Greens were the Best Petitioners This Year

In 2006, the Green Party completed 15 statewide petitions to place itself, or its statewide nominees, on the ballot successfully. Six of them overcame hurdles of 10,000 or more signatures: Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia. Although the Independent Green Party of Virginia is not affiliated with the national Green Party, it is the only party with “Green” in its name that has been on the ballot in Virginia for the past 4 years, so it is included in this list.

The Libertarian Party successfully completed 7 statewide petitions to place itself, or its statewide nominees, on the ballot this year, and only one of them was in a state that required 10,000 or more signatures (that was New York).

The Constitution Party successfully completed 3 statewide petitions to place itself, or its statewide nominees, on the ballot this year, as did the Socialist Workers Party and the Working Families Party.


Greens were the Best Petitioners This Year — 5 Comments

  1. The Arkansas Green Party and ND Constitution Party petition were actually circulated by libertarians.

    Not sure about the other GP and CP petitions.

  2. The GPUS-affiliated Green Party of Virginia did get one partisan candidate on the ballot this year, for a countywide position in Arlington. There was also one Green partisan candidate each year in 2003, 2002, and 2001.

  3. Eric Prindle is incorrect.

    The GP-US affiliate was not recognized by the state board of elections, as they did not have required central committee by the June 13, 2006 deadline.

    Further the candidate referenced by Eric was not nominated by the required June 13th deadline. see their on line minutes.

    Further this was a local election – “nonpartisan”.

    In short Kirit Moojerbee and Tom Yager are lyin’ like hell via Prindle = as usual.

  4. It’s Mookerjee, not Moojerbee, and I’ve not yet had the pleasure of talking to Eric Prindle.

    Accusations of dishonesty are really rich coming from a party that nominated Libertarian, Constitution, and independent candidates for the state legislature in 2005 as “Independent” Greens without their knowledge. Two of these candidates were sitting members of the House of Delegates!

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