For First Time Since 1998, Libertarians Fall Short of 1,000,000 Votes for US House

Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive Party polled 2,205,542 votes for its candidates for US House in 1912, and 1,117,939 votes for that office in 1914.

But after that, no party other than the Democratic and Republican Parties had ever polled as much as 1,000,000 votes for its candidates for US House, until the Libertarians did it in 2000, 2002, and 2004. The totals were: 2000 1,727,181; 2002 1,204,248; 2004 1,026,668.

But in 2006, the Libertarians have fallen short of that benchmark. With approximately 98% of the national vote now counted, the Libertarian total (not including the special election in the Texas 22nd district) stands at 608,308. The lower total is a consequence of fewer Libertarian candidates this year (for that office) than in any year since 1994.

The US Senate Libertarian total this year so far is 602,436.

This year, the 2nd highest total for US House was achieved by the Green Party, whose total now stands at 273,071. The Green US Senate total so far is 358,067.


For First Time Since 1998, Libertarians Fall Short of 1,000,000 Votes for US House — 45 Comments

  1. There are two serious problems that the Libertarian Party faces that it just does not seem to want to address:

    (A) There are not enough people who consider themselves to be in the greater Libertarian political camp for the Party to be anything other than a fringe party. In order to change that, the Party would have to decide to take itself seriously and move into the mainstream of United States politics.

    (B) The Libertarian Party may nominate very qualified people for office; however, those candidates are not known by the general public. The Party had one chance to get into the big times and it blew it! That was in the year 1980. It was very probable that Eugene J. McCarthy would have accepted the Party’s nomination for president – if it had been offered to him. It was not.

  2. Wait a minute. I remember back in the 1970’s that the Libertarian Party was very aggressive in showing the way for third party ballot access in a lot of states. A lot of third parties nowadays would have never been able to obtain ballot access if it wasn’t for the Libertarian Party being the ones to lead the charge to squash unfair ballot access laws. I’m not a Libertarian; but, I do give them respect for their great accomplshments. I’d vote any day for a Libertarian Party candidate over a Republican or Democratic Party candidate. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!

  3. I’ve heard that the Libertarian Party took out some of the planks in their platform in order to move them more towards the mainstream. This was long overdue. I hope adjusting their stance toward renegade anti-taxpayers was one of the planks that they adjusted. You can’t seriously expect to nominate a person for President who hasn’t paid his income taxes in years and expect that person to be accepted by the general public. For starters, the public doesn’t like paying taxes either, but they do pay them. And they figure so should their candidates. There’s also the problem that if the candidate even started to make a dent in one of the two major parties votes for President, the Dems or Reps would have him arrested for tax evasion. That would spell the end of the campaign pretty quickly for the Libertarians. They do need to wisen up if they want to be taken seriously.

  4. I think Ron Crickenberger had a lot to do with our million-vote totals, and the results of a lack of a Political Director in the LPHQ are beginning to show.
    I don’t think “celebrity-itis” or changing the platform has much to do with our rise or fall. I keep hearing these “quick-fix” ideas when there is no substitute for rolling up your sleeves and going out and talking to people (hard work). In my humble opion, it was the fact that no one was responsible for recruiting congressional candidates (besides all of us) that we saw a dip below a million votes for congress in 2006.

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