Indictment Could Help Green Party Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate

Last Wednesday, a top adviser to Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was indicted for extortion and political kickbacks. This has thrown the already-volatile governor’s race into further indecision.

The Chicago Tribune just released a poll showing support for Blagojevich continuing to erode.

The poll was completed on the day the indictment was announced, so the numbers don’t reflect this. The poll gave Blagojevich 43%, his Republican opponent, Judy Baar Topinka, had 29%, and Green Party candidate Rich Whitney had 9%. The unfavorability rating for both major party candidates registered quite high, and is expected to increase significantly for Blagojevich when voters have a chance to hear about the indictment.

The Tribune has a good article detailing the race and the poll.


Indictment Could Help Green Party Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate — 4 Comments

  1. LPI Endorses Mark McCoy for Governor
    On October 8, 2006, Mark McCoy received the official endorsement of the Libertarian Party of Illinois in his bid for Governor of Illinois.

    A third-party, issues-oriented debate is scheduled for Thursday, October 19th in Fairview Heights, Illinois, at the Fountains Conference Center at Four Points Sheraton.

    Write in Candidate Mark McCoy and Randy Stufflebeam, the Constitution Party Write-in Candidate, have committed to the debate. Talks are underway to have Green Party Candidate Rich Whitney participate in the debate as well. The debate will begin at 6:30 pm with doors opening at 6:00.

  2. Indictment could also help Constitution Party of Illinois’ write-in Candidate for Governor as well.

    Not only “could” but most definitely will help

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