It is likely that the Lou Dobbs show will air a brief interview with Richard Winger on Friday, November 3. The show runs from 6 pm to 7 pm eastern time.
Also, Bill Redpath, national chair of the Libertarian Party, will be on C-SPAN call-in Saturday, November 4, between 9 am and 9:30 am eastern time.
[a] “I’m ready for my close up Mister De Mile”
[b] Hmmmmmmmmm. Richard Winger for San Francisco City/ County Registrar of Voters or California Secretary of State?
[c] Lou Dobbs as Vice Presidential ticket mate with Alan Blumberg or Donald Trump?
Any chance you could put up a link to the interview with Richard Winger?
Richard was the 1986 Libertarian nominee for California secretary of state.
Michael Bloomberg and Donald Trump, unlike Lou Dobbs, believe in free markets. Lou thinks it’s patriotic to pay high prices, and that the government should pick winners and losers in the marketplace.