Mixed Arkansas Ballot Access Bill Passes Senate Committee

On March 27, HB2353 passed the Arkansas Senate State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee. It reduces the number of signatures for a new party to 10,000 signatures, but shrinks the number of days to collect the signatures from 150 days to 60 days. The Green Party has been asking legislators to vote against it, since even if the bill doesn’t pass, the requirement will be 10,000 (due to the winning lawsuit last year).


Mixed Arkansas Ballot Access Bill Passes Senate Committee — No Comments

  1. “but shrinks the number of days to collect the signatures from 150 days to 60 days.”

    Reducing the number of days to collect signatures from 150 days to 60 days is going to make things a LOT harder for minor party and independent candidates in Arkansas. This is BAD NEWS.

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