On February 13, the author of Virginia HB 3157 (the bill to impose substantial filing fees on minor party and independent candidates) dropped his own bill. Therefore, the bill failed to pass the Senate Elections & Privileges Committee. Apparently the bill had been amended on the House floor to make it far more complicated, and the bill’s sponsor, irritated at the change, then lost interest in his own bill. Thanks to Roy Scheuer for these details.
Thank You to the Libertarian Party’s outstanding national Chairman, and great Virginian Bill Redpath for using his good name, and considerable influence to have positive impact on keeping NO BALLOT TAX in Virginia.
Thank You to everyone for standing up and fighting for what is right and fair.
Congrats to everyone.
Carey Campbell
State Chairman, Independent Greens of Virginia
This bill was outrageous and possibly unlawful not to mention unneeded.
Thanks also to all the Arlington Greens who called or emailed Sen. Mary-Margaret Whipple who sits on the Privileges and Elections Committee!!
Green Party of VA