out of Polling Places Regarding Mark Foley Replacement

Florida Democrats are suing to stop election officials from posting notices at polling places regarding Mark Foley’s replacement candidate.

In accordance with Florida law, the state Republican Party has chosen a replacement candidate, state rep. Joe Negron. Former Congressman Mark Foley’s name will still appear on the ballot. If Foley wins, Negron would take the seat.

The Democrats are charging that the notices amount to polling place electioneering.


Democrats Sue to Keep Notices Out of Polling Places Regarding Mark Foley Replacement — 3 Comments

  1. As much as the Republicans deserve to lose Foley’s seat (and the seat of every other that voted for the Military Commissions Act), this is dirty pool by the Democrats. Voters deserve complete disclosure as to the effect of their ballot- but the Dems want to keep their new opponent’s name secret. Boo.

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