Shawn O'Hara/Rodney Martin Faction of the Reform Party Wins Jury Trial

On June 25, a federal court jury in Tallahassee, Florida, unanimously ruled that the action of the national party convention in June 2005, changing national party officers, was invalid. Therefore, the officers who were in office prior to that convention (and the faction that supports them) are the valid national party officers. Shawn O’Hara, who had been national chair during 2004 and 2005, had since resigned and Rodney Martin of Yuma, Arizona, had taken his place.

The Tampa convention had been called over the objection of Shawn O’Hara. The Tampa convention had chosen Charles Foster of Texas as national chair. Foster and his faction had then sued the O’Hara/Martion faction, alleging that the law on trademarks was being violated by their use of the name “Reform Party.” However, the jury ruled in favor of the defendants. The specific question answered by the jury was, “Do you find by the greater weight of the evidence that the vote changing officers at the June 2005 Tampa convention was valid?” The jury answer was “No.”


Shawn O'Hara/Rodney Martin Faction of the Reform Party Wins Jury Trial — No Comments

  1. I remember a lot of very nasty comments from this same Mr. Foster and Ms. Kennedy on this web site postings.

    I hope that Chairman Martin now sues these people for the fraud and harm these people have caused.

  2. Mr. Cassidy’s post here has no credibility. He has his own web site called 3rd Party watch in which he did a big interview with the man, Charles Foster, who has now been proven a fraud. Mr. Cassidy was informed that Mr. Fostyer was not legitimate and even refused to give equal time to the real Chairman, Rodney Martin.

    I suspect that Mr. Cassidy is involved with Foster and his phonies.

    Has Mr; cassidy posted the results of the Reform Party case on his web site, which is supposed to cover news about 3rd Parties???

  3. Mr Cassidy can be put in the same category with Mr. Foster and crew. Their deceit came back to bite then in the ass. The evidence proved quorum was not obtained in Atlanta. The evidence proved that any call to an Executive Committee meeting held in conjunction with the Natinal Committee meeting was invalid and a violation of the RPUSA Constitution. The call to an Executive committee meeting failed to provide and agenda item calling for a Convention in Tampa or the removal of party officers in an effort to deceive a majority of the membership. Finally how could they expect members of the ExCom to make plans to travel to to Tampa Florida on 4 1/2 days notice? The facts show that out of six members of the Executive Committee who voted to hold the in person ExCom meeting at least two were plaintiffs and the remaining four testified for the plaintiffs. All of these Excom members knew the plans for the Tampa meeting well in advance and made travel arrangements to get to Tampa well ahead of June 1, 2005 where convention facilities were already reserved. If you want to know the names of these deceivers check the evidence list in the court records.

  4. Memo to Austin Cassidy:

    Ya see the paradyme that Citizens For A Better Veterans Home has had to swim through after the legendary [but flawed] administration of Jeff Rainforth [in California in 2004]? Monks use to argue over the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin! These ‘pin heads’ are debating the number of pins dancing on the head of an angel!

    We have been trying to promote the Win Mill Peace Sign, Teddy Roosevelt, the Bull Moose, and other relavent icons for party and movement symbolism for years. We now think that the most appropriate figure is the ‘Circular Firing Squad!’

    Reform the Deform Party!

  5. Memo to Mr. D. Lake

    I have noticed your rambling on several posts on this site. All you do is attack people.

    Please get professional help.

  6. Austin Cassidy wrote:

    You’d think there was actually still a party left that they’re fighting for control of.

    Phil Sawyer responds:

    That’s okay, Austin. By 2012, the Republican Party will be keeping the Reform Party company in the minor political party department.

  7. For those of you who might like a more indepth look at the trial, issues and general view of what happened in Tallahassee, Florida regarding the trial and end results, go to There are two articles. One gives and overview of each day and one is on the final results.

  8. Just wanted to post a note for the record here:

    I have zero connection to the Reform Party or any of it’s members.

    I never personally interviewed anyone relating to the Reform Party.

    And I couldn’t possibly care less who actually becomes the chairman of that totally defunct organization.


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