Republican Nationwide Poll Released June 9

On June 9, Opinion Dynamics released a nationwide poll of registered voters who expect to vote in Republican presidential primaries. It was a telephone poll with 900 respondents. The results: Rudy Giuliani 22%, John McCain 15%, Fred Thompson 13%, Mitt Romney 10%, Newt Gingrich 8%, Mike Huckabee 3%, Ron Paul 2%, Tommy Thompson 2%, Tom Tancredo 1%, Chuck Hagel 1%, Duncan Hunter 1%. Under 1% were Sam Brownback and Jim Gilmore. Undecided and other are 21%.


Republican Nationwide Poll Released June 9 — No Comments

  1. Telephone polls like this are disinformation for the dumbest and commonest goats of the land. We are smarter than that..
    Bush is tearing this country apart at a quickening pace – might I add that Giuliani’s corruption is legend, the rest of these “top-tier” candidates are freakin globalists also financially invested in tearing this country apart, and outsourcing its wealth until we are so weak that wiping us out becomes clean-up. The only people that vote for candidates so corrupted are those that trust the MSM to bring them their news. These types usually have land-lines in their homes, and no Internet access.
    The revolution will not be televised – Ron Paul 2008

  2. I agreed 100% with Ron Paul comments; This is absolutely disinformation to backed Giuliani. FRAUD AS METHEY SAYS

  3. Thanks for the update. I’ll take it. I believe once his message is more widespread that Ron Paul will score higher, but given that it was a small(900) telephone poll, 5th place ain’t too shabby. There is certainly enough room in the debates for Ron. Without him it’d be 9 guys spouting stuff that is in no way indicative of what I’d like to see from my president.

  4. Honestly people that do these polls have land lines, are home during normal working hours (retired?) and voted in the last election as republican (noting that the republicans lost last election bad). These people are fine with what bush has done. We need men who actually stand up for thier beliefs like Tancredo Huckabee and Paul, you can hate their positions but they actually believe in what they say. Unlike Rudy who is as dirty as NY politicians can be (yea we know why he convicted Gotti, but thats cause hes from a different family, yea his father and uncle were as mafia as Gotti. Dont get me start on how he messed up 911 and got tons of cops killed when his advisors told him the wtc was the worst place to put a police office. )Guiliani, John (Keating 5 anyone?) Mccain, Mitt (At least he pretends to care) Romney ,and Fred (Hey lets toss in someone late so we cant figure out what he believes in, at least hes better then rudy) Thompson. We have good candidates (first batch Paul Tancredo Huckabee)lets see some tv stories and news paper articals!

  5. This poll is useless about Newt and Fred who aren’t even (offically announced as) running for office; these numbers should indicate that a large number of Republicans will sit home on Primary day, ceteris paribus. Also, the fact that 21% are undecided (or other) is great for smaller candidates like Ron Paul. ‘Leading candidates’ Rudy and McCain have been sliding since April, with Huckabee and Paul gaining.

  6. All the so called scientific polling organizations have been bought up by the owners of MSM and their objective is to influence the public. The truth is secondary. As a result of their lies, their polls are no more scientific and valid than internet polls.

    I don’t know what Ron Paul’s numbers actually are since their has not been a single valid scientific poll.

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