Unity08 Co-Founder Speaks in California

Doug Bailey, founder of the Political Hotline, and long active in consulting for Republican candidates, is one of the founders of Unity08. He spoke in Sacramento on January 17 at a panel organized by the Commonwealth Club. The panel discussed the growing number of voters who register as independents and as members of minor parties.

After the formal part of the meeting, Bailey continued talking about Unity08. He made it plain that Unity08 will qualify as a political party in most states, even though the founders of Unity08 are not trying to start a new permanent party. However, in states in which it is relatively easy to qualify an independent presidential candidate, and in which the deadline for doing so is quite late in the year (for example, Minnesota, which requires only 2,000 signatures due in mid-September of the election year), Unity08 will not qualify itself as a “qualified” party.

For California, which requires 158,372 signatures for an independent (more than twice as many as any other state), Unity08 will instead use the new party route.

If the California legislature becomes aware of this development, it may be possible to persuade the California legislature that the number of signatures for independent presidential candidates should be reduced. California Democratic and Republican Party officials and legislators would probably prefer that Unity08 used the independent procedure, because otherwise an on-going new political party will arise in California; invariably people will run in its primary for legislative office.


Unity08 Co-Founder Speaks in California — No Comments

  1. “My name is Bennett and I am no longer in it.” Yesterday evening, I withdrew from the Unity08 organization. As far as I am concerned, their website is so user-unfriendly it just creates frustration for a lot of people. In addition, I do not think that Unity08 is serious enough about ballot access and building a credible organization.

    Perhaps they can join up with the Peace and Freedom Party of California and the Socialist Party USA – two other groups that are not ever going to go anywhere without making some very dramatic changes.

    Member: CUIP; GPUS

  2. If U08 uses the “new party route” in CA, what affect will that have on its arguments in its lawsuit against the FEC?

  3. California does not look very good for Unity08.

    We tried to qualify Eugene J. McCarthy as an independent presidential candidate for the 1976 California ballot and we failed. We tried to qualify John B. Anderson’s National Unity Party for the 1984 California ballot and we failed (Rep. Anderson was on the California ballot in 1980 as an independent though). We were able to qualify Ross Perot’s Reform Party for the 1996 California ballot. It was not at all easy, though, and Ross Perot (as everyone knows) has a lot of fortune and fame.

    Would it not make more sense for potential Unity08 supporters in California to join up with the Green Party? That is what I suggest. Please join me and go Green!

  4. Did anyone else notice that Lenora Fulani was mentioned in “USA Today” yesterday? There was an article about the potential presidential candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama and in it was mention of some former African-American presidential candidates. The only non-major party candidate mentioned was Dr. Fulani. They should also have mentioned, at least, Margaret Wright (1976 Peoples Party/Peace and Freedom Party candidate). Oh well, it was a nice surprise to see talk of Lenora’s “independent” (New Alliance Party) campaigns of 1988 and 1992!

    Member: CUIP; GPUS

  5. UNITY 08 AND CUIP can each have the effect of sidelining voters from actively supporting a viable third party candidate by getting them to back this amphorous psuedo party organization.

    It is best to find and support a human than these ‘coalition’ schemes. We elect people not parties. Don’t be lured away from the goal of electing an independent by these two sidetracking pied-pipers. They are all aout making sure than only a Democrat or Republican prosper. Do the hard work for your candidate to get them on the ballot and stay away from these coaliton party schemes.

  6. Tony: Lenora Fulani (a member and leader of CUIP) and the late Eugene J. McCarthy (Honorary Chairperson of the Committee for a Constitutional Presidency – back in the 70’s) have done more to help the cause of fair ballot, media, and debates access than any other individuals in the last thirty-three years.

    Regarding Unity08, it is still too early to say much with certainty about it. Personally, “my name is Bennett and I am no longer in it” (dropped out of Unity08 recently).

    Member: CUIP; GPUS

  7. Someone e-mailed me privately and suggested that I add John B. Anderson to the list above – and put him at the head of it. I am most happy to add the gentleman to the list. He is a great, wonderful man who has done so much for the cause. Regarding the person in front, though, I have to say that should be Eugene McCarthy. As was so typical of that saintly man, he was first (for that time period).

    If we were to extend the thirty-three year time period (mentioned above) to forty years, I would add George C. Wallace. Gene McCarthy would still be in front, though, for his persistence over the decades.

  8. Unity08 is a front, set up by right wing lobbyist Jim Jonas. They’ve consistently refused to disclose just who their “grassroots” donors are, have been ordered by the FEC to refile as a PAC because of their finance disclosure violations, and one of their big donors has been found out to be Edward J. Mathias, managing director of the Carlyle Group.. who are making billions off our war with Iraq, both George W, and George HW Bush, as well as Osama bin Laden’s brother are big time members of the Carlyle Group. http://irregulartimes.com/index.php/archives/2007/02/09/30-million-mathias/

    This looks like another attempt by Bush’s cronies to keep the money flowing into their pockets when the Shrub finally has to step down.

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