Nevada Libertarians are Still Ballot-Qualified

An earlier posting that said the Nevada Libertarian Party had not polled enough votes to remain on the ballot was erroneous. The party’s candidate for Washoe County Assessor, Tom Koziel, polled 5,852 votes. The law required any nominee to poll votes equal to 1% of the total statewide congressional vote, which this year equalled 5,746.

The irony is that the party (which nominates by convention) had originally not nominated anyone for Washoe County Assessor. Later, the state chair of the party, Brendon Trainor, sent in an amended list of nominees, including Koziel. State law gave Trainor authority to add additional nominees to the list. However, other party activists did not agree with that additional nomination, and were so irritated with Koziel’s supplemental nomination that Trainor was removed as state chair.


Nevada Libertarians are Still Ballot-Qualified — 2 Comments

  1. Hooray for continued Libertarian Party ballot qualification in Nevada! Perhaps the party activists will reconsider their disapproval of Brendan Trainor’s record.

  2. What can you say to this?

    The inmates run the asylum, don’t care about rules whene there’s always enough opinion to go around.

    Time to get it right. It’s a political party.

    Allen Hacker,
    Nevada Co-founder

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