Veteran Minnesota State Senator Introduces Bill to Use IRV in All Minnesota Elections

Minnesota State Senator John Marty, who has been a Senator for 20 years, has introduced SF 39. It would provide that all federal, state and local elections in Minnesota would use Instant-Runoff Voting, as soon as the Secretary of State had certified that the state is able to handle the project. SF 39 already has 4 co-sponsors. Marty is a Democrat from Roseville, a suburb of St. Paul.


Veteran Minnesota State Senator Introduces Bill to Use IRV in All Minnesota Elections — No Comments

  1. Instant runoff voting has been used for decades in places like Australia and Ireland, and has produced the same two-party domination as we have in the U.S. And IRV produces only a slightly higher voter satisfaction ratio than plurality – see

    Why waste time with IRV, when it has no long-term momentum, and isn’t even an exceptional voting method, when we could try to enact Range Voting and see _enormous_ benefits to society.


  2. This is a step in the right direction. This will allow the voters to vote “for” a candidate or two, instead of voting for “the lesser of two evils”.

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