Greens Win Party Status in Illinois, Regain it in Nebraska, Nevada and Massachusetts, but Make No Other Ballot Status Gains

The Illinois Green Party polled almost 11% for Governor of Illinois. Since that is far above 5%, the party is ballot-qualified for all partisan office in the state for the next four years. The Massachusetts Green Party also regained party status, which it had lost in 2004.

However, Green hopes of gaining, retaining or regaining ballot status fell short in Arkansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and New York. In Alaska, for the first time in the party’s history (it has been on the ballot since 1990), the party failed to poll 3% for any statewide race, and it will go off the ballot.

UPDATE: Nebraska Greens and Nevada Greens also regained party status.


Greens Win Party Status in Illinois, Regain it in Nebraska, Nevada and Massachusetts, but Make No Other Ballot Status Gains — 1 Comment

  1. In Maryland we are now just a few hundred signatures shy of our 14,000 goal that we think we will need to get 10,000 valid signatures. We will turn them in around Nov 17 which will give us time to make a second submission should the count fall short. If we turn in 10,000 valid signatures by the end of the year, our ballot status continues, uninterrupted.

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