Judge Keeps Reform Party Internal Fight Alive

On March 17, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Hinkle (of the federal court in Tallahassee, Florida) ruled that the lawsuit called “Reform Party of the U.S. v O’Hara” must go to trial. This lawsuit should not be confused with the lawsuit over whether the Reform Party must repay $330,000 to the Federal Election Commission. The Reform v O’Hara case involves a fight over the identity of the Reform Party national officers. Thanks to John Pittman Hey for this news.


Judge Keeps Reform Party Internal Fight Alive — 41 Comments

  1. Finally, the hostile take over attempt by extremists will be exposed. I can’t wait to see these people squirm when their motives, and other misdeeds are exposed.

    Good by to the extremists, adaboy to the real Party leaders for keeping the Reform Party grassroots.

  2. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

    I can’t wait either. This Lunacy has been going for far too long.

    On another front, I’d like to point out to all those reading this, whether casual observers or screaming meemie bedwetters, that this is NOT;I REPEAT, NOT AN INTERNAL MATTER.

    Note to Richard Winger: I’d appreciate a call on the subject of how this is being characterized.

    Charles Foster
    RP/NC – c

  3. Can’t tell the Player[s] without a scorecard?

    American Reform Party,
    founded 1995
    Much more Jesse Ventura than Boss Ross Perot
    Presence in Pennsylvania and New Jersey;

    Action group spin off with
    presence in Maine, West Virginia, and FLorida;

    O’Hara – Martin Cabal,
    aka: “Miracle in the Desert”
    Presence in Arizona (esp Yuma),
    plus California, OK;

    Fosters Cabal via 2005 Atlanta and TSP confabs:
    M/M Foster, Sandra Madison, Bev Kennedy of Texas,
    and Kansas and FLorida, The Wiels [Jannia in Nebraska and Ted in Morristown, Mississippi] and Nevada’s Bruce Westcott [in Las Vegas];

    Both Westcott and Georgia’s John
    [NOT Patrick or Bay]
    Buchanan are talking P2008,
    with Westcott much more active
    than elusive independent writer Buchanan;

  4. The post from Mr. Foster is funny, I wouldn’t give him a vote of confidence and I don’t think Mr. garner did either since Mr. Foster is the leader of the extremist group that Mr. Garner referenced and Mr. Foster is being contersued under RICO statutes.

  5. Now come the Keyboard Kommandos…To the Rescue!!!

    However, even with the constraints placed on me by RP’s court actions, the pronouncements of both Dr. Snyder and Mr. Jenkins are easily dealt with.

    Neither of you guys undrstand what you’re talking about… You shouldn’t take as gospel everything you read on the web.

    First, to Mr. Jenkins: Yes; I’m aware of the position of Mr. Garner in his statement, and I was aware of it when I wrote the response to it. Have you ever heard of sarcasm? I’m so pleased to see that you found my remarks amusing. Too bad that you didn’t get the intended and complete benefit of having read them.

    Also, I’m not being sued for anything by anyone, and certainly not by way of RICO statutes. It has been months since that nonsense was vomited forth by a certain Mr. Martin, and I haven’t been served papers, nor have I been contacted by anyone from the Justice Dept. No surprise there. There is no basis for a RICO case against me or any other of the Plaintiffs in the Federal Trademark case against O’Hara, Martin, et al – unless you count the produce of vivid imaginations and the attendant sniveling of those claiming (falsely) to bring complaint.

    To Dr. Snyder: What gibberish. RP is more than a few random names of folks who have been attacked on the internet, or are doing the attacking.

    ARP are defendants in the Trademark suit. Their “founding” came about when certain of their number boycotted the 1997 founding convention in Kansas City. The rest walked out of said convention in a snit when it was discovered they couldn’t dominate, and then own the resulting organization. Their “presence” is in their own minds alone, since they claim nowadays to NOT be an actual party, anyway. I suppose it is the strength of their individual opinions alone and sheer force of willpower that will save the day eventually. (Geez..It must be Hell to be so underappreciated) I’m not convinced, and neither should you be.

    The entirety of those NOT a part of my “cabal” (Plaintiffs in the Federal Trademark suit from the states I serve as a national officer) – which make up the remainder (not ARP) of the defendants in the Trademark suit – amount to less than two dozen individuals. Though from disparate backgrounds and motivations, they hold one thing in common: They think they can succeed in stealing the National Reform entity and name, and then setting up shop elsewhere, in circumstances THEY ALONE can control, thus making themselves very, very important. This crap has to stop, and shall – once the Trademark action is concluded.

    Mr. (John) Buchanan and Mr. Westcott have done no wrong. They are both aspiring candidates, as I understand. I’m acquainted with Westcott, and I look forward to meeting Buchanan anytime he’s ready. No foul here.

    By the way, Dr. Snyder; The Reform Party of Kansas walked out of the 2002 national convention in Denver, and they have been rather distant in their relations to RP-National ever since. They stand alone. Perhaps you know something I don’t????? If you should have occaision to speak with Joseph Martin (RPKS Chairman) anytime soon, please have him to give me a call.

    Charles Foster
    RP/NC – c

  6. Re #3 comment above: Ted Weill lives in Tylertown, Mississippi. There is no such place as “Morristown,” Mississippi.

    Interesting that Shawn O’Hara is running for office in Mississippi as a Democrat this year. He has been certified to run for state treasurer, but he is suing the state and county Dem executive committees to get on the primary ballot for numerous state and local offices.

  7. Looks like Mr. Foster had a meltdown. Perhaps he needs a course in jurispudence. After I read his blithering, I looked at the court record in the case he brags about. It seems he just got his head handed to him by a Judge who denied his attempt at summary judgement who questioned Mr. Foster’s actions. Also on that same court docket it indicates that there is indeed a RICO countersuit and Mr. Foster is a defendant. in Contersuits, he doesn’t have to received the papers personally, the contersuit has been docketed in his own case and will be adjudicated during his case. Looks like the Mr. Martin who filed it used Mr. Foster’s own case to actually sue Mr. Foster.

  8. The Reform Party of Kansas votes and participates in real meetings of the National Committee of the Reform Party. I confirmed their recent attendance with Chairman Martin of the Reform Party.

  9. To Mr. Garner;

    My final post on this:

    Your mischaracterizations don’t amuse me. Initial findings of the Court recommended that summary be granted to Plaintiffs. The fact that the Judge has decided instead to hear it all (again) in court didn’t hand anything to anyone except the prospect of a full and fair examination of the facts. I’m not disappointed in that. Appearance in court for trial was expected for other Plaintiff’s issues as well.

    As for the rest of it, I’m not concerned in the least. I sleep quite well at night, thanks.

    Charles Foster
    RP/NC – c

  10. Perhaps those whose posts show an utter devoid of any semblance of knowledge about what is to be proved at trial in Tallahassee should, themselves, take a basic course in jurispudence. Their course should include the offenses of slander and libel, and the only defenses available to those who commit one or both.

    Mr. Garner is grossly misinformed – obviously. In the first place, there was no takeover, hostile or otherwise, nor could there have been since notice was given to everyone entitled to attend. The tiny cable who boycotted the convention in Tampa, did so because they knew they were the minorty – by boycotting they gave up their right to complain about the results.

    Secondly, the majority are not “extermists” (that word would qualify for libel/slander) – nor are they rules imbiciles. The majority made sure they did everything in accordance with the rules – something the tiny cabal who boycotted can not say.

    I hope Don Garner attends the trial, so he can see for himself how far off-base he is on both the laws and the facts. The only thing that will be exposed in the trial is the fallacy of choosing to follow someone who has no idea what they’re doing. “I can’t wait to see these people squirm when their motives, and other misdeeds are exposed.” The real Party leaders authorized the lawsuit.

    To Bill Jenkins: There is no such thing as “a vote of confidence” in a political party. What you claim to be a RICO counter-suit is quite simply just one docket entry that reflects the title of what was filed by Rodney Martin. If you haven’t read the order by Judge Hinkle that sets the case for trial I suggest you do that.

    Bev Kennedy

  11. Ms. Kenedy, not sure where you got your JD, but as I have researched you on the internet via yahoo and google it seems that you have a history of filing these suits all the time in the reform party and you have lost all of them. have you spent your own money on these?

    The trial I am wanting to watch is when you and all these people are held accoutable for these suits. I bet your next vist to court is Chapter 11.

  12. Messers Foster and his wife Mrs. Kennedy and their posts show arrogance. In looking at all the documents that they have pointed people to on their site, it is clear that they have been paying lots of money in legal fees and didn’t even get a summary judgement. The Judge’s Order is available vis the internet and the Judge clearly says he does not buy these two people’s argument that because they ran off on a weekend and held a meeting that that makes them leaders of anything. Any sober person who is connected to reality would see that as trouble. I also examined via the internet the Party funding and found no reports of the thousands of dallars that this case must be costing. The FEC told me this is agaisnt the law and I could file a complaint, which I am.

  13. Mr. Garner — By all means, attend the trial – I hope you do, so you can see for yourself why I and the others in the real Reform Party are “arrogant” as you put it. ALL the facts are on our side and we will have no problem proving it.

    Apparently you don’t have any knowledge of what a summary judgment is. It’s granted only when there are no disputed facts. Because John Blare filed an affidavit that disputed the validity of the Tampa convention, the summary judgment wasn’t granted — HOWEVER, that does not mean anything close to your creative interpretation, “the Judge clearly says he does not buy these two people’s argument” – the order says nothing of the sort.

    Personally, I will enjoy beating those who think they can boycott a political meeting or convention in a trial on the merits (I wanted to bypass the summary judgment motions and go straight to trial). That way the defendants won’t be able to claim they weren’t given a fair chance because they were pro se (without legal representation).

    Again, PLEASE attend the trial in Tallahassee. You might learn a thing or two, so it would be a worthwhile trip for you (actual knowledge is worth a lot).


  14. Thank you Ms. kennedy for your invitation. I am very much aware of what a summary judgement is. I did go to the cort web site and looked at all the documents including the judge’s order, and he does indeed call into question your meeting.

    The affidavits were very revealing, I also noticed that several State Reform Organizations submitted letters saying they recognize the Party Leaders that are not you. I also ran your name via yahoo search which led me to a Texas Reform Party site, however the Texas State Government says there is no such State Party and you are not registered as a reform party member. It seem you are the fake.

  15. Reading is one thing, comprehending is quite another, as is evidenced by this exchange.

    First off, NOTHING has been “called into question”. What Judge Hinkle said was that “…there is a genuine factual dispute over whether the Tampa convention was properly convened or otherwise authorized to act on behalf of the Reform Party of the United States. A finding that it was is a necessary prerequisite to the current effort to enforce the Party’s service marks. Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment thus will be denied.”

    Please note, the judge does not say “You’re wrong”, he simply notes that a dispute exists over the Tampa convention. Since a determination that the Tampa Convention is invalid would invalidate the suit, quite obviously a determination needs to be made as to the properness of the convention and the business it conducted. THAT requires a trial, so the motion for summary judgment is denied. Any attempt to read this as implying a defect in the RPUSA case is wishful thinking, nothing more.

    It’s also worth noting this suit was filed on November 10, 2005. It’s now April of 2007, and we’re FINALLY ready to get to trial. Why has it taken so long? Well, pretty much because certain individuals (RODNEY) have taken to filing redundant motions for dismissal and sanctions. Each motion for dismissal requires a report and reccomendation from the referring judge, after which a 30 day window for comment ensues before the District Justice finally gets to rule on it. Then, after bogging down the process for months with all these motions, Rodney then started complaining that it was taking too long and he should be dismissed because the plaintiff wasn’t moving fast enough.

    He’s also filed a RICO suit (twice, since the first filing was so pathetically written the judge tossed it on sight), never mind he can’t substantiate it (and hasn’t). But that’s Rodney. He files lots of vague assertions with no supporting evidence but his own opinions, and expects everyone (including the judge) to just take his word for it. That’s probably why EVERY motion he’s filed so far has been denied.

    In the mean time, Rodney’s legal response committee runs around holding meetings and sending threatening sounding emails promising all sorts of suits in various courts unless the whole case is dropped. But thus far, it’s proven to be nothing but bluster. Well, as the saying goes, put up or shut up. If Rodney and Co. are so confident and sure of themselves, file the dang lawsuits. Stop blowing smoke and actually do something. But I doubt they’ll actually DO anything. Just keep filing delaying tactics in the courts, and sending out emails threatening actions they simply don’t know how to take.

  16. A complaint was finally filed with the court concerning the violation of the Court order enjoining the Reform Party from expending any funds for any purposes except for the payment of taxes and repayment of the debt to the U S Treasury for the shortage from the 2000 Convention funds

    Seems like funds have been collected and spent By the Foster/ Kennedy cabal, for high priced Attorneys. These funds should have been used to pay off the debt.

    If the Foster /Kennedy group were the real Reform Party they simply would pay off the debt rather than wasting their money on trademark rights.

    Bev Kennedy was on the 2000 Convention Committee that created the problem that caused the debt to begin with. Then she promised to win the FEC case in court, then failed at that.

    Are certain members of the Convention Committee trying to keep it quiet as to where the missing money went? We know where most of it went Bev but where did the rest go? evidently you didn’t convince the FEC.

    Once again Bev Kennedy et al is trying to run away with the party using her interpretation of Roberts Rules and control while at the same time trying to stick the opposing members of the party with the debt. That could only be accomplished if the issue in dispute is not resolved. But these issues will be resolved. 🙂

    Is it the taxpayers money they are using to pay these attorneys to win trademark rights for control of the party? What happened to all of the 330,000. plus convention funds Bev?

  17. I used to be part of the Reform Party. I have been watching this mess and like Mr. garnertook the time to read the items that members, that I assume Mr. McCloskey is a part of. It seems they are now spinning quite a bit. Their position now is very different than that taken during and before their failed attempt at summary judgement. They had declared all but visctory on their web site and on wikipedia in posts by a Mr. collison, now they are saying they are glad they are going to trial and this is what they alsways wanted, then why do for summary judgement in the first place. I have also taken the time to go to the court web site and read documents and conatct Mr. Martin’s group. From their actions, it seems Mr. mafrtin’s side conducts themselves far more professionally then the Foster people, just look at the attitude and insults projected on this post. I aksed Mr. Martin about some of the accusations and because he is on medical leave he was not able to go into much detail, however it was note worthy, he does not know this McCloskey chap who seems to be making a lot of statements about him. I too, as a taxpayer am conserned at the liberties taken by the Foster folks with taxpayer funds and will be making a complaint too, now that all these folks can doo is make insults, which is a tactic used to keep focus off important issues. Thank you Mr. Jones for your information, can you post information where to send a complaint? or do I send it to the Federal authorities?

  18. Here ‘ya go, guys – the FEC’s audit report on the 2000 Reform Party Convention Committee:

    IF (and this is a BIG “if”) any of you who think you can influence the outcome of the Tallahassee lawsuit by your petty remarks, or even your opinions, had taken the time to actually READ the audit report you would know there never has been a claim of “missing money.”

    Only a fool would claim there was any “missing money” since the FEC has accounted for every cent of it.

    The FEC’s claim is based on an assumption that the money “at issue” was used for “non-nominating convention” purposes, including the $300,000 payment to TPG. That payment was made by Jack Gargan and Ronn Young, and constitutes most of the amount the FEC claims is owing – you can read that in the FEC’s audit report, too.

    As a matter of fact every cent the FEC claims is owing are expenditures made by Gargan and Young. The FEC has noted this fact in their audit report. Since Gargan/Young made ALL the expenditures, when are you going to start denegrating them (oh, wait — Ken Jones won’t do that because he was a Gargan supporter and thought Gargan could do no wrong).

    Since “birds of a feather stick together” I’m sure you won’t let little things like facts get in the way of your opinions.

    OTOH, hope you guys know a good recipie for crow!


  19. According to the quote taken directly from Ms. Kennedy’s web site as stated by a Mr. collison, he said Mr. Martin and the Reform Party could not muster enough evidence to get a judge to agree to a trial. Those are his words below, now we see that apparently there was enough evidence and according to the Federal Judge’s Order, he is calling a Trial because the actions of the Foster, Kennedy, Collison Group are questionable.

    Mr. Collison states as follows:

    “I’ll email it to you in PDF form, despite the threats and rhetoric on their websites and in emails back and forth, Martin (reformpartyusa.org) and Heinemann (rpnc.org and reformpartyusa-ag.org) et al were unable to muster even the minimum evidence needed to convince a federal judge that a trial was even worth the bother.”

    David Collison
    Reform Party member, 2001-2007

    There is indeed going to be a Trial according to the Court’s web site and this statement by this group is false as is all their statements it would seem. People really n eed to check these people’s statements, it is easy via google or the court web site.

  20. Greetings Fellow Reformers:

    This past Easter I reflected on healing and forgiveness, a lot has happened since I was elected Chairman on November 13, 2005. I had hoped to heal our divisions and begin to move our Party forward. I had a vision of having State Parties in all 50 States and running candidates in offices from Dog Catcher to President.

    In fact I did try to reach out to those who left the Party and have engaged in a scorched earth effort by way of filing frivolous suits against fellow Reformers. All of this has done nothing to further the advancement of the Reform Movement, it has spread disconnect and ill feelings among fellow Reformers and has cheapened the party’s name and image. It should stop.

    I have always been willing to break bread with these people, but they, so far, have only been willing to give hundreds of thousands of dollars under the table to attorneys, that to date have lost the FEC case in both the District and Appeals Courts, and have had their attempt at Summary Judgment against us denied by a Federal Judge.

    While these individuals have been plotting and paying under the table funds to sue real Reformers, we have run candidates, we have been in the media on Reform issues, we have, even if it has been slow, been reviving the Party as a viable alternative to the two larger parties that have sold out the American people to the special interests. While we have promoted real candidates, the people attacking us allowed for the promotion, for several months, of a phony presidential candidate on their web site that didn’t exist, this even after they had been warned over and over. We have taken a stand against prejudice and intolerance, while one of their officers has used racial slurs in e-mails signed as a party officers and continues to use profanity in correspondence to people. We have continued to conduct ourselves with a high degree of decorum and respect, while a review of various web sites where the other people have posted messages shows messages by them laden with vicious per sonal attacks and insults against those who don’t agree with them. Finally, we learned via research of public records that the individuals who have been agttacking us and attempting to steal the Party name, are being financed by a single wealthy donor who also is a major contributor to convicted felon Lyndon LaRouche’s operations and this same individual once sought our Party’s nomination and while doing so contributed the maximum amount allowed by law to Lyndon La Rouche. Why would a person running for President, contribute the maximum amount to a rival candidate?? Makes you wonder doesn’t it. I for one want to keep the Reform Party Reform .

    Now, after nearly 18 month and almost 300 court motions, these people’s attempt at Summary Judgment has been defeated. In response, if this matter continues, it must be at a Trial before a Jury. If that happens, we have filed documents calling over 130 witnesses and over 170 pieces of evidence, including the Financial Statements of those people and other evidence that goes to their credibility. We are ready to deliver the final blow and save YOUR Party.

    This is all very unfortunate. Now is the time for all Reformers to stand UNITED, One Reform Voice, One Reform Movement. I thank all of the people who has come forward with information and ask that those who have additional information regarding Beverly Kennedy, Janelle Skinner-Weill, Ted Weill, Charles Foster, and other members of this group to please contact us via our web site, WWW. REFORMPARTYUSA.ORG.

    In the meantime, I continue extend my offer to break bread and work within the Reform Movement to heal of wounds. I firmly believe that we can bind up our wounds for the good of the Reform Movement and more importantly, the good of the Nation. To not do so is purely a sign of greed and selfishness. That choice however lays with those individuals who will have to reflect in and on themselves and ask if it is all really worth it.

    In Christ,

    Rodney Martin

  21. It’s always amazing to see how people can read things in plain English, and continue to read into them things that simply aren’t there. For example, this idea that there is “missing money”, or that some degree of theft took place regarding the 2000 convention funding. The FEC has never alleged, and does not now allege ANY degree of wrongdoing. All they have claimed is that several expenses were made that did not qualify as valid convention expenses, and needed to be paid back.

    The FEC has full authority to impose fines on a Treasurer directly if it believes that person is guilty of misconduct, and can go through the US Attorney General’s office to seek criminal charges. That they have done neither should speak volumes, and does.

    As for Henry Albert…keep telling yourself whatever you want. The judge did NOT call the actions of anyone into question. He merely noted that a dispute did indeed exist as to whether the Tampa Convention was properly convened and conducted. That’s not a judgment on the merits. When Summary Judgment is granted, it means there are no material issues in dispute that would a require a trial to resolve. Denying it simply means there are issues in dispute, and thus a trial must be held.

    As for Mr. Martin not knowing me, well, that’s understandable. He might have met me at the National Convention in 2005, but he chose to boycott it instead. However, let me introduce myself. My name is Jeffrey R. McCloskey, I live in Pennsylvania and am a duly registered member of the Reform Party of Pennsylvania. I attended the 1997 Kansas City, 1999 Dearborn, and 2005 Tampa National Conventions, and served on the RPUSA Rules Committee quite a few times.

    Quite curious, Rodney keeps insisting the suit is frivolous, despite the court saying multiple times it’s not. Perhaps that’s why all…I believe six…of his motions to dismiss PLUS motions for sanctions have been DENIED. I do note, however, that he’s no longer whining about cases in “far away jurisdictions”…maybe there’s hope for him yet….maybe. Then of course, there’s his ludicrous RICO suit. Civil actions can indeed be initiated under RICO, with the pertinent provision saying “Any person injured in his business or property by reason of a violation of section 1962 of this chapter may sue therefor in any appropriate United States district court….” Only problem, his suit never specifies anywhere what “business or property” has been injured, which of course he can’t because none has.

    He also lists above two of the alleged “violations”. The first involves a non-existent presidential candidate that was promoted on an open public forum as a practical joke by several people unrelated to the RPUSA who have long since admitted as much. In his suit, he also claims the party obviously raised money for this candidate, once again basing his belief SOLELY on the spoof emails. Needless to say, no money has ever been raised for this person, as a political party committee cannot receive donations on behalf of a candidate unless specifically authorized by the candidate in his/her filing with the FEC, which obviously never happened in the case of this practical joke.

    The second allegation he has aired repeatedly, of unspecified racial slurs by an unidentified person against a “civil rights organization” he won’t name. Same old, same old….vague assertions with no evidence…just take his word for it.

    Further info on Rodney, by the way. Rodney was added to the suit as a defendant back around March of 2006. By the end of the year, he had not sent one single request for evidence from the RPUSA, then demanded more time from the judge, complaining that he had filed several motions to dismiss, and that since the judge had taken so long to rule on them, Rodney had no time to start collecting evidence before the deadline arrived. Yep, he dithered away nine months in repetitious and frivolous motions to dismiss, and sat back and did zilch in case preparation while waiting for the judge to rule…then got mad because now he’d have no chance to do so. If this guy ever offers you legal advice..run the other way….FAST.

  22. In reply to Jeffery McCloskey concerning missing money. Anyone could figure out that if you spend convention funds to build a new house while collecting unemployment and say the expense was denied as a valid convention expense; simply doesn’t understand theft or wrongdoing. No the money was not missing it was simply used for the wrong purpose then denied as a convention expense.

    Jeffery mentions there were expenses made that did not qualify as valid convention expenses. Perhaps Mr. McCloskey would be so kind to tell us what the other expenses were that were denied.Were these denied expenses used to pay for trips to testify in judge Moon’s Court? Were some of these funds used to transport members to places like Nashville and Tampa?

    If we look at the web site for the Foster/Kennedy group PA is not listed as one of their affiliates why would Jeff attend? Was he the only delegate from PA attending?

    If Mr. McClowskey attended the Tampa Convention did the Chairman of the RPPA register him as a Convention delegate with the Excom? This was before they voted in a new Constitution for the RPUSA.

    We need to question the wisdom of using a presidential candidate listed on their web site as a so called a practical joke. Practical joke on whom Jeff? Perhaps we will find that the plaintiffs in this lawsuit are pulling another practical joke! Who is the joke being pulled on and Why? It’s the taxpayers of this country paying the bill for this frivolous lawsuit.

    Evidence for the racial slurs by an unspecified person will be identified at trial.

    Jeff has been a protege of Bev Kennedy since Kansas City. We can understand his concern.

    Ken Jones

  23. Ken Jones, you have shown, clearly, that you don’t want to know the actual facts. If you did, you would have read the FEC’s audit report – the FEC tells everyone where every cent of the money went, and who made the expenditures they claim were not valid uses of public money. That you insist on saying othewise shows only your unwillingness to accept the falsity of what you want to believe. You are the poster child for “don’t let the facts get in the way” — Unbelievable!

  24. Bev The actual facts show we owe well over 333,000.00 dollars. The FEC report tells us where every penny went that was allowed as a convention expense.

    The problem must be that the Convention Committee which you Bev Kennedy were a member of spent at least 333,000.00 more than the FEC funds we were granted. Are you saying there is 333,000.00 still available for valid convention expenses?

    I believe that’s like earning seven hundred a week net pay for the household budget and finding out you owe nine hundred. Showing all the valid recipes for seven hundred does not explain why bills came in for nine hundred until you find out someone went on vacation with the other two hundred and included it with the grocery bill. Someone needs to come up with the additional money needed or produce valid receipts.

    You told the FEC that we owe the money and should pay it; yet you filed a lawsuit so we wouldn’t have to pay the 333,000.00 and lost the lawsuit against the FEC how come?

    So why did the committee spends more than it had?
    Who are you covering for? Where did all that extra money go and why?

    All of that has nothing to do with Trademark infringement rights unless these rights to the Reform Party name needed to be kept to defame it and put it out of existence? Who was responsible for overdrawing the Convention account? They should pay the difference. Did the ones that are responsible want to put Reform out of existence?

    It was Buchanan Reform who got; was it nineteen million, then paid off old campaign debts with the campaign funds? Bev was it Buchanan or Nixon that you used to work for?

    Ken Jones

  25. It would seem that things are not going as the folks, Like McCloskey, Kennedy and such would like. His rantings on this page gives every indication that he is merely acting like a usefull idiot for the fraudulent people. I did a search via yahoo and google on Mr. McCloskey and his name came up very lightly in Pennsylvania, I called a few contacts there and was told that he is not representative of the Pa Reform Group there and is more of the villiage idiot. I was also told that Mr. McClosky was paid to attend the kennedy group’s meeting in Florida where they tried to take over the national Reform Party.

    I listened to Chairman Martin here in Las vegas on a radio program a few nights ago, while his remarks were brief because he seemed to be ill, he was very much speaaking as a real Reformer and was saying he would like to heal the divisions in the national organization, but the other people won’t even talk. That I think says a lot about them.

  26. Uh huh, right, sure. Hang on to your delusion as long as you can.

    If Mr. Martin and gang thought they could win Mr. Martin would not have been continually trying to delay the case from the outset – he would have been chomping at the bit to prove they were right. All he’s done is file numerous frivolous motions that repeated what he’d filed before, motions to dismiss and for sanctions (each of which were denied), and he would not, even now, be trying to get an indefinite continuance (also denied).


  27. The Mrs. Bev seems to only issue insults and personal attacks. She seems desperate. I, as a taxpayer would like to know her involvement in the unaccounted for funds that the Mr. Jones wrote about. The filing of a merit-less suit against leaders of the Party by Ms. Bev and Co would seem to be a way to keep focus off her and others liability. As far as frivilious motions that have been denied that the Ms. bev writes about, she seems to not want to aknowledge that her groups motion for judgements was denied according to the court’s web site, seems she and her little click has problems being frivilious.

    As with the Mr. McCloskey chap in Pa who wrote a lot of insults, I did a google search and yahoo search on Ms. Bev and Mrs kennedy, they are one in the same out of Texas. I called the Texas State authorities who tell me there is no State Reform group in texas and that Ms. bev and her group have never gathered any signatures to build the reform state Group in Texas. It is apparent that these people just lock up web sites of reform groups then attack the real group’s leaders. I also received feedback from back east that an official complaint had been filed agaisnt these people for fraudulent candidates that they had allowed to use their web site. How much did they stick it to the public with this scheme?

    I have heard Mr. Martin on Las Vegas radio, he speaks like a national political party leader and talks about building the party. All I’ve seen from these folks is a lot of mean spitited talk and personal attacks against people who disagree or question them. I for one didn’t defend the nation for the likes of these people. They obviously couldn’t win internal reform party elections, so they are trying a coup de ta by way of high priced attorneys.
    I also see lots of updates on this matter on the Reform party web site, whereas the web site operated by Ms. bev and her group say nothing, in fact it is so vague, and lacking anything of substance, it is very obvious it is a fake, and when I call the Reform Party telephone number I get answers, I have yet to be able to talk to Messers Bev, Foster and other self proclaimed living room reform group office holders.

    They need to get real, I don’t see anyone of any degree of smarts buying their story.

  28. Ken, it’s quite clear you’re only going to hear what you want to hear, and ignore everything else. Should be interesting seeing you in action at the trial.

    First, it’s clear you either haven’t bothered to read the FEC Audit Report, or simply don’t understand it. No money is missing, nothing is unaccounted for. The FEC Audit very clearly shows every penny spent on the 2000 Convention is accounted for, and states three of the expenditures were not actually convention expenses. It’s all there, plain as day, for anyone to read. Any accusations you make of improprieties are pure nonsense, nothing else.

    Oh, by the way. Please go back and read my comments regarding attending Tampa. Where, pray tell, did I use the word “delegate”? For the record, I was NOT a delegate, and have never claimed that I was. I simply said I attended, and I did. I was asked by several people to come attend, and received the blessing of our state chair, Chris Hollenden. I attended, however, only as an individual, and did not act in any manner on behalf of the RP of PA, except to observe and report back.

    Ken, as always you aren’t paying attention. The “presidential candidate” was mentioned several times on an open chat board set up on the RPUSA website. Anyone was free to post, regardless of whether they were party members. No official release or post of any kind on the RPUSA website EVER declared this individual to be a candidate. The attempt by you and others to turn someone’s practical joke on us into some shadowy conspiracy is just wishful thinking on your part.

    Henry, believe what you will. Your comments about me and PA basically discredited your entire post. I know everyone on the state committee at present, and though they don’t always agree with me, none of them would label me “village idiot”. Sorry, not even close. Oh, your “contacts”, whoever they are, need to get their facts straight. I paid for my own flight down to and back from Tampa, Florida. While there, I shared a room with another delegate, who had already secured the room for himself before I was even invited down. So, the allegation I was “paid” to attend is baseless, like most of your claims on here.

    As for the rest, you’re obviously here just to spew your line, and really don’t care about facts. That’s fine, but I’m not buying what you’re selling. The fact is, Mr Martin and Co realized they couldn’t manipulate an in-person National Committee Meeting OR Convention they way they constantly manipulated telephone conferences, so they refused to show up, declared everything void, and ran off to Yuma to hold their own convention. And then they accused everyone else of a “hostile takeover”. Please!!!

    Well, it’s all simple. A trial will be held. All the parties to the suit will show up and present their evidence, giving Rodney, Shene’, Shawn, Jerome, etc, their opportunity to put their best case forward. Then the judge will rule based on the merits of the case. In the meantime, keep spinning away.

  29. This all reminds me so much of a story in the Bible where two women came before King Solomon claiming the same baby. His response was to suggest that the baby be cut in half and one half given to each claimant. He said this knowing that the real mother would forego her claim to save the baby’s life.

    Unfortunately in this case, neither side gave in and the “baby” was cut into many pieces and died years ago. I marvel that years later both “mothers” are still fighting for rights over a dead body.

    Oh, they act like it’s still alive because they are in denial. They use terminology like: National Committee, Credentials Committee,Finance Committee etc. which would lead anyone to believe that two very large organizations still exist when in reality each one has maybe 15 members scattered over the entire US and connected only by webtv and cell phones.

    Whoever wins these court battles will only be left with the “dead baby’s” funeral expenses of $333,000; not much of a victory to me. And what’s worse yet is that the infiltrators who destroyed the Reform Party in the first place are still getting their way in that they are keeping many talented activists busy with a lost cause when perhaps they could do more for America if they were running for elections with another party or becoming lobbyists or exposing criminal activity within the Republican and Democratic parties rather than within the Reform Party.

  30. Mr. McCloskey seems to be the on spinning here. I read the documents on the court web site, mainly the action filed by Mr. McCloskey and his comrades. It is clear that they, and not Mr. Martin are the ones that ran off and held a meeting and called it a convention in Tampa. I also read Mr. Martin’s comments, and I don’t see him attacking and insulting people, and if Mr. McCloskey doesn’t even know him, how can he give any degree of informed comments about him. Mr. McCloskey the prior person said you had been called a villiage idiot based on what he had been told from people from your own organization. I would disagree, you make comments and attack people whom you don’t know, it is clear you are doing other people’s bidding, that would make you their usefull idiot. It is also obvious that the reverse of Mr. McCloskey’s statements is true, it was indeed Mr. McCloskey and fans who, when they couldn’t get their way, had their own little meeting and declared themselves the new Reform Party. When more then half of the Party’s States take issue with it, I as an outsider looking at this mess smell something.

    As I looked on the webs ites, it seems that McCloskey’s buddies are nothing more than a bunch of people operating out of their living rooms. They didn’t run any candidates in the last mid term elections, and as with others who said on this site they have not sought to get their organizations officials in their States, I wonder why??

    I originally didn’t care much about this, now I will watch a jury laugh Messers McClosky and his comrades out of the court. If many of us are not buying theeir story, I doubt a jury will want to waste much of their time either. I hope the people these people have been attacking file a suit against them to recover damages as a result of what I for one see as bully tactics. I would award a handsome sum.

    I would no more join a Reform Party with this going on, and it seems that Mr. McCloskey and his friends would rather attack people in his own Party, rather than achieve success for the Party. Why can’t you all sit down and chat? According to the Reform Party web site, Mr. Martin has offered to work within the party to resolve these issues. This seems reasonable, unless one side is acting like a spoiled brat, has something to hide, or real motives that they don’t want to disclose.

    I’d like to see more sunshine cast on McClosky and his comrades.

  31. Mr Jenkins states he is not ready to join the Reform Party with this messs going on. He like many members of the Reform Party share frustration like Mr. Pavlick who has lost faith in the third party movement thinking that the baby (Reform Party) is dead. We need to realize the judge will not cut the baby in half again. This negative thinking is the result of the works of the Foster/ Kennedy cabal. However Judge Hinkle stated he does not plan on cutting the baby in half he has decided that the Reform Party has Trademark rights, this of itself will bring new life to the party. Once he determines who the real parents of the Reform party really are he will grant those rights to the proper parents Radney Martin et al. Once that happens we will see a viable healty Reform Party that will add many new members to the tens of thousands of members we already have.

    The rightful parents will be proved by the birth certificate along with family records clearly showing the lineage of the baby (Reform Party). These records will show the kidnappers to be Kennedy/Foster. The records will also show that the basic principals contained in the Constitution of the RPUSA was changed in June, 2005 by Foster/ Kennedy.

    After the rightful parent dispute is settled there is a ransom that needs to be paid to allow the baby to go free and exercise it’s heritage showing that it is the people of this country, it’s citizens who own this country and not the special interest groups. Will the Judge be wise enough to determine where the 333,000,00 went? The convention committee must be responsible for the deficit of 333,000.00. “TheBev” is a member of that 2000 convention committee. We need to make those responsible pay for expenses not covered as a convention expense? For example a cash payment paid to a company called Professionally Yours was denied as a convention expense was that money returned? Evidently not!

    If the audit report is complete, it must show who did what? It must show where the 333,000.00 went.

    Yes, then we can concentrate on investigating criminal activity within the major parties. We need to make sure our own house is clean first.

  32. I agree with Mr. Jones and Mr. Jenkins. This is not a organization worth time or energy, especially if you work hard and then have a bunch of impaired people file a law suit against you. I did notice that this group did it in a court as far away as possible, I assume this was done so to cause much more cost to people, this is petty and a sign that they didn’t have much moral authority in addition to the weak arguments they have on the court web site and the insults they have here and on other web sites.

    I do wish those who are in the Reform Party Organization all the best and hope that Mr. Martin sees fit to hold those people accountable. His remarks I heard on Las vegas radion seemed more concilatory, which is positive. If i were in his shoes, I would want a little more justice.

  33. The case will be decided “on the merits” not on spin. Providing facts to those who refuse to read or hear facts is a waste of time, therefore, no further information will be provided here. The result of the trial “on the merits” will determine which group is and was right. No amount of spin or insults can change the facts – and opinions are not admissible in a court of law.

  34. Thank you Ms. Bev, that is my point exactly, it has been you and your folks pattern here to insult and name call on a regular basis.

  35. What we need to realize is what was lost in the takeover of the RPUSA by operatives of Buchanan Reform and the 2000 Convention Committee who came up short over 333,000.00.

    The citizens of this country lost the right to free political speech after Ross Perot gained enough votes in 96′ to get on the ballot in 2000 with millions of dollars in FEC Campaign funds in addition to 2.5 million in convention funds.

    We lost that opportunity because Reform was sold out by Buchanan Reform and the 2000 Convention Committee. Reform was sold out for 333,000.00 by greedy individuals who knew that the Performance Group was already paid 300,000 to manage the 2000 convention. The 2000 Convention Committee or it’s Treasurer decided they wanted to award the contract to a vendor of their choice. The result was the FEC would not pay twice for the same service. In addition there were more than 33,000 in unrelated or undocumented convention expenses denied by the FEC. This money was paid to venders who didn’t qualify? WHY? Then simply the money shouldn’t of been spent.

    These selfish vindictive acts cost the citizens of this country access to an independent political party of the people, by the people and for the people.

    Why the FEC is not holding the Committee Treasurer or the Committee itself responsible we could conclude that the Reform Party could survive if blame was placed upon the responsible person(s). However with the Party being held responsible in time the FEC can simply dissolve the Committee organized as the RPUSA and the Party would be gone. Clearly that is what the major parties want.

    A history of infighting waged over who would get the Reform Nomination continued, always leading those fights either for the nomination or FEC battle to blame the Party was the self imposed Hero “the Bev”. The Bev told the FEC we owe the money and should pay it yet continues her fight with the FEC seeking to deny them payment? WHY?

    Buchanan finally won the nomination beating John Hagelin in a primary that was contested in the courts. Many Reformers were never allowed to cast their votes in that primary. To our surprise Buchanan won that court battle. The result Buchanan didn’t ever deliver half of one percent of the vote for Reform! Why was that, he had millions to spend on the campaign? Follow the money and see where it went.

    The 2000 Buchanan Reform Convention Committee then comes up short owing the FEC 333,000.00 . Where did the money come from to pay the venders that the FEC later denied? Was Buchanan campaign funds used to pay the venders who then submitted the bill to the FEC knowing it would not get paid; sticking the RPUSA for the expense.

    Today the fight headed by Foster/ Kennedy Reform
    goes on to defeat the RPUSA. The innocent party who is suffering from this political grab for power or money is the citizens of this country. It’s time for the citizens to come to the rescue of the Party that was organized to represent the people, the RPUSA under Rodney Martin et al needs your support

    Do we need to call for a Congressional investigation? We need to seek the help of the media through Lou Dobbs or C-span to televise the hearing before Judge Hinkle? It’s your country do you care? It’s your money do you care?

  36. What do the misinformed morons like Ken Jones and others have to say about them getting thier asses handed to them on Tuesday? I am referring to the court case in Dallas of course.

  37. It is quite telling that the individuals posting on this matter attempting to break up the Perot Reform Party are all of Jewish descent, and all those in favor of Perots original Reform Party are of non-Jewish descent.

    Garner, Snyder, Rankin, & Mcloskey


    Kennedy, Jenkins, Jones

    It’s too easy to see, by anyone with the eyes to see, how parasites have infiltrated this once great party attempting to break up the disgusting 2 Party system. And those who would benefit from this breakup are the same ones trying to destroy our country of freedom and self determination.

  38. Did you really revive a thread after 14 years just to post something that stupid? Your link is dumb too. What are you protesting, or are you protesting just to protest?

  39. Commenting on this story now is like commenting on a story from 1993 in 2007.

    Since when is McCloskey a Jewish name?

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