Major Party Presidential Polls

On July 17, both Gallup and Zogby released polls for the major party presidential primary contests.

Republican results: Gallup reported Giuliani 33%, Fred Thompson 21%, McCain 16%, Romney 8%, Paul 3%, Huckabee 2%, Brownback 2%, Tommy Thompson 1%, Duncan Hunter 1%, 12% other or no opinion.

Zogby reported Fred Thompson 22%, Giuliani 21%, Romney 11%, McCain 9%, Huckabee 5%, Brownback 2%, Paul 1%, Hunter 1%, other or no opinion 27%.

Democratic results: Gallup reported Clinton 40%, Obama 28%, Edwards 13%, Richardson 5%, Biden 3%, Kucinich 1%, Dodd 1%, other or no opinion 8%.

Zogby reported Clinton 37%, Obama 25%, Edwards 11%, Richardson 3%, Kucinich 2%, Biden 1%, other or no opinion 20%.


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